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Advertisements & Notices

... ,2; b i p J5§llctialx. Ailctiou of quebec Timber, Peals, and Staves. TAVID GRAINGER will S E L L by A U CT I0 N, nn D W'EDNESI)AY the 18th of October, at 'I'\\'LVE o'clock, the Cargo of the Ship E'tiza Mlorrison, now beitig launded at Dunbar's-dock- 357 Pieces Whlitc PINE; 20 KOK; 40 . L. I; 800 .. Bight ]'INE DEr.LS, 12 x 9 x 3; 5,135 Bright SPRUCE Do., 12 x 9 x 3; 950 . Do. Do., 10 x 9 x : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATHATRE RIOYAL, DUBLIN. NT of MADEMOISELLE JENNY -LIND for FOUR PERFORMANCES. On TC*lhI)tY, tbe 10t1h Oct., LA SONNAMII~ULA. On 5TIItilSAlT, the 12th Oct., I PURITANI. Orn S tfC , thre 14th Oct., LA oFIGLIA L O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Wm. SMITH -O'BREN. iS EXCELLENCY the LOPI E - H NAN.C ?? half-pat One PAT as the time for NAvhmg tfie Deputation/dM e =u~~te Ae wr_ x rxM5 * A nf Qf^.^sT AKRE, thle on behalf of DIr. WII2LIAA.l 5ISMI l - inembers of the Committee are requested to meet punc- tually at ELEVEN O'CLOCK, A.M., ait RADLEY'S HOTEL, to make the needful arrangements for waiting oD his Excel- lency. t'R1CKS OF IRi 1 ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUR NERV STOCK, The Court xvill sit at NINE every morning, unless other- wise mentioned. On Crown Days the Panel of Jurors vr ill be called precisely at TEN o'clock. A11 Informations, Notices, and other documents, for the Clerk of the Peace, if sent by post, must be pre-paid, an(l foravar(led, directed to hIr- EDWARD KING OVEIIEND, Deptlty and Acting ClerX of the Peace, 30, ColleDe-street, off ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE JIO ADUBLIN. Last AppearanlcC of 'IMADE3JOISELLE JENNY LIND, d I~v; the riniplal Artistes from her Majesty's Theatre. id IT t]lSE T MONDAY, Oct. thoe 16th, cc rf q vill1 be performed Dollizatti's Opera Seria, called e T ll'-i LUCIA DI LAMMERMOO)R IV 31ademoiselle Jenny Lind t tp'lrl, *- ,, Dlons. Roger. Edigardo, ?? Signaor Belltti. Z *:le ~ pke'ill beopen froln E'levell to Four for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = = LADE OISELLE JENNY LIND. ROUJND ROOM, ROTUNDO. 11AND MDITSCELLANEOUS CONCERT, on G TllS EVENING (Saturday), 21stOctober, 1848. G THIS ~~VOCAtLITSr:I -ellc JENNY LIND; Mons. ROGER; Signor l ADLACIE; and Signor BELLETTI. Condactor, Mr. BALFE. rAnT FIRST. oserttiro (7auiPll) ?? Herold. Dett)~ t~ li~ and Signor Belleotti; sNon fgglire; qual mai dolor ti preme 2 A rtgienio-c Jenny ILind, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W1. SMIT11 0'BRIEN. I rHE COMMITTEE appointed to prepare and forward an Address to his Excellency the Lord Lieu- tenant, concurring In the recommendation of the Jury, by ,whom WILLIAM StITH O'BRIEN has been found guilty, end entreating t!e exercise of her lajestys gracious prerogative of Mercq In his-favour, WILL BlIEET On THIS DAY (Satarday), the 14th ilst., at 1IOTEL4 DAME-STREET, at TWVELVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l. -r LOYA, DUBLIN LIilp:'CeciCdated setisatioti piroduced bi 11ADEMOISI()l LLE; JENNY IIND, ~ pe~fonuainiV L:ast Evenling vais hailcd with the Inost ?? ?? apllause by one ol the most brilliaut audicnces e.i 1 ceittill the walls of the TlIeatre. ?? N'ill 'stake hier Sccead A ppeal-,,ce ,1 ;1]0)iv (T'lsreday), October ]t3e i in'ellii's Grand Opisa of' I l'lRIJTANI. I'lle~l~titiC hi ti eciy (ly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;. UHE, QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. s ilt. JOHN ILAREIS LESSEE. ON TNIS EVENTNG (Saturday), 28th October, tile performance to commence with the Drama of Tl 1E llbT OF THE RED MOUNTAIN, ol T11'rii YiEAIRS OF A GAMBlLEI S LIFE. perance. r ,r. Manlley; Augustus Demrce, Mr. Rev- 0der -wuaer, MBr. Irandon; Amelia, Mrs. Harris; Louisa, S. + dpaai3h Polka, MIr. Garden and Miss Goward. After which the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O ADEIMOSELLE, JEN-,NY LIJND. I -j ICA C A fhaving- aecertnined'talt certain are ead.Vourinig to dispcoso of Box e ormos, preuditt,, tbittleeisO but 'Just to brkct ?? pulaces mlay ve!t` be, secyjd veiynight'sitl'cr~I~ltteice; but earl~Y a licatln/re at ueviid appisititieitts. It 'I'ali g'de tavtl' itlic~llhleidtha te Seaits illilloa Pit w~d rehie ii C ned btbroceticnA. to-the, ?? ?? b~e I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~HEQEN'S ROYAL THE;ATRE., MKR. JIOHN HARRIS LrSE.srx N THIIS EVEBNIING (Tuesday), 81st October, ()theperformance will commence with the Domestic PEraOtUBO THE tBELLOW~SMENDER, AND THE pERO ' ' BEAUTY OF LY'ONS. ldsnsieur Daubigny, Mr. Wilton; Pere Massilon, Mr. Theodore Lebrun, Mr. Carleton; Perourou, Mr. trynoldsi; Old Larose. AIr. French; Julia Daubigny, Mrs. Irrs 3 Bochelette, Miss Goward. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AUNGUCEMENT. /I Y Customers and the Public are respectfullY M informed that I have returned from my Winter Jour- asey. A large nuanber of Bales have arrived, comprising the Wokog goods, which being purchased Etr Cash terms, are, I apprehend, the cheapest as well as the most relet stock which has been offered in this City this Season:- Superfine Black Cloths, warrsnted fast colours. ...