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Advertisements & Notices

... INFIRMARY F OR THEU SICK AND LAME POOR Of the Counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Dur- ham, and Northumberland. QUARTERLY COURT of the Governers |Awvtill be holden on Thursday, the 6th Day of July next, at Eleven O'C.ock in the Forenoon, when the Attendance of as many Governors as can make it Con- venient to attend is particularly requested. By Order, EDW. M. YOUNG, Secretary. Infirmary, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01IOWLANID'S TOILET' ARTICLES, einob of infallble attrilbttes.-RIOWLANDS' IrACCASSN11 OTL, for thle growth, and for preserving acid ?? file hurtian haii. Rowlands' Kalydor, for imoproving and beaiitify iig the slain and complexion. Rowlands' Odonto, or P'earl Deetirrice, foir pre~rvring and bilautify'ing trile teeth ani gains. B~ewatc of Spuriolis Imitatioris -some atie olerd-ci under the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU)iiICATIONS. HIE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. Ctx T., LT rwill be published on Thursday next, July B. CONTZNTS. 1. Head and Sterling on.Spanis Art. 2. Modern Chemistry. 3. Pope Ganganelli and the Jesuits. 4. Walpole's Letters to Lady Ossory. 5. Memoirs of Sir Forrell Buxton, Bart. 6t. Cabot's Voyage en Icarle. 7. Entails of Land. 8. Religion in France. 9. Italion Rerolutions. 10. State of Politics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE, SOLD BY AUCION, Atthe Royal Hotel, Grainiger Stret Newcastle upon Aty next, at T'wo Tyne, on Tuesday, the 4th Day ?? nxa w o'clock, * 1,dipsed of by prate Contract,) NE SEVENTH SHARE of te curyent- i n, going and vahlable COLLIERY. called SEATON DELAVAL COLLIERY, situate in the County of Nor'stuberlan~d. The coal-field held by the Owners of the Colliery, comprising an Area of 3100 Acres ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. WHEAT BY AUCTION, HIlE SUBSCRIBERS will offer by AUCTIO, an Fll. L DAtY (this day), the 30th instaant, at TM';LV o'clock, on board the Abel, lying at Donegall-Quay, abouf 60 Tons Old Irish lI'fE.17, of good quality. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS, & CO. Belfast, 6th Month, 30th, 1848. JOSEPII LOWRY & CO., 921 Auctioneers and Brokers. SALE TIlS DAY. INDIAN CORN BY AU CTIO [OBERT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTIIEAT''lE rOYAL, DUBLTN. T hc l ire- Nigllt of MIr. I alfo'a New Opera, l|a-i . 1`l1teldc hait ouc of the eminient vocalists, *IP4S lO ?? tMRI. D. W. KING. 111, present THlUTRSDAY, 29th June, 1848, [ 1 \jil lie prodelul the nlleww a1( populalr Opera, as per- ttheatre Rioval, I)ryry-lailc, called 0111 'I '1 II O X 1) 1 A N. (Illlii cnitircly ?? by Mr. Baifc ; the Dramat wvritten by MIr. BoLDn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -,,SXrRAS CHOCOLATE. bR DELA MO0TTE'S NUTRITIVE,HEALTJ RESTORIING, AROMANTIC CIOCOLATEll PI13PARSOi FROX1'THE NUTS OF M F~ AS- SAF[AS T(ILE, Eerld by the Pateanttee, 12, Soutshamnpton ite Stran i, Loiidrsa. rj Il~lS Chiocolate contains the Peculiar virtues of tire Sassifra. ' itee,. wss Itithe been lorid held in great crl~ifo r' it~ e urirfyifl i all ( i'o ,r' ive properties Tihe are. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .3~injura*ce ~tc~ LOMS'A N6 RAC.] A .Established 1824.12 parties having Annual Policies failfug due on the 24th of jUNO ame respectfully informed that .11honwdrionew the asaue within fiftee asfo h a ~ LATHWH NMR, un.), aICatf~t. RobertI F~wM WDELEY.3, eolestret.H. B. H JG&5 ATKNSO. 25 Noth Jhfistret. . IH. Li LITERLNI3and011031 42 Lod-sret. Edwaird Thirt, VIELIVERPOOL AND LONDON FLRE the proi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *t DOG LOST. Lost, on the Morning of Weinesday last, A LITTLE WHITE CURLY FRENCH DOG, with At clipped feet. Any Person bringing it to 349 Argyll Street, or to Mr. Barr's, 4 Lansdowne Crescent, Great Western Road. will be Rewaroed; and any one detaining it after this notice will be prosecuted r Glasgow, 29thl June, 1848. DOG FOUND, On Friday last, by the Police. HE ?? be Sold on MONDAY First, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ElMAJESTY'S THEATRE.- H M. T RALIERG lots the hornour to annuatoce that his CONCERT wilt take Place ou Monday, July 17. A Progroamme of thle ara'angcmento will be shortly annoouoced. 1BY COMMAND OF HER MIAJESTY. rTjHEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-It is ..respeclfully, osaounced tttot, by special commanod of lhor most gracio R Majesty the Qjeorn, oul Moodoy, July III, will bar praoosledt theellrat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY COMM1ANI) OF 'dER MAJESTY. THEATRE ROYAT,, DRtURY-LANE.-It iS reospecifull! auiloaniee:; that, by special comnmand of her moel raclots Majestv (le tjuelr, on Mollfdoy, July 10, will be presenter Ihe first three aets of bignakespeare'i, historical play Of HENRY TiiE EIGHTH, which termir 10 with tihe foil of Cardinal WolseY. Afletr wind vill be pe rornilld, in, three acts. Colmno's comedy of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. rmI. AT. I MON. rl rvBD. r. 3 per Ct Con.S 83 op 8311 o 83o op 83 3 MO 83J mo: Reduced Do.. - -_ _ _ 33 per Ct. St. 8313 531i 833331 8313. SAji 8not L.Anuuities.. - - - _ - - - Vank 8tock - G. Canri St - - Do Debn6pr et _- _ Do Debs .prc t - - I)oDcbs 4prct - Do Debs4prct Cltydoiprci - 70k - 71 - = Dodo 4 perct new.|- - __ - - 4 pr et Bl3 Off0 ...