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... I - * COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, DUBLIN. d JOHN MARTIN, IN ERROR, v. THIE QUEEN. The Court sat at half-past ten o'clock on Monday, and proceeded to hear the arguments in this case. The prisoner was present. Sir C. ('Loghlen spoke at great length in behalf of the prisoner, contending that the e conviction and sentence ought to be quashed on various if grounds, two of the moot material of which ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCEI-WEDNESDAY. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. [Sittings at Westminster, before Mr. Justic Erile and Com- 11on Juries]. OSTEWVM2N V. HIENRUY BATEMAN. The hearing of this case, which had been part tried yes- terday, was resumed and concluded this daly. Mr. E. James, with wihom was Mir. lawkins, stated that this was asn action in which the plaintiff sought to recover frens the defendant ...


... IRE LAND. DUBLIN, SATURDAY MoNst-NO. [PloM 0ou1 CORRESPONDENT.] The arguments oil the writy of error in the cases of the four prisoners convicted of high trea- son at Clonnmel were brought to a close yesterday afternoon. If the case of Mr. Smith O'Brien had been disposed of separately, judgmnent would have been pronounced this term ; but the argument of the three other cases has rendered a ...


... CORONEERS' INQ UESTS. Last evening an inquest was held before Mr W. Payne, at tho Crown, Blackfriars-road, on the body of Edsard Nash, aged 57, a horse-dealer, of No. 23, Martin-strect. The deceased, it appeared, was a man of very dissipated blabits, and was often iatoxicated fromu morning till night, Onl Wednesday evening last he told his nepho ?? M 'sMa- nard, of Shepherd's-buslh, that he ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE-FRIDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. The Lord Chancellor, at the sitting of the court, made orders in hlnacy. IN RE DAeSTER, A LUNATIC. There were four petitions in this matter from different parties relating to the condition of the lunatic under the superintendence of her mother, the committee of the person, and to the claims on the estate in consequence of the ?? application of the ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE-MONDAty. COURT OF CHANCERY. LORD V. THE COrPEct MINERS' COmPASY. Mr. Betbell and Mr. Willcock opened acn appeal in this matter fronm an order of the Vice-Chancellor Knight Bruce, overruling a demurrer to the bill which was filed for an in- junction to restrain the defendants from vesting their pro. perty in trustees, with a viewto the payment of the inmurn- brances on their ...


... LA TV NOTICES-This DAY. COURT OF QRBWN's BHScir, Wzsmmrr,'e, at half-pa.# 0.-Mid. dlesex Common Julries -The Qucen v Barber-Chisholiiy Lord- Doe dem. Tigg and others v Potter-Hancock v Edwarms-Gadoby v Estall-liotterlsby v Russell-Hawkimson and another executors v Alcock. Undefenided: Waring v ierriott-tlutchinson v Boyles. COURT OF COUMON PLEAS, WEsTMrITER, at half-palst 9.- Middlesex Common ...


... rNSOL VENT DEBTORS COURT-MONDAY. ?? (Before Mr. Commissioner Harris.] pN R5E JOSEPII COPP ASHTON. This insolvent, al commission-agent, was opposed by Mr. oclie, for iMr. Blyth, a hardwareimait at Binningham, and upported by Mr. Waye. The grounds of opposition in this case were twofold-con- ractini a debt to a large amount by a breach of trust, and rithlhoding account books. The case had been ...


... Tlec CHARTIST TRIALS in EDINBURGCh. I MONDAY. Tue High Court of Justiciary met in Edinburgh to-day, when the Chartist trials were resunmed. The court was crowded. Johns Grant, printer; lfes rs J?mzkwo-, Intely' of the Xorth Bit-iash Bxpress newspaper ; and Jtoberr Jltisilton, tailor, were chearged with sedition ,and conspir-acy. They were Cha~rged with having, onl the 25th April, within the ...


... I NEWCASTLE-_Afonday.-Before the Mayor and Aid. Carr.-Sarah Carr was charged with robbing a man of 3s. The prisoner, on being apprehended, was searched, and the exact sum found upon her. Inspector Little fuz- ther stated, that he had another charge against the pri- soner, and vijhed to have her remanded. On the night of tse loth July last, a gentleman. belonging to the Branch Bank of England, ...


... PREROGATIVE COURT.-MONDAY, NoV. 20. BARLEY V. THE EARL OF PORTARLINGTON. -The question in this case was as to the validity of a codicil to the will of the late Earl of Portarlington, professed to have been made on the 28th of December, 1845, the day of his decease, in favour of Miss Barley, of No. 10 China terrace, Kennington. The will, dated the 11th of April, 1844, bad been proved by Colonel ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1848
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1922 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... L&W AND POLICE. COURT OF E*CHEQUER- COOKE v. ACUTT-.In this case, the plaintiff, the proprietor of the Three Cups Tavern, in Aldersgate- street, sought to recover five coffee-roomn tables, or their value, 40, from the defendant. It appeared that some alterations and improvements were carried out at the hotel, under a contract between Lydiard a builder, ard the defendant, an upholsterer, in the ...

Published: Sunday 19 November 1848
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5955 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment