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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I't5bit smufftutatio CONCERT- HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. NEW ORLEANS SRRENADERS FAREWELL VISIT. 7> HIS EVENING, (Friday,) the 25th, and To. T5.. morrow, (Saturdly,) the P3th inst., the NEW oRt EANB SBIRENADERS, blesrs. S nford, Burke, Ole Bull, Rainer, and Swaine, (from Amoiriel ) wi1 t iv one of their Inimitable NEGRO ENTilRTA1N MIEN IS, previt us to their departure for America, on which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Igl NOTICE. er ,IrONSIEUR LEVI, CHIROPODIST from T. e Paris. and No. 3. UO14DUIT.STREET, REGENT ST eRETh LONDON, begs most respeetfuily to acquaint theN Nobility, Gentry, and Inhsabitants of Liverpool and its envirrone, ethat his absenoe latoly announced is terminated; he. thierefor'e, ahas much pleasure in sgain offerfag hif services to those who nosy still require his aid. The high ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ASSIZES. TO THE PUBLIC. The Commission having now been opened, and the business commenced in Liverpool, we shall avail ourselves of the ample means at our command, by giving, on Tuesday next, and in our succeeding papers, accurate reports of all the trials, at such I length as the importance of each case seems to t require. c Persons in town or country may be supplied from e the office, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'O ADVERTISERS. a We -beg respectfully to call the attention of a hants, Brokers, A1torneeys, Anucioneels t Tradesmen, House Ayents, and others, to the c irmportant fact that t t 1- HE TUESDAY'S LIVERPOOL BIERCURY IS TIHE ONLY PAPER Published on that day, in Liverpool, WE ICH, FROM1 ITS LARGE CIRCULATION, SECURES TO ALL CLASSES OF ADVERTISERS EXTENSIVE AND GENERAL PUBLICITY 1 For their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3t [[ADVFRTlSrMERNT.] for EsIGeiATiON-WH H SHOULD EMIGRATE? AND WHBRE the TO E.LsiGrtr?-TlIre SCANDARL) O1F FREi 'EDOM, ive lle op;tper of the largest dinseiona allovwed by law, i cnitaimos *-eekly :musas of interet'ting infortuatioll of the t0rreates! moment to all who are iurtcrested in the subject 1t enii.rntion. The answers to the numerous inqutrics oe rof'tho eb tb iut to ernig tife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,f -NOT iE. d nSNSIEUR LEVI, CHROPODIorn .Par l e and So 3 CONDVi3TU TRHST * iGtN r STREET. LONDON. beg moat respet tfully to a e NT, eNoblity. Gentry and inthlbittautr of Liverpool and it_ qrt the s loe histbends [Jely announcx-d to terminated. - tbr0r 1 has musch pleasure in again offerlog his servtet ntbefrefsre lr rmay still require hlis aid. ' sahV C The high Testimonials from parties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S,~uggeetions, arguments, and inquiries may be nnonly- be mous ; bnt facts and allegations must be authenticated TI by name and address, for our own information. Letters 10 on business, or intended for the editors, should be ret addressed to the firm or to 1the editors, and not to 914 any individual, an faf Too aducu OF A Geoo TaIme-This, we ear 1classicaLly told, y was the exclamation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARG1 t,' r these tihipi will be~ rreetved In th, order eftpriority4 ofrtsisiatiat the Wharf, on MONIDAY, TURSDAY, nrld until Six o'el cii in the Everting of WwenolsAY preceding the day of FLEE sailing. W JBRIT'IIH AND NORTH A~!ERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, _ Appulotntltbj Lho .idmiralt~y tosell] botweec -LIV f-a-n~d BOSTON, O'etjc~ ad etween J1aus0t1 LVE OOL ad NEW YORK, Hafp cpstyor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o FIDEWNTflI ADVICE IN C'ASES OF DEBILITY, 1483VOO5NE156, AND A1.L DI)5RDERSl ARIbINQ FROGM EXCIIL4, ago USTABL1ISHED~br Ihe lost SIXTEEN YEA4RS. ROF BSIOE SWEDOUIR'S HYGUdIAN &IL. oi.-The celebrated CORDLAL. BALM Iie bxo Professor Swadour's Hygelan Heirb Pills, box, la . iven extracts froms the Secret ervatiosis and hints of lmportcfsie tv 55fel lnudicfi~t use of Mercury. &c., &ie. iL HALA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF, MONTHILY PROPERhTY CIRCULAR, ~'. TON DomSON and CO., E1STATLC Acmvrs. 2. Temple' I!j J Stiect, re~pjtfly ainnounce, that onl Monday, tho 18th ,.September net, thleyitn ItILSIiC a PROPERtTY Cl It C U AI, eoniitimlng ai list of valuiable Freehioldanid Leaso- hold I'ro0p''rtv for Sale, mid Houses, Farmns, and Business E~tab. I~t lish~neints to be Leot. As the list will be very extcnsively ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0utiit fmit~remttW. IHEATRE *ROYAL, WILLIAMSON SQUARE' T Under tho Mantagetment of Mr. FLuptsoN. This Evening. (Friday,) the Ilth instant, Mr MACREADY w ill appear In tho Characters be lately sustained in London. at the Theat re-royal. Driury-iano. by steclal command of her Mrrjisty the Queov.. being the FAREWELi, BENIFtT ot SIr, Maat litADY, previouisto hisdeparturoefor Americ., andthe Last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1LORblES. CARRIAGNIti, &o, BY INISSRS. LUCAS & Co. !1o.woarow, (Satuiday.) tlie 12LtA Instant. at One o'cloock, at their lleprrsitory, Great ChaTlotte street, & Brougham HORSE, Bay, with Black Legs, six hire A~.yeas old, 56 IInrt2 inches ur~h nd very steady in Barr- Pusi iness. a Bity Ovld ug, 15 S andi 2 Inches bigh, a eupseor GIg GO MHore:~ a Chesnurt Ub, 14 hands high, ateady in Iarneos; a ...