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Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. co~ FEIMALE PENITENTIARY. WI ~~A TED, a LAUNDRESS for the ab~ve Instituitoan 'bout ut Wi 35 years of rise, well qualifi toi~re II VYeung- Women in Naslieg Ironng, ettinq uip Fine Linen. N.B-A Pers' ou of cuntry weill be preferred. Ap)pli- cation to be nado c Penitentiary, at Ten o'clock on tues- day Morning.Hi Ffalkncr.,treet, June 13th, 1848. eo an W ANTED. a clever active ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ByOUSEHOL, FURNITURE, &mOu BY sjss~ WLKER AND BIRD, r net the 5th Inst nt, at Eleven o'clock Fpreiely, Po Idn MaSy hex Premises. No. 3, Great Homger-street. lIE Tealning HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREA sdterEfCe of a Gentleman declining housekeeping, froi rina 8,tof MahOgany framned Chairs. Easy Chair, sofas Va~ ilogPae'roshea. and other Tables. Mahogan Cabinet. Fenders mobh W'Fml Painted,. French, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pNIING OF TILE NEW IND)EPE NDENT t~C IAtEL, CAVENDISH-STIREET C0RTNU5 ~d lil, P1.-n TnsavJoime,)' 2dt-I8, the Rev. Dr. HARUIUS, 1'rdlti o Chshan Cliege, wvill Preach ill the morning, liand' Pie It' rLETF-CHILD, of London, inl the evening: service to I atladpat six. On Sunday, Junei qIltI thefleV. Ir. ItAFFL iS, of Liverpool, will Preach inl the0 miorch ,ai Re. S. MARTIN, of WVestminhster, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * OPEN DAILY. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. SHAKSPEARE'S BIRTH-PLACE. Mr ,h4s, lvii ben jirdareri. at, a considerrble outlay, to itdd ATKil: f-Aia irsl. in zac, form, lind c lour. in an oppro- pluto part (If the Grouodf, of tire Bithplacs oIf the .I M 31 itIT AL SFT A K SPE A RE, AT OTIiATFOHO iPlO.' Lion 'oeINfbEnlIndvs reasit IIR~d. wil. ar oneglaO 0 horextreme fidelity! t bears tote nrriat ilouoo e, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 1 Suggestions, arguments, and inquiries may be anony- 0' 10oo1; but facto and allegations must be authenticated a by name and addrese, for our own information. Letters D on business, or intended for the editors, should be t1 t addressed to the firm, or to the editors, and not to a any individual. . A pressure of public business has prevented our usual Pattea- P tlion to oorrespondents to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C A U T I O N. The etensive praotice of MessrY R.and L. Panuyand Coe, tb continued demand for their work, entitled the Sj1rET FUEaNr, (one hundred and twenty-five thousand copies of which have been sold), and the extensive isle and high reput1 of their Medi. clues, have Induced some unprincipled persons to assume the name of Pmutr, and closely imitate the title of the work and names of the ...


... 1?? LATES'T1 NEWS. II hN~iy, Ft ~ r ~balesI Al InNY AI.IRiETrs.-Cit/i, Tivitc/e d('Cic/..- iThe coit The thii ntal ad vices received thisi 5norifing aria looked upon ats steanin Id beiig niore to fravotirabie even O mi for soin a days past, the cil wietlier its regardis the stote of affair iii Gertianv, Italy, hid I or F'rauice. At HIamnburg, last 1Tueedlay, tle exchialnge onl Genler IC oudotn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go At Suggestions, argunmentsoand iliquiries maiy be anony-. mous ;but facts and allegations must be authenticated by nameand address, for our own informattion. Letters on business, or intended for the editors, ohould be addressed to the firm, or to the editors, and not to any individual. FLORAPL Ireguiav.-1 Another Loyer Of Nature aays,- la5gn- stwer to tie question, in your last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C A RGO for all thesm ships will be received In the order ot priority of arrival at the Wharf, oin MONDAY, TURSDOAY, an Po r U1 Until Six O'clock in the EVEN~INGOof WEDNE8DAV preceding the day of sailing. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, pered. Aj~poluted by the Admiralty to mall betwese LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, =Icl And between LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK,- ,siil RR at HALIFAX to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMVO{TAF SAE 0 PAER AN5GI3IG5. YMSSSWAKR& BIREDI on Monday ne, te1hinstant, at islepen o'ciofil precisely, j~ it their R~ooms, 55, Ohurolt-street, Choice and extensive assortment of Paris and C A o~on~o PAPER HANGINGS, including Flock, Satin, I GothiC. and other Papers, of the bes manufacture. the moat a Ienid nd ewes deign. sitabe fr eerydescriptionto ROWSn 11alls, Statircases, &o. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRD EDITION. Exrmincr QOifce, Tivo o'cioak. TAKES NO SALT. To be depatched j poositilyjIint lot/y, I l e g-cater For CALCU l'T\, tlho sey it iof s:Uiit well-lo n, regular tradiit) 1, 1 hii-builh Ship, Register, 458 Tolrt 51 lGHT C, tialer. For terams of freigbt or pussnao, Mrl, tr Ar. W. I. Mclauoclt Or, to M1l N, M I llA'TY. a cO. i 1,\ wter.,itiet, iv-erpool. JONDON & N01 H 1' R A1 W 'AY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHNUALL-A : EG S t at h~a yt, n 8 cons que sce ofo hjee ngifage dl ts, e g J) is ta ,int stay, ur caB a nnot ber c on,,o; eeninued fnti orer ,t a ,t a three o ?? fo rwe ke fo t h ere f te the fote,per' sonp rzw eho =T ~ f i t ish ttemens lvet s ofal otes aepb g y forthe eror of -diseases, will dowell- toi lt apply ivth delay. A P ATsTO every TuesdaY, l stirsdtY satir Satu.a y, Sn at No. ato. ...