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... LONDON, JULY 21, 1848. £ s. O IRON—Bara Wales .ton 6 0 6 15 Nail rods. 7 15 815 Sheet „ 9 15 Bars 8 10 Welsh cold blast foundry pig a r. ( Scotch pig b Clyde 2 6 Rails, average ..i Q J Chaiis ••••«••• o Russian c CCNl) .i.iii.'iiiii 17 0 2 Archangel.. i.'iiiii. IS 0 Swedish d, on the spot .i 11 5 t Steel,fagt .iiiiii 15 0 keg»e 13 10 i COPPER -1 ,le 87 10 D lough cake 79 10 A Best selected 82 ...


... (Continued from the 5th page.) SWANSEA. AN IXQUEST was held on Saturday last before C. Collins., Esq., at the Angel, Greenhill, in this town, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of Edward Owens, a lad about nineteen years of age, son of a widow residing at Greenhill. It appeared that on the preceding day, deceased, with two other boys, ascended that portion of the Graig ...


... (Corrected to May 5th.) FROM BRISTOL TO LONDON. Exprs 1,2, a. Mail. 1,58,3. itxprs i Mail. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. | P.M. P.M. I'.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Bristol 8 10 7 0 7 40 8 35 11 0 10 0 10 45 12 40 1 44 3 45 6 0 8 45 11 60 Bath 8 26 7 20 8 30 9 0 11 40 10 30 11 8 1 0 2 0 4 8 (i 23 9 15 12 10 Swindon 9 25 8 30 10 2b 10 23 1 20 12 15i 2 101 8 55! 5 25j 7 35 — 1 25 Dideot.OxUunc. 9 53 9 ...


... FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE.—BVNKRUPTS. William Hartley, baker, Banbury, Oxfordshire John Charles Weippert, music-seller, Soho-sqttirc R. II. Watson, manufacturing chemist, E!don-pIAce, V aruball C. Sims,Wharfinger, Dimmock's wharf, Upper Ground-street, Suricy Thos. Ketland Adams. gun manufacturer, Birmingham John Nicholls, earthenware-manufacturer, Lougton, Stokeu,on-Trent George Cowan, draper, ...


... CORN EXCHANGE. MOMIAY. Throughout last week there were large arrivals of foreign spring corn. Of wheat there was a moderate quantity only reported, and the English arrivals generally were moderate* The tendency of prices was towards an advance for wheat' and lower rates were submitted to for barley, oats, and beaDS. I his morning the show of samples fresh up to market waS 00 rhe whole limited. ...


... G LAMORGANS HIRE. SCHEDULE of FINES, FORFEITURES, and PENALTIES, Paid or Payable to the TREA- SURER of the COUNTY of GLAMORGAN, from EASTER to TRINITY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1*48. Sum By whom Sum payable, W .c!nl Name. •. but not to be pallJ, or pal.. 1 Remarks. paid. Caerphilly■ £ s. d. f. s. d. John Lewill 0 10 SylvaHus Price 3 0 John Saffell. 3 0 0 Committed. Henry Lewis 0 David Jones 0 5 ...


... AGENTS FOR THE MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN. LOCAL AGENTS- Abergavenny—Mr. J. H. Morgan. Chevtrsychan~Mr. Somers i* 5tatl°ners, irc. i'?rtre7Mr: 1,fice- demist. office C°8SenS' PMt* AS»?.tSKre;, printer? ('ardijt—Mr. Jjird n'ostoffice T Mr. Carey, bookbinder. Cricklioirell—Mr 'Williams j..n Mr. Davies, stationer. Post Office. ...


... IIIGLE IVAfElL. DAYS DEPTH I MORN. EVEN. DOCK GAL' July, 1848. H. M. H. M. FT. IS 6 44 29 9 17, MONDAY 7 4 7 25 30 10 7 44 8 4 31 19, WEDNESDAY 8 22 8 41 31 9 1 922 3;)$ 21, FRIDAY 9 42 10 5 29 10 27 10 51 28 WEEKLY CALENDAR. July 16—Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Morning Lessons—1 Sm:. 12. John 4. Evening Lessee 1 Samuel 13. 2 Thes. 3. Moon's Age—Last Quart., 23rd, llh. 28m. morning Sun M°nthj ...


... INTELLIGENCE. VESSELS LOADING FOREIGN. Ships. Masters. Where Bound. Cargo. Merchants. Arvuin Vinel Boston .iron ..Thompson & For man Robertson .James York ..iron ..W. Crawshay Thomas King llobbins .Ca!Uio-« .coal V. Powell Perseverance Lamb Alexandria .iron ..W. Crawshay Charles Clark Todd .Genoa iron ..Guest & Co. Anne Williams Mideira .coal ,T. Powell Gwain Maid..Lle»e|lyu .Cronstadt ..iron ...


... PRICES OF MANURES. PRICES OF MANURES. Agricultural Salt, 30s. per ton Nesbitt's Manure (prepared A Ikalies, 28s. and 425. per cwt, bv 'he London Manure Co.), Boast and CO.'F ( bowj I nor- £ 8. to £14. per ton, accord- panic Manures, from 6s. to ing to crop lis. per cwt., according to Nitrate of Soda, £14. 10s. to crop £ 15, per ton Boast's Guano, £ 9.9s. per ton Nitrate Potash (s-ltpetre), ...


... FROM FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 30. J. Richardson, hosier, New Oxford-street. S. W. Rickman, innkeeper, Hailsham. W. F. Thomas, tailor, Hanover-square. W. H. Pitt, engineer, York-place, Pentonville. J. Saunders and E. Turrell, late of Fleet-street, publisher* and the latter also of Oxford-street, straw-hat-maker. J. Betts, upholsterer, Winchester. [IN THE COUNTRY.] T. Martin, miller, W ...


... VESSELS IN NEWPORT DOCK Thorndike. 395 Count barque 322 Eleanor ship 357 Arone brig 270 Peoline brig )* 195 Sylphide. 314 Swallow sloop 74 Sarah Maria Ann schooner .[.! 1S6 ship o oo.o.. 704 Eldon. barque. 396 brig 300 419 Marchioness 230 Douglas. barque 450 Caroline. barque. 216 103 Christian Till 382 H. H. Boody ship. 730 Thomas B. Wales barque. 685 Ligusto. barque 261 JuliusCaesar ship. 737 ...