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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... UP E R I O , M A 11 E U M B R E L L A S of English, French, and German Manufacture, to be had A/ AT EDWARD STEARS', UMBRELLA MAKER, &c, 19, MYTONGATE BULL, Where Repairs and Becovering is neatly done on the Premise N.3,_-CARRIAGES'. UMBRELLAS IN STOCKt, IN GREAT VARIETr. 11JL L C LO T HI NG SOC 0IET Y. ,JOSEPH JONES AND CO., LINEN-AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS, 65 & 66, MAILKET.PLA.CE, EG to inform the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |A DVIRT1S19MLNTES,] CuO1tEIA ANt)D BO\vtE, COMPt'LAINTS.-At this season of the year, wthet chloler and bowel aOtiJtitstS SO s0 tnolto pre- vail, it is wvell to remind thie public that precautionary tilea- ' tites lhsutd be retetltlyantS Poutt,tty attenldedtmo upon etteiritrot apipeatatlee sectl ss kite of uo remedy thalt lhas been resorted to wvith greater sllct-esg than licey and Co.'s Datf' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co 1teabtro & Corrmovonjunte. ?? fan J. SWUjT begs to acknowledge the receipt of the follow. thb ,ng sums for the Victim Fund, via.:- def . ~~ ~ ?? S . ?? r Mr Scott 0.. . . ., .. 0 0 4 Mr Shepherd .. .. .. ..0 0 8 Mr i .. .. .. 1TE . I o3 DR IDOUXALL. ;, From the 'King of the French' .. . 0 1 2 From the Nottingham Shoemakers .. 0 a Mr Chipendale a.. .. ,. . 0 0 5 r R. Y.-.Read the newspaper, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ito fra.r0 & Cornopouutoj J. SWEET aesnowledges the receipt of hefollowing EuV for Or M3Douall Mr Bewley .. ° 0 -Shepherd a 0 -Lee 0. -ChiptIdale ° 0 From t * Colonel Hlutchinson 0 MrsPeske .. .. .. FOR VICTIM FUND:- Mr Birgin 0 . , W. MuRIn'n. ?? believe not. BRISTOL.-Mr D. Morgan, of Merthyr Tidvil, wisbets know the address of the Bristol ?? secretary. NoseOE.-No meetirg will take place at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BEST M~EDIOI INS 00 TUR WO0R LD., Eo In, 14 LIFE the' PI LL . This~ MedIcine has be1en before the British Public only a this medicine were at once acknaowledged werertid and reomnsT ftsbtwere continually brought before thes public at qt contiuual good which resulted from their amcpra ter fame, far and wide, Iat this moment there is ecarcely A le country on the face of the globe which h5s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. PERFECT FREEDOM FROl COUGHS, In Ten Minutes atter use, and a rapid Care of Asthma and Consu ption, and eU Disorders of the Breath andLunge, is insured by DRL LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. J Tre truly wonderful powers of this remedy have called forth testimonials from all ranks of society, ia all quarters of the world, the following have been just e. caived:- MORE CURIES OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OF LADY- T'O-i~llORRO'. Lord's Day, October Eigth~i. tile Rev. J. 'IV. DtAS.I.l), 1LL.11.. of London, xvillii prech ati LADY-LAMi, CII'c. Liti us. 11iernDingt I ialf-jimo' Toil : 'Vx'c'iILo at `iX. Anal on AMN~ade iecij i l;7ei, the tft~il 1 Oi'oiiei' tile 11ev. OIMBERI' IIALLUYI Dili., of mitllliester, will Prealch nt Seven o'Clock. A Collsction will be imade on each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0I MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER MEDICIINE Itspow I-CONSTIPATION and DYSPEPSIA (INDIGES. OW ~iO)the mainl causel of Biiioueness, Niervousnessj berro DiverCorn aint, Meee'ou Headabee N odys ?? eludEars, 'aina link alinostevery pact ofheBd'lar: sd ROVED irout the system, by a paermncu estrioofvni the digethvefanctions it fhir ?? v1gour, ituT HEati peirging, inodfiventence, pain. or expense by atil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JRWONDIOCESAN CHURCH B3UILDING BOO'IETY.-lIRIPON DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDiUttA- I xON tto ANNUAL and LIALF- LARL ETNSwl be hd.4 st the6 R1240's HEAD IsrN, InI llIrHASdON, On 1','scicrYi -~b'Vdd f Ieseie aciat Twelve O'Clork atNEoO.1 WILLIAM SINCLAIR, N.A: eea THOMAS COLLINS, liD. ~j CTURCl OFENGLND DSTRICT VISITING SOCIEY wil beheld t th Offce I, Basinghali-stroet, ca ri la, Iiir Zovcebc',184. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE, SPLENDID CHAMPAGNE OF 1846.C OC T VLNTAGU-h ie fti mgilha itgowing C SC to t Ibsr Crrxroe ?? s, geusros1 'll , and V .iuolilty.l are now 0 vin bI riat CndiAtionandu readyj fa1ri imediate use. Thle Firet bit'S eonsigumerrt i~~nttins. C ny, frm tC Vinyatds of Elperuay, Il ?? is nlow onl Sale, in Cases of 3 Dozen eacci £6 Wie Citshi Applyfav to TarsshAs Ila j~,ileprelentirtive for tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 IREDUCTON OF? FA.RE.- N OTICE! !--The UNITED STEAM PACKET COMPANY I>ave great pleasure in announcing to 1! that the FARE of the BEST CABIN of tbh l 11dc Steam Packets, will, on and after MON. t ~e e, the 23rd Instant, be Reduced from 2s 6d. °es i future, from Gainsboro'. to Hull, or from gal o Osinsboro', Best Cabin, 2s. Fore Cabin, ls. 6d. 'hCoeo any avail themselves of this opportunity to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TANTED, by a Youing Person Aged 2,I, w1o W understnind. s , I Ie *,ikjakin, and guttileg lxl Fie L3Lillen, A SLTUATItiN IsLA D)y'S MAlID ~h Cal fltv a g0a Clharaicter from the [atlay shte is leving, Avith whom she 1115 lived Three Years asNurse, Address I 37, MlercluY Oflice. -A iNTED, a steady, ixidustriouS, married iass, w Nitbloult Faasnily its G.II.II, 10v Perfetlsty nlinderslanrms thie ? ...