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Advertisements & Notices

... on W 16thanada tb th M!t bo' t Shi COLnWOI)(Pl fto Dausnb ?? omne yn ,Pjyi ~ WILI AM, FE10lCATEaneC.~4 lnc Lmi4i N TC -to HWPPZHS.-Ft~ UIA'LVUTJrA W. Thofino *cl lp{PR, i60 tons;.ZMtrttla: mH WILLA1 cati 2 U'lc oMonjfzty~ W P ?? proed Has sporor acbommodatlont for at ?? aHIPPE apply t HOB~.Duio Nh finehe dx*irs-ce ship CHINA, 630 to- PERGBO, o ~oder now loadina btiAh~ t ehale wl eev od ,,II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j LIFE ASSURANqCE OFFICE, Fleet-- ?? 12, 1848.--NO'r1OE IS H EREDIT GIVEN] that In conefornmtli with tI rovisofs I the deed of settlbmeta a GlEys ffeRA Flhsotlhll3 on STUo~epletato will be held at the Do- Clratyb Off deo Fleel-atrecl, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of Jne inst., thnlf-l IsI o'clock, to elect six dlreolora mud two audlitors whoa thws9 wb,01o ot Oof office by rotation will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GUINEA WVORK-BOX.-Rosewood- lined, satin-fitted, complete with pearl reels, cutlery, silver thimbles, &C.-C. STOCKEN invites the public to inspect his elegant Stock of PAPIER -IACHE, WOOD, and LEATH ER AR- TICLES: comprising work, knitting, and glove boxes, inkstands, blotting-books, envelope and writing cases, cake, card, and note boxes, card-racks, &c., and every article for ?? toilet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~IDLLE. JENNY LUN.HEMJST' ?? EAfTIE - rho 11bilitV', patrons of ?? opera, niti1t the pull~te are caetli)informed that a RN XTAIH will take placec .aThursday next, June i, ont which occaslon Md~lte. J EN NY Li1Nt1) wsill have thea 1honour to appear usAttins~l, in Beillint's opefra of LA S0.NN~A~ftULATc be foltlowed with various enter- taittient ii ,Ih IilLE' DE-PARTME9NT, combining thle talents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AINT and PAPER CLEANER.-J. BUR- P RIDGE, Son and Successor of the late Mr. R. Burridge, of No. 7, Chenies-street, Bedford-squtre, HouHr Painter, Paint Cleaner, and Peper-hanger, respectfully informirs the Nobility and Gentry that he CLEANS GILT MtOULDINGS, Painted Ceilings, Stucco Walls, Wainscots, &c., nearly equal to new, Bed-room, satin, and India P'apers cleaned by a chemical process of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZEALAND CMPANV'8 BEV fto NLgaNEIW PLYMOUXTH WRLL!XGT1(IdOT'AGO 1,N, 7ewloaw ?? first-elam aseer ship, kSN l0A, W4 lognowilying in tho London Docrk, ?? despatcedas aboveona )QDAY the led Of JUly P1301t.fl4 -wil crry an.CSt~t7n. loew zcmtant~os,_ '1S Droa-steoct-buildlngs, ~j~1S1 ad NIV'H MEICAN ROYA and1107 an bewendLVE ~o ollw~g o oterveselsar apoinedto sail from LiverpoolI z IC.4,for BOST OV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITtE STATE ofALABAMA Ff VE PER CENT h SETEBtLING BONDS.-The HALF-YEARLY DIVIDENDS due in London on the lit day of Jitly, and on the first Monday iri Jwly next, with Meeasre. Reid, Irving, and Co., will be PAID by the UNION BANK of LONDON from those dates respectively. Lists may be obtained at the Union Bank, who will receive tht Conpots every Monday and Wedneeday, Io' payment each Thursday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH COLLEGE of HEALTH. | B road, London.-The following is a LIST of te AGES:: the SALE of MIORISON'S l'iLLS, the VEGETABLE U.NGt V:f MEDICINE in London and its vicinits:- 1i8, Strand ?? , The Hygvist-*l5> 65, Quadrant, Regent-street ?? Mr. Fiell. 53, Cantbridge-street, Fdgware-road .. -MrsGood. 1, Park-place, Mile-end-road ?? ,Ir. Lofts. 84, Lombar--street, Cornhill . ,Mr. Chapypel. 63, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D DLLE JNNY L1ND.eI1ER MAJESTY'S TFU. TII ArTRtL-The nobhlil, patronsl of the Opera, and the aeic ae res' c IiĀ° D EXTAN PE RA, si n ~ a r Pi~ll full).informed fhat a ORAND XR ?? which;N- CO Ci3RT. Mdie will take place Tothirsded, nexl Jnana ttel5, 5 on hie occasihon ; .flNN LIO il apea ~ r~ o ?? iTE CHARAC- aEhtNsT fAN i wi th vIadrO Ioe ofatertiatnpeats in the BALLET DEP'ARTMENT, combining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Hanwell.park Estates, rset MESSRS. DANIEL SMNITH awl SONrset ~fully appise, thle public Tibet they have DISPOSED OF thue MAN O fundl ARy antiralog -uof tile above eiuttsO, but that ?? Farm and somle contlif utis Isoti, ?? must Juiibe invistrments, are still opens for private ?? 15, 1d45._ 3fierfe.-Thiu sad dcligthtfuilly situaede reod.eta Porters, with its raignaglleetty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Ristorical Romance by the Author of Rienzi Eugene * ?? '&o. On the 9th of June will be published, in 3vols., post no., A R 0 L D; H The LAST of the SAXON KINGS. An Historical Romance. ySIR EDWARD 13PLWER LYTTON, Bart. Author of Eugene Aram.o ;tienni, The Last Days of Pompii sir. Richard Bentley, R~ Burlington-street. W' Orders should be immediately forwarded to the, Book- Sellers, ...

Published: Sunday 04 June 1848
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 724 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... SPERM CANDLES, Is. 6d. and Is. 7d. per lb. ; composite 8id., Idd.and lOid.; wna candles, Is.; Ger- man wax, Is. 2d.; flne waX, Is. 5d.; transparent, Is. 91,; best wax 2s. ld. * caadles, Cd.; waxed wick moulds, 7id.; Palmer's metallic, 73d. and Sid.; yellowsoap, 48s., 549. and 60s. per 112 Ibs.; mottled soap, 60s. and 04e.; Windsor and palm soap, Is. 4d. per packet; rose, 2s.; almond, 2s. 6d. ; ...