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Advertisements & Notices

... / DE I URGH ADELPEI THEATRE. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS PARKER, ON THUIRSDAY, OCT. 19. rrISS PARKER most respectfully announces that, encour- 3-1 aged by the kind favour with which her Protessional efforts have been received by the Public of Edinburgh, she has been advised ta adventure upon the present appeal, *which she earnestly hopes may not be considered premature or pre- sumptuous in one so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G&ocb Faaer Club. 'TH LITB, with a view to the mrvmn fArei aLtrlIpements in the Dhatriet, have resolved to hold'a Ai Competition atPeT PTAOinIIen SATUN)AvYthe 31stofMarch ti next, at 10 o'clock forenoon, when the follolving Premiums & will be given, vi z. I For the mrst approved PLOUGH, the draught ra of whichtobeascertainedby thedraughtguage, £2 0 For the second do. I0 0 For the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BATTY'S CIRCUS, EARTHEN M1OUND, EDINBURGH. INCREASED AND STILL INCREASING SUCCESS. TrHE THIRD GRAND DAY PERFORMIANCE will take place on SATURDAY the 4th November, under distinguished Patronage. Doors open at One. Per!orrnance at Two o'clock precisely. First Class. 3s.-Second Class, 2.-,-Third Class, Is.- Fourtb Class. 61.' Children under 10 years of age. Half price to the First and Second ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LA pDIES BOARDING AND DAy SCHOOT.. rE qTILLJER belss to intimate. that CLASSES arefnow '7j gpi:N in her Seaminarv for the Hucarin of YOUNG 3., ; il the tisual Branches, and that the most eminent S *';2sGre inl dai v attendanrce. S ile Creseent, 2-7 th Octoher, 1848. CARD. ilE ,arioElgBranches are being taught in MISS PATER- f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Tun LAIDIE '. WALTER GRAY, Sm.K Mrtteuot, 121,lw iose sixrs, E intimtes the arrival this: week of a eseleetion ef Ne and Fashionable GOOD1 m suitable for the Winter trade; purchased in London by 1f d Shearer-embracing:- e FRENCH MERINOES-firat-rate value. au Genoa. French, and English, sa SILK and TERRY VELVETS; The prevailing enlour is Royal Bite. tb Rich SATIN and VELVET RIBBONS, to match ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,, 95) innaey Sate Rooms, on Wednesday the Ilth nexr, at 'Two o'clock, r jtO' - 5~N- Weotloite Place. presentlY occupiedth y (\01r. q-t.- in thec most complete order, and flited r1ite I OVi 00 ilt, -eel; n~ Titn-sliy antd Fridays, between One V l ik Ipsot Price Z I T50. ~tlr ?? iiil- ppir to RNein & Cininittghamt .Account.. itet 'l:te Aoncrief'Y. Paterson & Forbes, - , i'e teet ; or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SALE of HOUSE FURNITJRE, THIS DAY, at River Bank, Pollokshaws, is POSTPONQED. %VM., STUART Lk SON. 42 Gordon Street. MAN AMISSING. EFT Home, October 12-45 Years of Age, 5 feet 6 inches a L I high, Bald on Forehead, led on a B1lue Cloth Cap, with Fur Edges. Red Cravat. Striped Shirt, Brown Cloth Vest with Moleskin Sleeves and Back, Black Corduroy Tronsers, Whbite Stnckings, and stout ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAUIaIABLE 3BOOxS; .LTE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, rY RICHARD GRIFFIN & Co. 40 BUCHlANAN STREET, GLASGOW, ALL ELEGANTLY BOUND. ReFuced to Pub. at *CYLoPSEDTA& ITETROPOLI. . s. d. s. d. 1) g- oz vole. cloth 0 0 50 00 JI E t Coo?, half Russia 5 0 o60 0 0 I'TONALT ATLAS, fa. S 6 0 S 8 0 F'SpTYSICL ATLAS, fol8 8 0 12 T2 0 jt5[l ;-j;rFjR(N CATHEDPRALS,fol. 217,6 10 10 O en?~li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED. .From the King's Arms Hotel, on Saturday Evening, about Five o'clock, AhDUN COLOUED SCOTC'H TER ER.-Ansrers to At the niame of *' shr' Lowng Ears a' 'd Tail. a B1au~k .Spot on the Point of its N~ose; a Brass CSollar a'nd small Padlock about its neck; and ulpon the Collar the letters J. W. Any Person bringilig the same to the Rinm's Arms Inn, Tron- gate, will be Rewarded. If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lfrT E GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE. ANNUITY 'A _ND FAMILY ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION, - 2.3 PALL MALL, LoeNDOMw Chairman-Rev. GEORGE POCOCK, LL.B. rhr -Eon- RICHARD EDWARD HOWARD, And Ten other Directors. Secretary-SPENCER P. PLUlIER, Esq. 5.eol Annual Payments for Assurance-No polic- disputed otrained 7 cv frantd. )nv ?? the premium need be uj *te remainder c a debt on the policy or be paid off P- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pre- FOUND, Last right. et the Theatre. but , I AM OND and EMTER.RALD BEIACELET.-Apply to rA Mr. Rait. goldsmith. 34 Buchanan Street. Glasgow, October 5. 1848. '5g. FOUND, rices Ae POINTER DOG, on Alilngavie Road, near MAilngavie, on ,ragetA, Wednesday morning. If not claimed within Eight days C4lU from this date, it will be Sold. or Apply to John M'Intyre, carter, at Mr. Penders, Cloberfield, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , Ftree bi Tat to cMM part nf it~e Cn'renb-y on recept 4 ?? Stamps ic Patr (ifire Order rfer 6s. ,- it Pul'ish'ed 1 i 1 2mo . Pri,-e tis., T* 5.!11 Reivon, e vised and greatly Enlarzed. of Po Lz LAW 11 A N U A L FOR SCOTLAND. con- 4j ?? ;..rie Principles of the Poor Laws, and Decisions in GitCou r the preset time. ;AnasEX A FlEo IN yEEL CAI11e, Esq. A g C Pl.S, Edinburcrh; DAVID ROBERTSON, ; * ...