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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ANEIV COAT. THE LAMARTINE. TI2E lanagomest Walking Coat introduced this T] s~e390n, RICHARD ALLEN, 52 HIGH-STREET. IRISII AND WEST OF ENGLAN D WOOLLEN HALL, 52 HIGH-STREET. * ATII, WL1DSOR, AND, SPLNAL J1AXS. B of superior make and finish, for Sale andJ fr Inquire at Amit-sley'j, 1t2, Cork-hill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TREA TE R O YAL, D UBLTNI-. 1 o4t ,oitively the Last Niebt but Five of the Engage- meat of Mies HELEN FAUCIT. 1. LEIGH MURRtY of the Royal Lyceum Theatre, bh permission of Madame Vestrie) will aleo make his yI ventth appearance iHIS PRESENT (Saturday), May 6:b, will be performed Southern's Tragedy of ISABELLA; O, TEE FATAL MtiARRAGE. Count Baldwin, Mr Roberts, Biron, Mr Leigh XMurray Jmbella ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEEN'ROAL THEATE R. :511 JOHN HtARItiS, LESSEE. CICAPsuccE.SISION OF NOVELTIES! N TI~lls EVENLNG- (Tuesday), Alay 30~th, 0-,lejc, perronellid an Original Pictorial Dramna of in- je'if v~nltited tl LIFE OF A WOMAN'; ?? C.Ul~sTE'rl:S 4 iIE Sr jin ;iisttt, r. Wilton ;Coloel Mr nitrt 1 ilt('sIa, Ir. II. Bedford; Fanny Roa y Ms 'l ?? Ciia Ie; DorcasDowney, A ?? Coward; Comic Pas De Deux, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MTEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. '4o5t p*mitively thie Last Night but Three of the Engagement of Miss HELEN FAUCIT. LFIG'II MURR'lAY, of thelloyal Lyceum Theatre (by l isr-ion of maldamli Vestris), will makie his Last Ap- 1lcaroce ?? r~h~S E ENIG (Tesdy),May9th, 1848, will L o lerlernirmd for the last timle the celebrted Classical * iagly from the Greek of Earipedes^, catled I 28*X IPIIIGE.N1A IN AULIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. VISD. rlHIMl1. FRI1. BAT, IN US 3 per :Ct ConS. 831 83 82u 82i 82 820& 82j1 31 per Ct. St. 83199 831e 63A 82j0 83 83i 83 82a L. Annuities. - - - - Bank Stork.. - lII_ ?? CallulSl.. -- IS-_ - Do Debs-prct - j-- - 31 - _ Do I)ebs Gpr t I- ?? 4prct 2- ! 21 Do Debs4prct e new ?? 70 _ hy\ do I1pr et-_730,_ Do lo 4 pler et i_ new . ?? - 4 prct ]ll: Off . I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fIIEA'fRb ROYA\L, DUBLLNs. l. special' P'atronage of thle M~usical Societies of ,VjE.y (Director of Music) begs respect- i 'li. to l~flilcC that his BENEFIT will take place (Friday), on wshich occusion Mr. ; 6118>,,; tiss kindly offered his services, and will appear sad m lv tinle this season. ;r 1W Its in the kindest manner undertaken lrj,;ilfe to i perfeul on this ocCaSiOtt. Miss DE LA 1 A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. esrarce of Miss HELEN FAUCIT, who Is \j5tb apP engaed for Twelve eights. rLEIGS MURRAY (of the Royal Lyceum Theatre), will alao smake his Ninth appearance. ?? present WVEDNESDAY, May 3d, 1848, will be performed the favourite Play of 'fTHE HUNCHBACK. ?? Clifford, M1ir Leigh Murray; Master Walter, I Caloraft; Thomas, Mr Duff; Julia, Miss Helen FcIt; Bolen, Mrs Ternan. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ol~ F1IETRE ROYAL, TA'TU~LIN. ;ti,.cI% tel Last Appearalice but' Oe, of Miss HELEN ?? LEIGIT MURRAY, ?? also makee his 2'ti, rifn begsi` rcspectfully to an- i tht his BENEFI1lT will taie place oni NG t(ThursdlAy), 25th o'f p18 48, Till' , Miss hELEN FAUCIT will mann er last rI, I* tll jOC. cehen will be perforiled S Bel- 0r tD t 'ls11E LADY OF LYONS; itl. LOVE ASI) iYl'I:ID. . ,;j. a,,.t M\lr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .DIP.. 949R gf-.i n EaS .espectfullyto announo9'that hs J3 y~. and the Last ~;ght of the IViastr ; atl IG($aturday)MyPowhc It'ar atEL , FAUCIT wil l app . it iben otpositivly bet ir arxe. r THE SRANGEstFR 'f, yranger,31r. Cokcrafti rj & -Soa n Aneite. Miss Mason; w iith, thietcl ifge .hnvi a ar widteli Tfor, thsoelio t Catlierthn'phuracte ?? 'fiet( of whilich it is is botsbla4hi oawi nritl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAtTRE OYAL, DUBLI. I ot ?? the Last Night but One of the Engagement of Miss HELEN FAUCIT, On which oceasionl she will appear in Two Pieces. Mr. LEIGH 3MURRAY, of the Royal 1Lyceum Theatre (by ,rnission of Madame Vestris), will make his Last A - ~eance but One. TIS EYENG (Saturday), May h, 18-18, wsill be performed by desirc of manyliarties, irE. I. Buhver's favourite Plav of ?? TIIE LAI)Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYA NATIONAL REPEAL- ASSOCIATION. rpHE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- JL IA110N OF IRELAND will meet on W'EDNES- DAY, the 17th blay instant, at One o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOS.I *c The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ,AcL3XATs enrolled within Twelve Months; they Will occupy'the fdoor of the HaDl, tfie benches zind-r the end gyaUll- and idso the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --jHEATRE ROYAL, DUBL=iN. eraver of Misi HELEN FAUCIT, who is g11hth appee engaged for Twelve nights. fGH ,IURRAY (of the Royal Lyceum Theatre), 1. il also make his Seventh appearance ls )PRESENT TUESDAY, May 2d, 1848, sill be performed the celebratei, Clasaical Tragedy, fri the Grek of Euripides, called r0mths~re IpHIGENIA IN AULIS oida ,ted to the Modern Stage by Mr. Caloraft). Mr Calcruft; ...