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Advertisements & Notices

... CLIFTON ARMS ASSEMBLY LOOU, LYTHAM. /A GRAND CONCERT W ILL bce given in the above Room, 1n MMONDAT Ey s EoNIN OCTOBER 9ru, the proceeds of which lli lte appropriated, after defraying expenses, to the jyTlIAM CLOTEING FUND. 'lse following Committee of Gentlemen have kindly prorised their support and patronage on the occasion _ P.Tabot Clifton, Esq.; James Eden, Esq.; William cart BirdsWOrlh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sot oT the annual 5ssembiy), J. Petere, s, and ether mnraisters and friends are ?? chair will be taken at seven e0 0 '0 A 6Coll0cltiO e in be made aftor each service, on behalf of the above missiOns. EGHANICS' INSTITUTION CONCE TS.- Ml THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, at hilf-past seven, landelte aorod Oratorio, THE MESSIAH. j . : Plificipal Vocaists: - Mrs SUNDERLAND,' M Mr. `V. XYALLS, of Liverpool, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OWER MOSLEY-STREET DAY AND - LSUNI)AY SCHOOLS.-TI'he JAL SERMON in CROSS.STRET CHAPEL in sup~'t of thee School, wvill be Preached TO-MI ORROW hIOR o thendnst. Sebyo sthe Rev. I WILLIAM GASKEL, MA, It~be Evning, the sameMinisterv will Deliver an ADDRESS to the Chil and their Parents, in 7 the large roomz, LowNer M~osley-etrcet..'be evening service to P a omme'c at haps _ r T RICHMOND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, a respeotable Y wo,;.V as HOUSEMAID.- Apply at tin '8'. T O SPINNERS AND MANUFACTURERS.- t Twistand Cloth PRESSES by h nor power; reels for tbrostle or mule yarn, or sewing , resses asd reels for linen yarn; winding machines very ascription and warping mills; doubling machines fs8 m ltread haling, epooling, and batik winding maiebin or d 1:; sachinos for doubli g hosiery; and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, pr-ice Od. or free by poet for Sd. THE MER1CHANT, MANUFACTURER, AND T DRAPE R'S ASSISTANT: sbo_ n at 4'la ce the Cor-_ per yard (inoIle d1itig 81 p 1;jalcited fractionally parati Vroi ofP insfrm3. to Cs,.f forPieesfro 7s t High~ ffuoeryoecocre in the buying, selling orikn fSuf Pieoes.-Entered at Stationers' Hall. Bradford, Yorlkshire: J. Lourd, bookseller, stationer, &c. 82, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . j , Al hets and allegations must Le authileatiated r by name and address, for our own informnation, Letters 0 on busineso, or intended for the editors, should be it addrossed to the qf m or to the editors, and not to any individual. Le'ere and statements intended for publication should be written on one side of the paper only. We cannot undertake to return rejected coMn tfmunicatious. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . oscc by lette resperi resp dtvrtiiesietentsmuifstbe postpaid .rsdtl,.ot be ereieived. Applications directed tobe ,cnadeat 4es~er~er' must be per^ssccl: ia such cases, flO *written cans. ~icaeioe rcat be attended to. Peissieal inquiries crnnot be edsen theeddreseis isto be bpetter. lANTED, a Good Spacious )Sf SED, or Small MILL, WW with Turning for 1650 Lgln (als a good-sized Room as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRTY TWO HiORSES. MA TlErlR. Mo~st extOnsivO anti imtportant Sdoloo T-otnnevalualettnrd extremely POWerful W %GGON IOSE'linextrsetdinflry fas S DDLE and HARNESS HOSSI n a Magnificent pN.In Churl' ,n-street. Mlanchester. ESSUS. CHiURTON have the pleaisingl duty IVL to nnonieee. that tli-v have bco en pPOnted by Plyr. htfIth to SE LL by AUCTION, en Saturday, the ath dy o tietevebe netraylve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. Examiner OjJice, Tuesday, T'wo o'clock,. - tbitiouiI gIwt' emgnclt. On Tbursday tha 20th inst. nt a qSiteipast twelve precisely. at the B3oliers Offices, TrwellB i glyI ckfriars, Manchester: 3,000 bags Bngual SUGAR, j 4ltder ex Cressida.-For parn ticnlars, apply to ilI: & CO. Brohers. XXTANTEDjointly or sepaty, as a io Couatrv School, a a MASIE~t arid ihS'l'StR ,. r prodeienuy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L OMS AND STEAM01 .-TO BE LET, sar L 72 LOM in Cheps w~~MllMnhster, with dec acig7room, ounating-bousa& d¶1'eI es ataoed-Apply at1 to ADAMS & BRIDGFORD, acco s~naadaet,3,Cos n street. RUIT REES-. BI & 00. Nursery F andSeedmenbeg o lu see, e storinere, that theirbe Stok o th aoveis eryfie ia n-Ctaleguels ab 25, arkt Plce.on ITY TIMBER WHARFSLNDSAW MILS, PORT-STREET.. MRiI to hanki Fiends who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 002111Ifli~tf~rA1AL ADiVlUtt IN CA.,KS OP IiBBILIIX 1NBRY0USNEAR. AND A LLI DIPORDERRS ARISING FROM EXCESS, an. ESTABLISHIED in 1831. Ri~rptop. SwE 1)0U t'ti JITQ8IAN P iR PW,,til. &C.-The celebratedt CORDIA1 B3ALM is1u MECCA. LS re Witt, each box of Professor Sweedcur's Hygelfan Herb Fillg price Is. ltd and 49 6d. per bix, Ia .dven extract-, from the Sitcrell A4dvisee oltalning Obseryations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * TIZANS' WEEKLY LECTURES, R CONCERT HALL, LORD NELsoIJ4TIET OD TIUR8DAY Oext. the '0th inaant. FKtANK 110 WARD, PS., will deliver tbe PfflST of a COURSO of THRF,13 LEC- TMilw5 On the UIs of the FINE ART1B, a a ME DIM Of EDUCATION, Illustrated by the Deslaus for the Decoration of the Grammar School at Preston, and by a Design to be tade froea a eubjoot to be given to the Lecturer by tile ...