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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MR. JOHN HARIXSlA, L SSEE. Q N THIS EVENI NG (onday), 18th Sept ., 0 w ln be performed the Grand Fairy Extravaganza, entitled FORTUNIO, AND HIS SAVN GnlSE TED SERVANTS. Emperor 'Matapa, Mr. W. Davidge; King Altourite, Mr. IL. Bedrhrd; or-and Mr. Ridgwtay; Princess Vindicta, Mice Levine;I PrineS Vrolaute, Miss Gowlt ard ; H .oa Misc Myrtina, Iiicc Eliza 'Travers; The Fairy Favorable, Miss Clara ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fIEATE ROYAL, DIJBLLN. ,\NGAGEMENT of MADEMOISELLE JENY Jj .LIND for FOUR PERFORBIANCES. n TUEXSDAY thle 10th Oct., LA SONNAMBULA. Oa TlILMSDAY, the 12th Oct., I PURITANI. 0, SATURD-AY, the I4th Oct., LA FIGLIA DEL rEGI 'ETO~ PEGtG1OND , the 1th Oct., LUCIA DI LAMMER- illex1io Office is open every day from 12 to 4/ood i ea'. be secured for every night, but early application is Pllleeted to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E N'j~iJEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. DIR. JOHN HARRIS, LESSE- TIII6 EVENING (Saturday), 16th Sept., I ,lllbe perfornmed the Grand Fairy Extravaganza, eti AN ' FORTUNLO, iAND IS SEVEN MEITED SERVANTS. Eeror Matapa, aMr. W-%V Davidge; King Altoterite, Mr. A dford, Gerinald Mr. Ridgway; Princess Vindicta, Miss Prinicess Volante, Miss Gowvard; I-on. Miss Myrtina, Lai Fcliza l'ravcrs; The Fairy Favorable, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1IEA1'1E ROYAL DUBLIN. FOR TI'r BENEFIT OF SIGNOR MARIO, AND AO.ST poSITII ELY THE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF TIHE ITALIAN OPERAS, t11micnatilig onl SATURDAY, 9th September. The company includes Madame GRISI, Signora V9RA, *lcr M.'ltid, Signor CIABATTA, Signor GALLI, and Sin lGk(, IIAFICO. Conductor, Mons BENEDICT. Acctc irr lXVEY. Prompter, Signor SALABERT. tee(jrche3tra and Chorms will be full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 5'~GAtGENT of MADEM OISELLE JENNY LIND for FOUR PERFORMANCES. On TUEi~SDA1 thse10th Oct., LA SONNAMBULA. On THUttSDA\tthe l2th Oct., I PURITANI. On1 SATlJRDA, the 14th Oct.,LA FIGLIA DEL ?? M0NlA1, theo ~1th Oct., LUCIA DI LAMMER- ile . 10ox Office is open every day from 11 to 4, for cur- ing Tickets andl Places as usual. a Earlsy application is. necessary, as no 510 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FOR TIHE BENEFIT OF MADA)IE GRIST, AND MOST POSITIVELY TIHE LAST NIGHT OF THE ITALIAN OPERAS, The Coihpany includes madame GRISI, Signora VERA, Signor MARIO, Slor CIABATTA, Signor GALLI, and Signor TAGLIAFICO.: Conductor, Mon.s BENEDICT. Leader, Mr. LEVEY. Prompter, Signor SALABERT. The Orcho3tra and Chorus will be full and efficient, under the immediate superintendence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT'H SUPERFTE CLOTJH pALETOT T TW7O POUNDS! I havo olenty of OVER GOATS of lower qualities and some higher, but tbis is my leading prie. * I can recommend it, both for appearance and q, lt, I always keep a large stock of them on hlus Al -SI ED K, which are as weil made as if ordered. I have them in LIGHT and HEAVY CLOTH, in BLACK, BLUE- OXFORD, .ND MEDLEY COLOURS. Also, in LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLDT. LAST NIGHT.BUT TWO of the ITALIAN OPERAS, terminating on SATURDAY, 9th September. The Company includes Madame GRISI, Signora VERA, Signor MAIRIO, Signor CIABA'TA, Signor GALLI, and Signor TAtGLIAFICO.- Conductor, Mons BENEDICT. Leader, Mr LEVE.Y Prompter, Signor SALABERT. The Orche3tra and Chorus will be full and efficient, under the immcediate saperintendence of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THi;EATRE ROYAL DU13LIN. ITAIA OPERAS for Eight performances, terminating on SATURDAY, 9th. September. T'he(Company includes Madame GRIST, Signora VERA, 5ignor MARlI0, Signor CIABATTA, Signor GALLI, and Siglor TAGLIAFICO. Conductor, Mons BENEDICT. Leader, Mr. LEVEY. Prompter, Signor SALABERT. Tile OrcheStra and Chorus will be full and efficient, under the immediate superintendence of Mr. LEVEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? TiEATRE ROYAL, I)LBLIN. NTGAGEMENT of MADR MOISELLE JENNY LIND for: FOUR PERFO RMANQES. On TUESDI)AY, the 10th Oct., LA. SONNAMBULA. On ThiURSDAY, the l2th Oct,, I PURITANI. ; Oil SATURDAY, the 14th Oct., LA FIGLIA DEL B(GG DI;NTO- 6a bMONDAY, the 1Gth Oct., LUCIA DI LAMMElm- The Box Oflice is open every day from 11 to 4, for sn- ' Tickts an8( Places as usual. N'arlv ap1plication is n ce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. f R. CALCRAFT be gs respectfully to announce I ltha ahe has, after long negotiation, and at an expense 1 far exceeding any sum everbefore ventured in this city, con- cluded an enfgagement with the unrivalled artiste MADEIMOISELLE JEN NY LIND, FOR FOUR PERFORBAUM ANNCES, Commencing on TUESDAlY, OCTOBER the th, S upported by a FIRST RATE OPERATIC COMPAN t, ,with Band and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIE CQUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. 311t. JOlIN HARlbS, LESSEE. N TIIIS EVENING (Wednesday), 13th Sept., 0 will be performed the Grand Fairy Extravaganza, enhitleit FORTUNIO, AND' Ill. SGSEN Dli1ED SErRVAN'TS. -ylmpror Milataa r.r W. IDavidge; King Altourite, Mr. II.iedif~rd; GorIulaIndAIr.Ifidtlvwy; Princess Vindieta, Bliss IJ,. ine* l'rillcvss 1 ilalite, %Iiss Gowardl Hon. Iliss Myrtina, ji~ss lliza ...