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Selected Poetry

... II-'Idectcla 19ort4l. 13E KIND. SCORN not tho man that asks for bread, Nor drive hinin from your door, Bilt think that fortune yet may frown, And you yourself be poor. With ?? treat the poor man's child And check the faillig tcar; hlis soul will ceho back thc voice (Of kindness to your car. Seek every place here ?? dwells, In cot or festive hall, And, with a kind and generous smile, Proroote ...

Selected Poetry

... ,$rlcctrb vortru. AN AUTUMNAL LYRIC. AUTUMN is come ! the swallows are flying; The leaves, sere and ilcad, in our pathway lire lying, 'Ilic win( wvhistlcs cold, the sun palely shines, And tilc bloom and tle bcauty of Nature declines. Autournin is ?? ! tc sportsman is hie;i1g, Tlhrough hralio and tfirongh hicather; the moor gamn is flying, The pheasant is scared from her snug woodland cover, ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-JENNY LIND, I Yesterday mo:n'ng the box-office of the Tbeatra P-, ?? sv~vs 5 mu ^ v~s~a@ v iM A Biratre levol Wva opened for the purpose of giving the public an opportunit selecting places in the house in order to hear the Sieeh Nightingale. There was downright positive excitement na nifested-nearly as much as if the charmer were pros- We have not beheld the like for a long ...

Original Poetry

... Original 9octlt. TIHE TIME OF NEED. EIIEn. IV. XVI.] IY TFIr ItEV. J. D. HUI.I GRACE to lhelp ill time of need; AMuclh in those few wolrds we rcadl Stay, my soul, ilquire and see, IWhen thie time of need may bc. Whlleln tiline eye's most dear desire Shall its ?? breath expire; And thou stand'st the dcead beside, Stunned, bewildered, stupified. Or, when those intensely loved Hlave to thee ...


... THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF PARMA.-Their Royal Highntsses arrived at Portsmouth from Leghorn, on Wednesday morning, in her Majesty's steam sloop Hlcate. On their arrival, Sir Charles Ogle, the Admiral-in-Clif of ports. mouth, despatched his ?? yacht, in command of his flag lieutenant, to attend upon their Royal Highnesses, who availed themselves of the courtesy of the gallant admiral, by ...


... THEATRE RfO.YAL -TRH] ITALIAN OPERA. l Nothing could have been better imagined on the part of Mario and Grid than the one night's suspension of operatic performance, and then the change from one author's compo- sitions to those of another. Of even Bellini and his ideas, thovgh conveyed through the vocalism of such artistes as Grisi and Mario, an audience may get too much; and we admire the ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE, DEPARTURE or, TE COURT FOR SCOTLAXI. The Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham 1'alae, ?? panied by their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, I'sPre Alfred, and the Princess Royal, in an Open ca riage and four, at twenty minutes past three 'clock on Tuesday afternoon for Woolwicb, to embark for Scotland. WVonwcee, SEPr. 6.-At a quarter-past four o'clock a salute, ...

Farming Societies

... ffantitq oc{ictim+ LURGAN UNION FARMINTG SOCIETY. Tore, anneal Shiows of cattle, agrictilturirl produce, limplemlcnt-S, &a. , of this flourishing societs' was held on Ttiesday, i r 19th inst. 'l'r variouts animals and other objects of exhib)i- tion were exposed oii thc Milli. Thre show wvas adimiitied, onl all hands, to hle far superior to any former One of tile society. Alient hal f-past five ...


... 9j~bicbjS No, 134. A BRIEF IItsToRIcAL RELATION oF THIE LIFE OF MR. JoHN LIVINOSTONE. XWritten by liimself, with a Historical Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. Thomas llouston, Knockbracken. A new edition. Edinburgh Jo),n Jo/tmstonce. This edition of the autobiography and characteristics of the eminent and pious Livingstone is a reprint from Steven- son's edition of 1754, wvith alterations ...


... FASIIjIONXaBELL NN1GEE; - IllsRoyail lighness P1ince George of Cambridge and ate, MessrS. rcehmK raeR. lkwtl Wydirf citait Alert tratl-el Sjt. Leper, &. sailed oli Wednez ay amd CleattBt~nr; o lrir 'iJt;tY senmer Scotia. Aud hy rth 351110 CL'O~ *1 t,.orn~ Ito])hid, oNL aejdaly and Thnrl:ay Vei0 O M-I rCviS iind 3iLri il O&visy of Woreostclr ?? suitc, barl ef '1e1r '1 ci1ite 3ltntcr of tile lio ...

Selected Poetry

... Idcctctb 2Ioctuo. CONSTANT LOV E. NAV, tctl mie not, ?? dearest, That tiinc lia di lited ?? cev Sttll, still ilty patih thiou checrest, As in days that are gouic by. Say not tlh' cilec is fadeid, Bv sorrows, cares, and fears T'tat thy I)rowv is sm-104lat alacd, Ly thle cloudts of sther years. if thulce Iucl nure had tal1en, I ?? forgice Cacti theft; Wh!ilst thiy hcart rcnainedl I111sihakc;e ...


... I TTHEATRE ROYATHE ITALIAN OPERA. The announcement of La Sonnamdula for Saturday evening, as might be expected, had the effect of filling the house to its utmost extent. At an early hour on Friday not a single seat bad been left unengaged in the dress box circle, and it was a matter of extreme difficulty to procure, even in the upper boxes, a seat tolerably circumstanced for seeing and hear ng ...