... FASHIONVABBLE INTBLLIGENCE. I Sir Robert Peel arrived at Osborne on T ?? gnd heg the honourofjoining the royal cirole at dinner. The righthon. baronet remained at Oaborne yesterday on a visit to ber ajesty and Prinlce~ Albert. The following order was issued yesterday- St, James's Palace, April 29, 1B84.-The Lord Chamberlain has been corn- ruanded to announce to the ladies who shl at'ltend ...


... I-Musit. HMMAsr' TEm .- nsatra. eveni~ the Barbiere i siviglia was perforred, for Ye ddbotR Signor Labocetta in the 'paErt of Couit Almoviva.,. TXis ia Sentlemanl comes, we understand, ftom Berlin where he It said to have gained coniderable reputation. lie is certain C a 8inger of merit, but nothing co~d bavehbean more injui- - cious than the okoice, for his. cod4'e i here,.of a cba.' S ...

Fine Arts

... ? jet ATO. .w4Tm IMaBDONN AT TER OLD BOITY OF PAXINSM IN WATIER.MOLOUB'& .The PVIvate view of the old Sciety of -Painte ini 'WAtt eolours, located in Pall-maU But took place on; Sd tl3day. It ii the whole a -ery ?? Indeed like former years, with pretty nearly the same lbt of exhibitors and the same description of piotures-landscapes of course predominating. It is easy to imagine a colleetlon f ...


... LITBRATURE. Now on Heraoftu; orgiroa aad sed from ase but .oftmmentors. B1i DAwsBo Tunmal, M.A.. the mijorty .of our. readers, especially in these a rring imca but little for learned productions butreolD onsn ff e ?? oweonce derived from .the pictured Pae of old Herodotus induces us to give a, ,pu . noe to, the above-mentioned 'work.- No . mate is reater than to suppose that, becus the father ...


... Adertfoad. NE WSPAPERS. BVY BDWI S HENRiY BRaRINTo. Youth asks Age of its politics, and finds that the love of them has not abated, and that the newspapers are wel- come still. Old Man, thou sayest well; From Newspapers the world instruction borrows, Truly, likl the Arabiisu Tales, they tell Of joys and sorrows. ''Tis pleasant sure,' So Byron sail, 'to see ones name in print.' Ask the pale ...


... 'A : ft. : PMLEAMomNI SOmmTY.-The'third conairt, ;'abt [O evening, beganwitl the symp ony lately cc oin ed' ly ,t or dr for the society, and now perfbormed for. toiefjrq' tine.:, It ie is a masterly work; strongly mlle d 'with the 'uthov'specu- Xfo liar. manner; but, on the wl le,'posesised'of greatekt breadth' 9e and freedom than his productious, igneiillv exhibit'. ;.,till, pr however, as ...


... ROYAL ACADEA[Y EXHIBITION1 The eightieth anniversary exhibition of the Royal Acadeiny was opened to the public yester- d~ay. An immense assemblage of' people crowded the rooms from all early hour in the day till late in the evening; so dense indeed wvas the crowd, that it was a difficult matter to obtain a view of the principial works exhibited. From the inspection which wve were enabled to ...


... 3 ic1itly No. 90. TIE RURAL. CYCLOPEDTA. Edited by the Rcv. John Al. Wilson. P'art 12. Edinbulirgl, London, and Dublin : A1. F'ulkit'/0o1 ?? Co. W1e nrc niost happy to resume our notices of this most valuiahlc agricultural work, the publication of which had becn in tcrrnpted for some timnc, in consequeuice of the recent calamitous fire, by which vast injury was (lOTIC to the ?? and stock of ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... Jras)iolt allb uable ialff. VICEREGAL COURT. On Wednesday eveninig, the dininer circle at the Viceregal Lodge coinplrisciI tliair Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant aitti the Countess of Clarendon, Iss RoYal ilighiless Prince George of Cambridge, the lion. Mrs.Villiers, Lord and Lady iiillhamore asid tihe lion. Misses O'Grady, Lord and Lady Castlemaine and the llon. Mrs. Ilandeock, tle Rigiht ...

Fine Arts

... ?? i us. ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. 'ie There is no concealing the fact-this y'as exhi- lee bition is no advance on former, exhibitions. This afaralt W i only an average display of our British sohool. Critios will .ai ot course think differently; and there are several fine pic- PO' tures which they will at once appeal to, and with perfeot s0 safety, in support of the partioular view they ...


... PHIL[IHARMONlC CONCERTS. The third concert, whidh took place lest night in presence of a crowded audience, was interesting On ?? of the novelties contaited in the programme, no less than the ap- proved works of the great masters, which are always welcome The selection was as follows:- PART I. Shifollia, No. 8, IS ?? . ?? SPotnR. (Written expressly ior this Society). Aria, Licte voci (Zaira), ...

Literary Notices

... ! ~Ifrar)13ico F(111`8tL'I SLIFE AND AttoEt.'-rueaa OF OLIVFOt GO L DSM I ?? t is a maric of moerit to have so used old facts ais lo throw It 110W and ?? light Upon themi. - The great feau,we hoe'voer, ofAir. literstcr's O1liver (,tildsmit, Ia Pit Jj ap ?? is the so~n Ii ent That per. T~i des it- it hoo exeio not la g reelilesttn ss or ito- pru~dence, or noridtrating the evl ofovorsszs or di ...