Advertisements & Notices

... ltsi ell~anwoux.~ ,> THE HULL PACKET NE WSPAPEIR tND GENERAL P R I N T I N G OFFICE, r 22, WHITEFRIARIGATE, BULL. 0'f9IHOS. FREgEBODY informs his Friends tc IL and the Public, that every description of LETTER pi PRESS PRINTING is executed with Accuracy, w Elegance, and Despatch. S. Posting Bills, Hand Bills, Auctionecro' Catalogues. ?? &c., on the shortest netice. to The following Genuine and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;=iI EROYAL, DUBLB TH R TIEATRE will re-open for the SUMM .E R AJ Nthis present MONDIAY, June 12th, 1848; on I'l~ell oeh ,i~ l McC 1i, WrisLE and Mr. D. W. KING. of the '1,o rre l~val, Drarancd Covent-garden, -rwho are teed for EIG1T N\EIGIITS, wvill make their First Ap- perdo5 a we will cotilence with Belllini's Grand Opera llL~~ Icr ~ of the SONNAMBULA. t ,, r. D. W. King ; Amina, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARE ACINOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST MIEDICINEI IN THE WORLD. ill the following Testimonials to the notice of tile -li int nstamrvy not be out of place inl giving a few observations v p l- pitts Lvr PILLS. This nnedicinc has been before reti~e~ h public onily a few years, and perhaps in the annals of ?? seen success equol to their progress tile ~l sofithis cdichite were at once aclinoowlndged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 OR Purifying the Blhoo in all Eruptive Disorders, more particularly in the face,, in socrofula, szc. and also in those distressing ailments Which foliow the use *of mercurY, no remedyis equal to Sarsaparilia.-Abernethy's The best preparation of Sarsaparilla I have seen is from 3ir Hooper, of London bridge, prepared by a peculiar process in a steam ?? Astley Cooper's Lectores Sold in Bottles, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, NEWCASTLE. 11IS EVENING (FRIDAY), June 9th, ?? under the Patronage Of CaFT. PWEATHERLEY, SHERIFF Or NEWCASTLi, Being for the Benefit of MR LLOYD, Shakspere's Comedy 31tCft ADO ABOUT NOTHING! ?? ?? r E. GLOVER. BErA RIC . ?? FITZPATRICK. poE BERRY ?? LLOYD, A Variety of Singing and Dancing. To conclude with HIGH LiFE BELOW STAIRS. On MONDAY EVENING. 12th inst., AST NIGT OF THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conctdwihtll' ?? ot prvc stad aeO j~ondonwo l. 0~vl or by letter, ait ?? ,i becn~sulted petioflelY. Oxir JItretLoull- SI Bcii 1 Meor5.strebtt Ixodte TL n o ,tsix 'Austomical Engravilags 'on Aperd 31i05triited by Tweny- It el.. saints - tiehs~i, ne~ aidimprovd edition enlarged to 196 pages, pricoe amt nosSd.;byprost, dirct from theBstabliuhlmsnt, Se.d 54.mela ,2, oil - by post, dir ~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUND, e On Saturday, 3d instant, in Brown Street,,Anderston, SHEPHERD'S DOG.-If not claimed within ten days A from this date, the Dog will be Sold to defray expenses.v s Apply to Mr. George Murray, flesher, 399 Argyll Street. e FOUND, In Balfron, on the 3d inst., supposed to come frbm Clasgow, A LIVER-COLOURED POINTER PUP, which will be A given to the owner on his proving the same. If not C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZEALAND COMPANY'S SHIP for q, NEW PLYMOUTH, WELLINGTON,and OTAGO, iN 'zea ?? Passesrger.6hIp BLRNICIA, 648 lil , ne Ivngi the London Docks, will be despatelsed as above, on dodv tire 3d of July next, and will carry an experienced au_~p t New Zealand House; Or to Mt. Joseph Slayner, IRrae -B'ulachOr~.y order of the Court of D~irectors, THOMAS CUDBERT HARINGTON. Nvw ,%Zealand House, 0, road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Important Freehold Landed Inveetments, consisting of capital Farms, with suitable Farm Buildinga, aind about Sdven Thousand Three Hundred acres of rich Dairy and Arable Lands, let at rents amounting to about Ten Thousand Pounds per annurn. M ESSRS. FARE BROTHER , CLARK, c' LYE. 1tt are instructed to divide into Lois (unless acceptabie ?? are nsao for the purchlase of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SAVING OF FORTY PER CENT ' CAN BE EFFECTED BY PURCHASING YOUR CLOTHING AT PINDER AND CO'S 191, HIUMH STREET,. EXETER, flINDER and Co. take no credit, and tbev give none. They buy in the wholeale markets for cash, and theysell A for cash, end on no other terms. Thus they have no bad debts and no long credits to be divided amongst their customers; so that every customor is certain to have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1OTICH is HEREBY GIVEN that the flrot jN ANINUAL GERALMF)f-otthe S~uvoldft~of the AIUCHIT£ROTS CVLENI RS BUILDERiS'and GEN- BLAV' IE an R.ANNUITY end I1l St No. bexd~etvbet~ ith tofLondon. on the direatow. 0 ~ ~~~anaer & V N~ftl K1GDM LI ASSURANCE Tor COIP~Y-8 'aterloo-pheio, 1'all-mal). London, 07, George. ' 505001, s-gb 12St. Vincent-pAlVce 0lasow. 4, daegll T. ~ Dubln litabsne ?? ...