Fine Arts

... ffte rans. TXIE NEW PANo RnJ'~ AA~-Tha untirig, caterer for the Public,.Mr. Burford, of Leicester~square, hasjust opened another panorama for the present year, representing Paris as seen from the Place de la Conorde, now the Place de hi Revolution. At the olosseum P'ari is exhibited as seen by moonlight, and at the Paro oram as seen by dayligktr botP are good, and both so fuU Of faithffil ...


... - -- Old Mass, thou flayest well- From Newspapers tho world isostruetiof borrow a Traly, like fhe Arabian Tales, they tell Of joys and sorrows. Here stands the marriagelist- t Slome linked to bliss, and some to trotthle loated; And bore the record of whiom earth loath missed, Deeply regretted. A rosy of little strangers, Who may hereafter clad as malayf boartais; Doubatleos eold Mjathjus, ...


... LZ2I'RATURB, I ASP-oI ~ m.A Bures,' Peerage and Barontaqe. Tenth edition. Lon- don:-.1848. DodAeN Peerag4 Baronetage, and Knightage. Eighth year. The portly volume of the, Messrs. W. and 3. B. Burke, aristocratically encased, under the auspices of Mr. Colburn, in red richly emblazoned with gold, is too well known, even to the superficial observer of gentl6men's libraries (of which there is ...


... ENGLAND, THE CIVIlIZBR.- To all those among our readers who affection hig words, and new words, and new meanings for old words, and eurious contortions of the parts of speech, and grammatical innovation in general -to all who ?? ambition to become 'facilely learned in the science of civili- zational rivalities, ' intercivilizational rela- tions, civilizational cataclisms, ...


... Last night this house was crowded in every part, to witness the appearance of Madlie. Jenny Lind in a new part, that of Lucia, in Bellini's opera of Lucia di Lam mermoor. We have seldom witnessed a more magnificent or more impresssive per- formance. Both in its vocal and histrionic character the part was filled ii a manner which perhaps was never thought of before. Brilliant as the vocal ...


... THE PARSON, PEN, AND PENCIL.@ We bad read sonme way in these pleasant volumes before we could quite decide whether to admire most the engaging simplicity or the thorough good sense and right-mindedness of their reverend author. The Vicar of Borden is, we are sure, one of the best- temlpered of men, and willhmake us kindly welcome to a little innocent amnllsemnent at his expense. There is ...


... LANZAKSaRE ArxnMER~s sOCrTYS CATTLE ISHOW AN HAMILTON. no The a hnalshowof c~attle and dair'y produec, which we anj sah r. nounoed some weeks ago, took, place in the barrack lard, supr ?? Hamilton, on Friday the 26th of May. The Lanarkehire Society also0, ih continues to increase'vearly in extent and importance, and the wr at show of this. year far'eacelled all its predecessors, bath in thelo ...


... FASH IONS FOR JUNE. (From the' London and 7'aria Ladies' .fagazine of Fashion.1 Materials of slight texture are now mach in dematnd. Mousselines de sole of every colour, bareges, palmyriennes, and a new material partaking of the poil de chevre, with janonots and organdys in Persian patterns ; silk dresses of fancy stripes of the palest colours are made with three flounces en biais, the upper ...


... r The first grand floral and horticultural exhibition, open Ml e to all England, was held yesterday, in the Corn Ex- shi *r change Brunswick-street. In consequence of the un1a- e vourable state of the weather, the company was not 80 da 0 numerous as it otherwise would have been, although, of ') between two and three o'clock, the assemblage of ladies JII e and gentlemen from the town and ...


... Thc committee of this classical society we suppose thought use it due to their subscribers, through wchose liberality they 'iere CcI Cal enabled this seasonl to give the two ever-niemiorablc per- Doi forminnices of Blendelssohns Elijalh, to present themi with D Dri an entertainuteut of a light and varied character to contrast For vith the severe and sublinime gtrains of the Oratorio. It rG m ...


... A new comic drama in two acts, entitled The Spanish Afarriages, was produced at this theatre last night. There was nothing taking or telling in the affair but the title, which at the first blush assuming reference to a recent important incident In foreign policy, had really no distino- tive meaning at all when applied to the lucubrations of the author. In fact, The Spanish Marriages, like the ...


... pottrp* : ~ ?? ?? AiEDT OPIUL1.0 oh! that I stood upon some lofy tower, he Osf e the gathered people face to haco, That like God's thuudsc mlthtmW werds of power *Boll dowr the cry of freedom to ito bass I Oh I thatt my voioe, a stormlt above tailswroms, by 00id deav~e earth, a tir, and ocean, rend the sky ml itt the fierce earthquflke hout, 'To arms! to en ?? For troth, fame, *ce~dom, ...