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Advertisements & Notices

... I T '' N I a M, BrE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PART- IT NEliS of the (AS LIGHT COM PAN Y of ABER- DEENwill, in terms of-the Contract of Copartnery, be held n MONDAY. the Fourth day of September next, at 12 o'clock noon within the MECIIANIcS' HALL, Market Street. f An'd NOTICE is further hereby given, in terms of Section b4th of the Contract of the Company, that at said meeting a Moetion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / _6A, TERLOO ROOMS, EDINBURGH. P IN consequence of the disappointment of Thousands of W our Citizens who have not yet bad an opportunity of wiitnessing PROF. J. H. ANDERSON'S ASTOUNDING WONDERS, He has been prevailed upon by numerous applications to prolong his STAY FOR ONE WEEK MORE!! Which will be tbe Last Positively. And that all Classes may have an opportunity of being wit- nesses of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I THIS DA Y. aouae of Industry and Refage. Fm E ANNUAL MEETING of the DIRECTORR and THSUBSCORBERS to this INSTITUTION will be held within the HOUSE. on WVEDNESDAY the sth of August current, at 3 'clock afternOOn; when the Treasurer's Accounts and; a Rscort by tbe Committee will be subniitted toth'e Meeting, and DirectOrs chosenl for the enSuing year. . /Aberdeen, Ist August, 1848f. No~c3 0 . D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c E B Mt 0 N.; -,Tm'OV. will PRvEACTE in thi ,:,r G -qBY,}-T7T *N CTUCHFITXEII IS-RER ST1RE P 1 e-r1,)T inst.. at Two o'clock in the After 'i clofckinl ite Eveinh ing. CoLection wilt l fo& f thebenefitof the Congregational EEDENT P D A P E L HANOVEOR STREET, ?? RoxD-) 0.- q fYGR A' swill deliver, in the shove ?? tie e aext in his COURSE Ef MONTHLY . th IA'LES of Ouir LOR On the h ontrs~rt, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t-nl t SSHEEP FOUNT). il)o r Fonnd, on Itflton Farm. i.ear Cadder. 5;1, J\ BOUT a SCORE of SHEEP-TlTe oewr. r7mnannziaaet A),J t on prov ig his property a rd ls- expese-s. ,FeS App';v to A'exander 3.:zrducb. Iliflrn. V 1991 WVANTED TO BORROW, ' ,f'E TBIOFS.t N 13 POUNDS. onl zood Berita;i;2rI t siet t e Annual Fen D uty on ?? stri9-e at, Am)s Ti) ro fl-. D--sa, ?? -SP tielce, ir. s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D LECTABLE Eastde-logne~strine distilled forl Vabde''sA nomitcaion of Farinas1 but the genuine arficleitself? and as such stands x a? Court, price 1ol a Case of .Si Bottles, pached, stamped, and sealed as imported. ln proof of its superior quality, twao cases tviUI be opened dai V. and sold in single afftles at 1,6 each. Afeu dropst,when bathing the hands, ti'i be found at this season:tru, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTXCE. viflE ANNUAiL GENERAL MEETING of the PART- I NEI4S of the UAS LIGHT Ct)Pt'AN Y of ABIR- DEEN evill, in terms of the Contract of Copartnery, he held on MOND ty. the Fourth day of Septemher next, at 12 o'clock noon wihin thfCM CICIANICS t ALT., Market Street. An'd NOTICE is further hereby given, in terms of Section 14th of 'the Contract of tle Cumtiply, that at said meeting a otien will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN &SBSUAN l COMPANY, ESTA.BLISIED IS25.'-CAPlTALS ,o.000,000. Dlrecto-s. ALEXANDER WEBSTER, Esq., Chairman. AE.BU NES Eeq. IALE X. IRVI RE, Esq. ROETCATIO,0Esq,, Wsr. LITTLEJOH-N, Eaq. DAVID CIALMEAS sq. ITHOR. SANGSTLR Esq. Wam. GRAY, Esq. I ALEX. STRO~NACA, Esq'. Life Department. INSURANCES of every description on approved Lives. ..are undertaken at rates of premium which will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 476 JADVERTISEMENT. TO THE EDITOr THE CALEDONXLA 2MRCMTY Bairburgh, 26th August 1845. Sm-The community are by this time sufi3ciently tired of Bailie Stott, who appears; among other ailments, to be sadly afflicted with the caceefhes s Hridendi. His letter of the 24th, which I have seen in the Scotssea of this day, is no answer whatever to mine, inserted in your paper of the 21st. If Bailie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ati~icCD Sa~etrorucs.f UnsZr Porroc, £1100. irp :UIfC IVU5Pi ON PO) T-DUNDAS- ROAD FOR SALE. fed 1,, Pll 11011(1 withto the Tineal 'Exclianzo Sale -, be ~ on We -edt the 6th September next, at g~ Pl~fT o GlOtTD, containing: 24-HPr St-tare, Yardls I r Pairti 'tts OF a Sy juie aratt. butnclode on thek I- lhtt a-uleac, nd. Fnlotherk iv e IhaUMTile1l as described l~ ht.0t oceni-l as a So:'n WXork. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ETREl: WOOD ?? REST7ME tlieir CLASSES n ?? IN-y. the 4th oF SEPTEFTBER. 6- ' . ?? g li Sarirt ?? Road. _nt S . Sa _ EDTU CATI ON. Pr iARl.EY herg to intimate that on 7Monday., 1 ,0gr pICE rerlrler r F£t-LSFR. in additinn to his usual Se t 4 n Sennqry for Ge wranrbv, History, Fnzlish Bo .,Q4i ani Conpositi n, will OPEN an Advanced CLASS o , ter Mue.-- of English literature, anl a systematic Ta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S UA W MO0NUM'E N T. ~4V 1G~t -rION tf cite IST xTKE or-he late. Sir ~ J,,tr I-o 1Ir. FELT.AN-, r1h: totle fae toefriendly to the miemory of thle late Sir gt~ 'vlt ited to lie oresent at the Public Dinner. A ,.tupise te same evenlng, in the George Hotel, at fet ilpee send in their nauese to Mr. Brown, at ?? 7oc.DtNOr 'WINES, &C. Is. En). at nCV st August, ISIS. __101QAM~A AND) COSMTORAMNA, ...