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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... C & Co ,Eanler; & Eorrelpoti~Jelto Mr O'Coxaon begs to state, in reply to a Ludlow corres- pondent, and others who make similar applieations- that he will use his influence with the governaent to secure places for indvidusli-tbat It Is no part of his . duty -.that he has never been applied to by his own constituents for such a purpose; anD be begs to inform Some who write pressing letters, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR T lE WORhlNG MiLLi US. A HOMt FeOR EVERY INDUSTRI0US MAN AND 1S FAMILY. UNITED PATRIOTS' AND PATRIARCESI .QUITABLE LJAND AND BUILDING BENEFIT SOCIETY, EInroLed and Erpowered by Act of Parliament to extend over the United Kingdom. -T. S. DrlN Or EEQ., MP. TaoIOas WAaKLR, ESQ,, M.P. B. B. CA1BE.Z , El4., H.P. L~osdoe t&jiveo.NO. ;S, Tottenbanm Court, New Road, St Pencras,'Loudon.-DANIEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULASi &c. ABERNETHY'S PILE O NMENT . Ilfa painfuliand novious disease is the pies!I and eeasPavatIvelI baw few of the Aef1te& tV Wes a prma- W nent1 -ured by ordinary appeals to Medical skill! Tite no doubt, arises from tise use if perful aperlents too reqent~ adintstered by the profession; indeed, atralig initos'lal Modioiee should 'Aways be oevolded In all to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ro a~irr & crresponItents, lS SOTICE.-I request ril persons ssnding money for the e Executive, to addresa to Mr KVDD, at the Lend Offios, e 144, HIgh Heltorn. ; For t~a Directots of the National Land Company, to 144, High Helborn. For the Wives and Families of the V otimp, to Mr J. Gaassar, 6, Noah's Ark-ccurt, Staugats, Lsm- I !B bet .. For Defence of Dr MID~uall, to Mr WILLIAM ,S AiiiENe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LIST OF BOOKS 40oWj PUBL05110N0 BY B. D. OOUSINS, 18, DUKE-STREET, LitefoLNHItsI NYIELDS, LONDON. lilS 11;ERD, -by 'be Rov.J E. Smith M.A. T Vol. I,price si. ad.-Vol. II, price Bs,-Vol. Ill. P price C9. 6d. Cloth boaris ; or the three volumes in one, balf.bound in calf and lettered, price 1Ig, WI efatation of Owentilm, by C. Redford, of Worcester; CO with a reply, by the Rev. J. E. Smith, M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;o Etabrerr & ECorrnpsontnets. Mr O'CorNoz begs to state, In reply to a Ludlow corres- pondent, and others who make similar applivations- that be will use his influence with the gevernsnent to secure places for individuals-tbat it is no part of his duty : that he has never been applied to by his own constiuetnts for such a purpose; and he bogsto inform some who write pressing letters, and then ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMED YI3.IOUGHOUT THEl .4LOlE. H1OLLOWAY'S PILLS. A CASE OF DROPSY. Ezieaet ot a Letter from Mr William Gardnier, of Hong- isHaugbtou, Nerthaneptonshire, dated September Tb Professor Hollow ay. Sin,! beore nfored yu tht my wife had been DISORDER OF THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. litract of a joettor from J. K. Hoydon, dated 1S., King- Street, Sydney, New Ilotth Wales, the 30th S~eptember 1851. -To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR T TH1 WORKING MILLIONS. A HOXi FORl EVERY INDUSTRIOUS MA ANN MID NB FAMILY. UNITED PATRIOTS' AND PATRIARCHS, EQQJTABELAND LNAND BUILDING BENEFIT SOCIETY, ro, a ?? by AtofParliament to extend over th t U nited Kingdom. ? S S.t ~ Dnra, M.P. 'TEoTA WAML.P, BEe., M.P. B. iB. CAsimit, ReQ., ?? Lostfst V~ff~NO.IS, ottnhtt Coont 100ws Road, St Pancras, London.-DANIZIL WILLIAK R0VYT, Secretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE MILE 1'RQM LINOOL.: . BE SOLD, a COTTAGE FARM, consisting T of an excellent dwelling house, quite new, with dairy, back-kitchefl1 oDw-hos, igai wtabliig. and other coflnverienfes, enclosed wit a highvwall. The dwelling ia in the centre of the farm, erjnsititig of FouRl Acuas of excellent land, in 1 high caltivation, facing the highway; sir pure and salubrious, and the water excellent. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ox a ive practice of ii i~kM Messrst. andL. ?? hurworklenttledt StLENT FRIhND,'ol h. bue. 4redandt,,. ?? t ci:copin dees mandf t acid, and tue extensve eae d Cc high repute ,of their nhame oft hnd closelyimitate the title 0 ?? and names of ?? arenes . The public is hereby ?? that sacn tarlnd 'ER..Y and ayf h 11 kra~~ 1 .,of f maneted with ~the fi*^t the ?? i ?? h n slaon.teodo P ot vist the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN Efl'ECTUAL CURB FOiR PiLES, FISTULAS, &o. | ABERNETHY'S PILE OINTMENT. nseitlv ured by ordinary appean to Medical slil! Thi, O OdoetLbtarise from the se fpedwful perints c ty !09d frb hearofeoiou; indeed, strong internal Mediulae should alwaye be avoided is all tsafreOisnlY Xadmnistered The rorietor of the abuvo Ointment, after years of acite eauiwilg, placed hisself under a ee i Ber a . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ G it KI MILL'I'ONS. ' . A HOE V@R EVriERY WDl ,86TRIOUS MAN AND }IS FAMILY. IjN IED PATRIOTS' AND PATRIAMBCS, EQUITABLE JAED AND BUILDING BENEFIT SOC[IEY Enrolled Iand ?? by Act of Parliament to extend over the United~ gdo.. Flhw .MvcoL'. I H.P. TnoMS WAKLLr, B3Q., M.R. B. B.-iA5UU,, Bee. MR putdrn ;T.- ToSttnhwan Court, New Road, at Peveras, London. DAN 11i WizLUAx Rucm, Secretary. ...