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Advertisements & Notices

... T HE EUROPEAN CLUB, 13, Geoge.stret J.Henovsr Square,. Londondn-The European Club is essk blished or the purpose of providing the Bankers, Merchants, and 'gent;ermen connected with commerce, with a suitable place of rendezvous, where they can meet and enjoy the pleasures and J advantage ol a superior club, hithertoknown only to a privilege& few. To-the onmmsernitl portion of onr provincial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. CHRISTMAS DAY. fol As nexct M~onday will be Christmas Day, oural office will be closed until fbur o'clock in the after- z noon, and we Shall feet obliged by our friends favouring us with their advertisements tbr Tuesday's to Mercury on Friday, or eat ly on Saturday. D TICE Su~ LIVERPOOL MERCURY ALMANACK ' S3i AND TIDE TABLE, FOR 1849, t Notwithstanding nearly WrWLVE THO0USAWIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNERS AND AGiENTS OF PROPElTY TO BE LET' OR ON SALE. In order 1,t tlive advanititages to ,ldvertisers who have Property to Letor an Sole, and ialso to Partite who-are advertisinq for Sitwtnis, the Propriehtrs of the 3Meachester Exa- Pniner awl Times have opened it 0lassified Rerslter of all advertis,' aeats of the abaillp desc'iptionas which may appear ivitheiv' lapier. This Reqister ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARGO for these SbI will bn received in th * order of priority of arrival at the Whart, on MONDAY. TUESDAY, and until Six e1oloek In the Evening of WINI)RSDAY preceding the day of salling. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, AsppointedbytheA4nilrslgy to sel) between LIVERPOOL antd BOSTON, And between LIVERPOOL -anti NEW YORK, at IIALIlFAX to lund and remeive B.ta sra li~i.; u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. a. t Examiner 0//ice, Tuesday, T1'wo o'Alov.. Win _____ - ______ _______dent ther Abbitiona! Z-tbcti~tiytnt. hit OTICE is hereby given, that WILLIAM iro j NZNE WrTGN af 'rideswoll, in the connty o Deirby, gentle- Pol man. hat, I y indenture of lease Intetid til oxthli day of Deeinbior oltli instant, and nadoe tetwoen tlie said William Newton, of tine Da tt ptart, alnd Samuel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDrENTIA DIC, IN CAqPS 01 NIORVOUCNEdSS. AND A2LE, DISOklERs R1111 5 FRO id EXCESS, 4NGI ESTABLISHED Jr 1831 PR1?u'SSOlt SWFDoDR.5' OP BECCA.FILS &C.-The celebrated Co It V'G Aii g~Wihehach bex of Prsof rSet lornc N. Ml anol 4, r.1. per box, i eeors oilert P, zbmit nufcoiuIng from tere Injudiciou, The celebrated CORDIAL BALA j '~. e oithlubint~ and renovatcor of the (int~ibedfnios, tover, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All facts snd allegactonr must be authenticated r by name nnd ildreas, for our own-information. Letters r on butiness, or intended for the editors, should be nddreseed to the firm or to 1 the editors, and not to any individual. Letter, aend statements intended for r publication ahould be written on one side of the paper r o01y. We Cannot undertake tc return rejected corn- a municatios, . I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Paedb; 43rtbate irenrty. I LA RGEIZWOOLL1 IE,, MIAN IF1ACTlYTObSLDte Jxt.Ivo WO LLe VW it~i5h~n~gt h eusrtd T In Aberdeen with the STEA ENINE of E vhrspwr wt Mi w'l A ilNR andIITNIS.U01 ~ oth O8`eatt1iq 1 give, an thedayof sale inthmated, in or si, future Advcrtjoen~cts. In the meantime applicaLtion mi h madeto WLsA~d i-ryseni, Rq.,Caidlerof the. Abercn F~sooa~, Adocora,147.Unin-steet Abrdeen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON PARISH CHURCH. 0 NIORROW, (Sunday) December 24th, 1848, / T370M0 SERMONS will be Preached and Collec- / tils made in syupport of the Eveing Schools in eou- n lvitih the Parish Churcbh. 'whoe ger. JOHN PEDDER, lM.A-, will preside in the gruing; and the R~ev. FRA3GIS LAfW, M.A.i Iuoum- bent{ of Samleshlill, in the Eveninig. ALL SAINTS' SUNDAY SCHOOLS, h81 AND CONGREGATIONAL TEA PARTY, W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to. eno P - c- te - Or THI CvErENcVr,- Paper and oold. Certainly, the advocatre s rY' either of the present or of a different currenoy are equally G 11 wicomea cooursaitio, so feras we cats afford It, if they wlitt F il Ic a spirit wwieh sliows that truth Is their oltject. We adstire. F, tb the brevity of Paotolas, but we also admit opposidg write s, 3 or towvfom h te isk pf p iettybusyiu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,0 All facts arnd allegesttont must be athentcated by name and addreBs, for our own information, Letter- on business, or intended for the editors, should be Old addressed to the firm or to 4the editors, and i nt lo Th any individual. Letters and otatemtentsl intended for Th ~, Publication should be written onoeHieosteppe e only. We cannot undertake to return tejoct ed conn- His municationii ...