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... (lrsoms M/e 1)orld qf Fos/icu.) WALKCING Dtzitss.-A idrcos of dtark chocolatc-colourcd watet'id slit, untie perfect ty plain, and (pitte high to tile throat longj full sleeves, finihe with anl coibroitlerei cult of cambtric. Pardlcssus of dark greeit tevaulicile, tttosinz to tue walist, tti shines beinig clif upit so as to forl a1 sattaiow poieuig Oil cacti sidlc and cricirtced with at douthle ...


... ..T.ATRICALS &e., IN AMERIC , The recent arrival of the Cambria, supply the following items under date, New York. October -17. Mrr.llfcrea;dy is ptaying to very'tood houies, butf therte not -a particle ' of edtti'suhasm e4%hibited'by the public: ' : u is' admired and iprisised;' but the' press whileiit is 'generous; heralds hisperfdrnsailes with no very ' velling stbloguis.' .He--willmakiea ? ...

Selected Poetry

... ?,'-Clcctcb T30ttrij. CENTILE W\ ORDS AND LOVING SMILES. A YouV, rose in Sumitiner-tinic Is beautiful to me, And glorious arc the nminy stars ThIat glimiuner on the sea: PlUt gent ic words and loving bearts, And hands to clasp my owi, Are better thian the faiwst flo)wers, (r stars that cvcr sholie. The snn may wart the grass to life, Te ( dew the drooping ?? And1 eyes grow hright and watcl ...


... FASHIONS FtU NO(VEMBER. (reromethe ss , a MI,,tly 13,i' ?? ?? rublic Promenade Dress.-Brown figlsred poplil robe; a high corsage, trimmed* with a revers of two falls edged teitl offil. Docni-largesleeves, confined by bands at thelwrit. TIhe pardLa. SU1 is a short pelisse of green satili, wadded, and linted si;i sarsenct. A close fitting corsage, with a double pelerine ot vto- derate depth, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... j.n-,biou. mib YtavirtiO. T l11 COURT. Ti E Qneen remains at Windsor, with the Prince null tilm hoval children. 'T'lc Princess lloliciflohe Langeunlitrg and the Prhi cess l liza cuntiniue at the Castle. Amionig tile visitors to her Majesty have liecn the Dulnte anid D)ihess of Camii- bridge and fliv Earl and Counitess of Clarendon. The Duchiess of Kent Iliis ?? at the Castle daily. Thbc Earl ...


... I MR. WLLIAMS l STHE SISTER OF CHARITY. T'ie Ihllowing is a copy of the exquisitely beautiful poem- Tile Sister of Charity-written by Mr. Williams, to which Mr. Ferguson referred in his able, masterly, and triumphant defeitce Of that gifted young gentleman on Thursday. Tihis charming little piece is, in the strong language of .Ir. Fer- gusion, an embodying of the purest aspirations of ...


... 11$cb icw>, No. 170f. TmTSe MAG7X~iiit Novembher. Edhiburgh Switesrkind and Knox. A great portion of this nun,,iher is devoted to the continua- twiou of the voluminous tictiotis in which nil especially de- lights, and which it is irk-sn),iu to hie perpetuallv noticing. Of ti( hie w mattIer, wve nsav location , in terms of praise, the licantiftil deoscriptioni of the river Die, with which the ...


... I CLINICAL LECTURES ON THE PRACTICE OF tl MEDICINE. By ROBERT J. GRAVES, M.D., ofI.I.A, &C. &C. Cl (Second Edition, Edited by J. Moore Neligan, ?? &c.C Two Volumes.) t [Dublin; Fanuin and Co.-1848.] 01 More than five years have elapsed since the system of a( clinical medicine, conveyed in those lectures, was first given to b. the profession at large, by their publication in a collected di ...


... I FASHIONA BL INTE1LLIGENCE. The Marquis and Marchioness of Ormonde, fa. sally, and suite, have arrived at the Gresham Hotel. Sir David Roche, Barti M.P., Hon. Mr. Butler, Caeptainis Lttle Harvey, and Barker, messrs. Cane, Dunbar. Silvain, Watson, Croft, &C. &c., sailed from KingetOWl on Wed- nesday evening, by the rrincess, for Liverpool. p Lady DC Vere and suite, Captain WVynne and S suite, ...

Original Poetry

... Ovigillal 1,30ttru. TilE HIOME 1OF CUit CHILDHOOD. 'rll Ihome of our ciltidlboo(l is dear to the soul, ?? far from its view o'cr lifces billuow we roll Thc strlager cmay dwell in that onec happy spot, Ihllt dcailv we lvo it, thonl3 Changed bhe its lot. I ie ros(s I Ii at o (c, tw ilnled their wreatlis roun 3d our door, .mIc; ole , otilcared for, breath perfallone no mo1(re; \\ ii~ weeds haive ...