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Advertisements & Notices

... WtiBIifc Xlrnu~tetuttd. R HEiATRE ROYAL, WILLIAMS0ON-SQUARE, l rUnder tbe ianafement of Mr. SIMP8ON, WIll OPEN for aSilOIT SEASON, on MONDAY nextthe 10t ¢arnt on which Occatlon (u der the patronage of the Right iion. the Earlof SEPTON) those talen ed Artigtes, lr}. AND MIRS. CHARLES KEAN, will appear in a new and original Play. in fivo aets, entitled the Sir WaiarAnYott. ; .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H LE CHURCHI OF ST. JOHN THE T1 EVANGELIST, SALFORD, will lie solemnly Dedicated - on WedneodnAY, August 9th, by the Rlight Rev. Dr. RI1fOWN, ni Bishop of Tion, and VA. of the Latucashii-odistrict. 'I11e service will commence at eleven o'clock a.m. with the Office of Thirce, c which will' be sung in choir, by the bishops and clergy assisting; %i after which a Pontifical High Mass will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , Suggestions, arguiments, and inquiries may be anony- mous ; but facts and allegations must be authenticated by name and foddresg, for our own information, Letters on business, or intended for the editore, should be addressed to the firm or to the editors, and not to any individual. THE WAT1a SVPPLV -We under-tatd that the daily supply of water whiob bas lately been given to thtt ...


... LONDON, FRIDAY EVENING. bi Several of the Irish members of the house of commons tl bad lengthened interviews with Sir George Grey this morni- ing, at the Home Office. The Duke 0± Wellingiton also had L an interview with the right lion. baronet-Standar-d. MONEY MAIARET.-C'it!J, Tive ve o'locek.-The funds thlts 0 morning opened at the same price as they did yesterdays pre- vionls to the receipt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ce RIAOISTRIVAL MAXIM&, AND GAOL EXPCIIIIINCY; NEW BLOOD, &a.-Commeating si h iso inIvln the thlea'puzzle,, ]Y notlced inour last, A. Y. Z. of Low-hlill says,- amtnuot JS about to trouble either YOurselveser the public with a long ex preafrebtrelative to teelection of gaoler, on Saturday ;e, los, ut erey ishtomake afew eomments onthe stigma tly thrown on Liverpool as not being able to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHIS EVENING, Tuesdary, J Illy 25t1, IIENRY1 T VINCENT will deliver leis C ntcluding LECTREI e h EUROPEAN MlOVEMIENTS,' e!idiag the Temporaries M~vc. ment, the Boxed ol f Brothesrho~t ant Peace, Sel~l' loformtione Alliance of'Nations, Var, Arbitr /uon. linttoBuu-itt, Peace Exein- sion t Paris, &c. at the NIECHANICS' INSTITIUTION stret. T comenc ateigiit o' leci. O Cooere- SilnSixpence, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0.1 Irv ttt~fW~f 11 gug Siiageatiess, sgumtenis,and inqltoUe ittmy be unony, so eou; but facts and allegations must be authenticated by nameand address, for our own information. Lsettera on business, or intended for the editors, should be addres8ed to the firm, or to the editore, and not to any individual. r.- a, Ds:ATHIX TsHE FI3L DS,- G. 4. S., Valikner otretdemands i, ,and desertes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L4ANy1DHNTlAL ADVICE IN VASESS OF DEBILTY, XZRVOUSXES. AND ALL DISORDORS ARISING FROM1 EXCESS. SeO. I HETABLIFR~fhEse klast SIXTEENV YEARS. ROFESSO'1 SWEDOUIVIS aLYGEIAIS P HERB PILLS, &o.-The Stieblatod CORDIAL BIALMd or WithA teboof Professor Swedour's Hyglan Herb Pills. Vfc , d.jn 4q. fid. pecr box, is given extracts from the SectO1 AielO? cnljog obiservations and hints of imsporl~tine to J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLERICAL CHARITY. EHr ANNUAIL MEETING of the Governors of the Charity for the Relief of the Necessitous Clergy , their Families, within the Deaneries of Amounderness, Lons-lale, Kiendal, Furness, and Copelaud, in the Arch- deaconry of Richmond and the Dioceses of Chester and Mfjlchester, will be held at the King's Arrzs Inn, Lancas. ter, ou Wednesday, the 26th- day of July, 1848,,on which 3 a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTO - Every Friday and Saturday, at:'Mr. C HAN S , Tailor and Draper, 80, Cannon-street' ' o LANCASTER - Every Wednesday and Thuirday, at w .Is. Pt aSIN 9s, 2, qhuroh-street. . . -- N SECOND ANNUAL VISIT.. ?? . ,',RS.TOZ; AND'AVD BLACBURN. UR S i L OSS O ' 0 F T E ET . t ?? ?? LOW PRICES, ' 0 In consequene e of the Giand Improvementn in the - Mechanical Departments' of Dentistry. L MR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PERSONS ADVERTISING FOR SITUATIONS. Of all the obnoxious taxes upon industry which the Chancellor of the Exohequer refuses to repeal, there is none which, in proportion to its amount, is more Unjust and oppressive in its operation, than the Advertisement Duty. The capitalist or landowner who wvishes to sell property or land worth X107,0G00, has only to pay a duty of Is. Gd. altboughi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... leI be Itt be Ie Il)' to ,ep w.7 in ire Ein d1- Lan he lhe a rkse nal 0ol leir mir Ay. l to but ries ice ute try ep- ced '00, of beI tan ere 5 it em tee, liye in iet, illg at ,an do too too ate lre- us- ch- are Ito the ign ller the cre, ree, for ! or aCh tes .ich try cud ent nMe. the ' to ier. Bnt , or his- ali- ony ey. of :arl Iry. 'arl and ids. 21k, and ,ord arn. I of r ef cies aly, the orm ...