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... I FASHIONABLF INTELLIGENCE. l It is currently reported and generally believed in the fashionable world, that her Majeffty the Queen has the inten- tion of commencing what is called the season at a very early period this winter, by making the beginning of the usual court ceremonies in the month of November instead of delaying them until a late period in February, and continuing them toso late a ...


... BALLINASLOE UNION AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY- THE ANNUAL SHOW AND DINNER. (iRomr oust oivi COntnESPONDtENT.) Ballinasloe, October 1,1848. Tile annual show of this society was held yesterday on the -fair greens. It was the sost wretched thing of the kind you can possibly imagine, and must have been most dis- heartening to Lord Clincarty, who has taken so great au interest in the agricultural ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fa1j iolt aub VTarittim. THE COURT. Her Majesty remains at Windsor, and takes exercise in tho open air whenever the weather permits. She rarely mnisses her earlv valk whit the Prince. Prince Albert hunts and shoots inl the foreooen. Trhe nuchless of Kent dines dailv at the castle. Sir Robert and Ladv Peel arrived on a visit to the Queen on Tucsdav, together with Viscount and Viscountess ...


... rlfbirw?. Nj. II1. T1: HURAL C1Ci.OI'EDIA. i'art XVJ II. Ellin- I:urghi, London, anld Dublin A. Fullarlon and Co. Among thc articles in thc present nuiber of this now celeibrateil work is one of great length, and extreme lucidity of style, as well as gentcral importaice in the promotion of agric;dltural prosperity, on thlc subject of Leases, from which we shall select some extracts in a future ...


... BririrbS. No. 153. ThE ART-JOURNAL. October. London: Chan- man cnd fla.?U Dublin: Jamnes M'Glta/san. Two very bighly-fini3hed linc engravings, ftill-page size are tie chief attractions of ?? October. Oneof these is a copy, by HIeaths, of lluskisson's elegant picture of the Sleep of Titania-the other an exquisite copy of Gleyre's Evening lyrmn' engraved by Lenuercier. There are t wo series of ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL-TBlE ITALIAN OPERA. The announcement of I Pats'itani for last night, pursuant to *arrangcment long'previously understood by the public, re- sulted (as was foretold by many opera goers well aware of the bias of musical taste in Dablin) in an attendance far less crowded than might have bcen expected from the promise of the first night's enthusiasm in the performance of Mademoiselle ...


... I TIIEATRE ROYAL-TIIE ITAIXOI PERA. Pew ] 1 - - As da. ?? I. . 'tirllC curiosity has at last been in some mrn ure gratiied by the appearance of Mademoiselle Jenny Lind on tile boards of our theatre, and the Flotatici par *ra sauic~ s of our it, have been enabled to satisfy their thirst for novelty it til gushes of liquid melody flowing from the lips of the Northelli Syren. Last night's ...

Fashion and Varieties

... atbioln anb farittiO. DEPARTURE OF TIHE COURT FROM OSBORNE. ILn Majesty and Prince Albert, With tihe Royal family and Court, embarked from Osborne on Monday, at two o'clock, oln board the Fairy, and came np to Portsmouth harbour. The Roval party landed, amid the usual demonstrations, at Clarence Yard, and were received by the usual cortege of naval and military officers, and a guard of honour. ...


... I THEATRE ROYAL-1MADEMO--ISELLE JENNY LIND. I I ,iwsis somebody would kill Lady Kilgobbin, cries one of Lady ;Ilorgan's heroines, wvhen driven desperate and d eninitdyedto death by the unceasing repetition of the praises e: conferred on an absent leader of the fashions; and, doubtless, F such of our lieges as have not music tia their souls, wvill be sI apt to echo this sentiment in answer to ...

Selected Poetry

... $clctcb 1rctrp. BIIRlDS OF PASSAGE. IN the genial glow of the vernal time, They came to us from another clime; Thcy wandered far froul tlteir native bowers To drink the essence of Northern flowvers, Scattered so freely by Nature's hlands, And tell of their beauty to other lands. 'rhey camc on a long excursive flight To see what a glorious land of light In an ocean-belt engirdled shines, With ...


... OSnO1151F, IsmI. oF TrcI1T-c-SATruI)AxY.-Sir James Clarke, Part., arrived hera yesterday afternoon, from London, ansi liad the honour of dilu:ng wills her Me1lijesty in the evening. 'Ihe Court will, it is cxpected, leave here on MIfonday afterr noon for Windsor Csstle. [ler Majesty netd Prince Albert are expected to takel their departure'ahout two o'clock. LORD CLAlli'XDON.-Lord Vlarendon ...


... B Y EXPRESS. (FIOMI OtRa OWN ICORBES PONDrAU.) Ballinnsloe, Wednesday Night. The results of the sheep fair to-4lay, I am happy to say, have been much more favouralble than was generally antici- piated. In, the morning, and up to twelve o'clock, there wa but littilo sign of business, thlc heay rain of yesterday and last night having 'prevented a great many of the best lots f:om beinig driven ...