Advertisements & Notices

... ltsi ell~anwoux.~ ,> THE HULL PACKET NE WSPAPEIR tND GENERAL P R I N T I N G OFFICE, r 22, WHITEFRIARIGATE, BULL. 0'f9IHOS. FREgEBODY informs his Friends tc IL and the Public, that every description of LETTER pi PRESS PRINTING is executed with Accuracy, w Elegance, and Despatch. S. Posting Bills, Hand Bills, Auctionecro' Catalogues. ?? &c., on the shortest netice. to The following Genuine and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -OR PURIFYING THE BLOOD AND o FSTRENGTHENING the DIGESTIVE ORGANS.- 7RENCH'S SARSAPARILLA and CHAMOMILE.-A genuine fluid extract of these well known valuable medicines. It is' suited for either sex, and will pro v a certain cure for mind of gestion, loss cf appetite, dimness of sigbt, fainting fits, wastino of the flesh, languor, slks diseases, rheuwatic and nervous affections, and all ...

Published: Sunday 04 June 1848
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5839 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ;=iI EROYAL, DUBLB TH R TIEATRE will re-open for the SUMM .E R AJ Nthis present MONDIAY, June 12th, 1848; on I'l~ell oeh ,i~ l McC 1i, WrisLE and Mr. D. W. KING. of the '1,o rre l~val, Drarancd Covent-garden, -rwho are teed for EIG1T N\EIGIITS, wvill make their First Ap- perdo5 a we will cotilence with Belllini's Grand Opera llL~~ Icr ~ of the SONNAMBULA. t ,, r. D. W. King ; Amina, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NMIL. RSEDUCED SCALE OF RATES TIT TITE ROYAL FARMERS' AND GENERAL FIRE, LIFE, AND HAIL INSURANCE INSTITUTION. Capital £500,000. Empowered by special Act of Parliament. STAMP DUTY PAID BY THE OFpIvCR. AREDUCED SCALE of RATES, adapted to meet A q iny probable reduction in the price of grain, has been ar- ranged, so that parties may secure themselves, both as regards quantity per acre and price. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTtILAING YARD, .; NEARK GOSPOT. T NEA- - OSPO . 1lh June, 1b48. To it XTOTICEisherebygiven-I -7tat on TEaiRSDt A the A I i- ,:Y 22nd Instant, I shatt be ready lO. receive P F. enders in writing, sealed' up5 and treat for y. st 2 1,500 QUARTERS of WHEAT, to -weigh 60 jtmuds a e - per Bushel; overweight to be paid fr; haif to a be delivered in a Fortnight from the day of Con- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WVOODLE'FORD. SALE OF HOUSEB.OLD FURNITURE,_PIANO FORTE, VA AND EFFECTS. 5 AIr. .OION- IEPPruelias roeivolve. Instsuotions from the Ex- e ecultors, Of shle late Mr. John Blroadhsead, of NWoodlesford SI eteresaid, to SHTLs~Liby AUCTION, on tine promises. ess bln- Ic rls, ileet, 'the, Fiflth of June, 14411, ALL ;the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNI- Al At- TO RI asndt other EFFECTS, consisting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CioMPANY,%lE:CLAL EXC ECAt.2IGEZ ;ST -- ECO>2T STITE ZT. ?? Aaseel a'dsll ?? ;ren o ' iel'way S~, r the putrpose df aaiway~- ] ad; theerconvertibleS~ n}sr . t 4 .t the rtte of FIVE andI vla'; ?? a' CF; 4.3' A, k -'rSF. tirL ftrtrher notice,I L te, in scoots not eraeeding £2000 , a t 31lr>;ervtt .e e n : ,$ S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARE ACINOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST MIEDICINEI IN THE WORLD. ill the following Testimonials to the notice of tile -li int nstamrvy not be out of place inl giving a few observations v p l- pitts Lvr PILLS. This nnedicinc has been before reti~e~ h public onily a few years, and perhaps in the annals of ?? seen success equol to their progress tile ~l sofithis cdichite were at once aclinoowlndged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. T WJANTEID, by ELps Wl~~o~ngile Young Man, a SI'TUA- tin Faml do broad. Callcagod haatr fro .hs ast t11xin Ai'tan-Mrs t;r tteir~ to. A. It., lTATD inaMR AN'OFFICE, a PERSON BUSN3IS led o UPEINTND hoINand OUT DOOR hl apl h ndmk hmefgeedyuseful. None floed BOO ntad elacxrtnein the above capa- Po ciyad eerne Jt~erpoyriseuie.-Apply by letter, cacti ANTEFD, a PERSON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4Ifrtcellncous. I ISCHWEPPE & CO. a . MJanufacturers of SODA WATER, LEMONADE, and~other ierated Waters, by Special a upoitment to her Majesty, *l and all the Royal family, No. 51, BERNERS ST cE .r, f LONDON; Branch sanufactories at Liverpool, Bristol, c and Derby. rl The continued preference of the Public, throughout ft the United Kingdom, so abundantly proves the superior % quality of the ...