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Advertisements & Notices

... CONID4IENTrAL ADVICE IN 'ASES OF DEDILITy NERVOUSNESS. AND ALL DISORLIRRa ARISING FROM EXCEiSS, 6cc. EBTABLrBHED in 1831. 13ROVESSOR 8WEDOUR'S HiYG]&XAX I HERB PILLS, &o.-The esiebrated CORDIAL BAL)( up MECCA. Witri eaob bum of Professor Swedour's Hygelan Hsrb p~ibij prien N. Md. and 49. 64d. per box, ia siven extract-s frsom the Sece.4 Adviser, containing observations asnd blasts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ieatenon tiothBlocLon Ivnn.i lemrI h X.VnY, of MSale.-nnls wrvo= ydipsdo0b rvt to, oondltiornS, ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, comn- wi mony clld o kownbythe name of OL1D MARTON, ' syith tile eitcaslve Feral Buildings, Gardens, OrblIsAdS, anA P Apparrieoarices. together also wilts the vocy eligIble, sad slogn. WI luly crompaet Farm theretto belonging, consistlingof INJA Is. 23P. 6a of moat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TO OWNE RS AND AGENTS OF, PROMITY To BE, LET OR ON SALE, - -n order iogive advanitages to Advertiser-s i~1b aisitePropea-te to Let &oilo Sztie, and also to Parties thho are acdvertisinog gi for -Sitziations, the Proprietors f h Mn hse qra mniner asd Tinzes have opened a Classifiedl Registn- of fill] adiyertiemenlts of the above'descriptions vhich;&aty appear- p -In l-.Jcir paper. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ry ~~~~DENTISTRY. is Teeth build the face of beauty in woman, a. ,~~And comeliness in mail. 36 N/I 'HOPKINSON, J 'eo and Mechanical et1L Dentist'-jntimstes to te le 'r htIemyb Meconsulted* as. usual iieiCis.pp i rfsin is and particularlyinvitestoe aebeBuplewt is misfits from-o~ther dentsstocalgurneigvrye6ad comfort in mfasticationarinainanpesalpprne- DefectivePalates remeidr lidennet euatd n l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Black~ Star Line of Pockets. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. LOADING BERTH, SOUTH SIDE WATERtLOO DOCK., C A To sail puonctually on the 2'2nd of November. The yeryfin a~mel c~4e~iano Ship, W. H. lEso_ som0 ausor; a 832 tons register; coppered and copper.&steed; only on her fourth voyage; and well known as ai most eligible conveyance.- Apply to C. GIRITISHAW & CO. Succeediog Packets, now in Pert- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All facts and allegations must be authenticated by name and addressl, for our own information. Letters i on bulain ss, or intended for the editors, should be addressed to the firm or to the editors, and not to e any individual. Letters stun statements intended for o publication should be written on one eide of the paper I only. We canUot undertake to return rejected cam- 8 e munications. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - )f'JOHN HKL, M EDICAL GA4LvANisT, 13, TucieaE4TRcv PEs- TOLicensed Dispenser of Mediolne, .Memnber of, the 'British College of Health, LUndon; and 'Manu fac.. turer of the Improved Portable ME];i6AL GAL'VANIO, ArrARAroS. GALVANISMd APPLICARLE: TO! THE! CURE OF MOST ?? physitains in this cuntry;, who stand high in the & medical profession, now recomnmend Galvanism As a pow- erful agent in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .THE BLACK STAR LINE OF PACKETSA LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. thle ki To be despatched pt n? Novent~lifts le Tobedeptcedpu ly o bfNoeber, Public The splendid Its m'nShip at thle O I; 0, ~~~~~~or pri' S. CL RE, OMMndr 768 tons register; coppered and copper-fas ed; anldwell known PI, as asuperior conveyanoe.-Apply on boa south side Waterloo Dock; or to C. GRIMSHXW & Co. Undel Succeeding Pock-et,RIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I : .'' rt,. Ir 1 XERAORDI!4A Y 0C116IculTISIS.'-wil, &Suifl'rdthirc Cqonv-, .;episiqw,'w th tb~ ito'lnie weld po'~etij. Ussoaer Nahiale orfe Myk~4~ mid~eri of al I iniosis erv n srfn cil'ul and pilain mattier-nof'fslc but~ th tm-o'Inse aludr'hhadFcthe gthe' tundrtsn i be lo. ~TW46simoie; the firottitem 'ruielie.,*~ n hrr 'sWill be orseoi.f the fl't lcshsw'h the u tshao th110 The sq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01 M : ICXArNDxwnmg;A, very bouxi>2u~tse sof l ;'dlq at d riQPC-ug -all tKat is nove l ad, t ,.irnprovif branch of ma m -azuftrictue mayba Viewedral *. VJ. r, Pes h Sith~e Gmts-fieL~'g WOrke,2 ~26 , Saivr .-:6ettltet, I the large Eiv-room a~t-lb egtiiIhs j .f oY .tiin5ii, freum'flje Ptzniaeut Pealdnfl : tohe tioat bi- ficent obandali4,eucMh am canglot feilt to gtii ~ V : i.1fiety ef ta. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. SATUIRDAY EVENING CONCERTS, WITH LITERARY AND OCIENTIFIC SSRIINATIOSN. O BSA TURDOA Y IEXr, the 6th ftortant, Mr. TEMPLETON will give a 'MUSICAL ENTERTAIN- MENT, when h owill introduce Thetloldlier's Tesr. IBeat, there a bgart? ThoisMrld O' Cookpon, Just like love Is yonder roea. Bl~ly 1ijPwr alloy, The Death of Nelson. $Old Tmvier, Orinthi. ray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. Excnmnier Oflice, Titesday, Two o(clock. ilb~itionaI ilbbertflerna rp 0 ENt3NEERS, MILLW TO S &o.-A Young Iian, of 1. goodi educahiof, tto is piacl all luninted MOth Engiteers ug &11(d Alil1hvrtghti g Blisine' in at fs bruclsles ti desiroius of mneetitl With EMPLOYMlIEN' , wilt Itncotild snalk his conniea. ns available. The ilver set bits a knowsle~owdge of the French andT G: ...