... FINANCIAL SUMMARY THE WEEK. Nearly all kinds of securities have been less buoyant this week than fur some weeks previously. Still there has been a tendency advance, which, however, has been kept in check by constant sales. On the whole, prices must quoted nearly the same as this day week. The official reports from thu officers the States' Mint the quality of the gold found in California has ...


... I iFASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE . ' . TheJ Earl and Countess! of ERnaiskillen arrived in London last week, fromsFlorencecoiirt, Ireland, and on Saturday left for Brighton to pass a few days there. Lord Crofton, who bas been to inspect his estates in Ireland, joined Lady Crofton and family at Cowes Castle, on Thursday last.. . The Marquis of ElY, Lord Henry Loftus, and the Hon. Captain Lindsay, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? aiib Farictim TIlE- COUR-Ir. Ci WINDSOR, JA-N. 2.-The Queen and Isis Royal Highne11ss ot took ni Carls w~alk in ai I lc bm -park anIt( Slope's this morn- t 0 i 11. Tld r Roy yal II ighlilesses the Prince of Willes and Prinl- it cess ]loyal, and thle yoneger brancheas of thle Rovel failyl~, rc walked in thut, Homne-park. T'lie Prince, ati ended by A51ajori- gE' General Bolb es and .Captain t ...


... TllE DRANA AT WIFNDSOR. l.ast evellilg the series of dramatic performainces ,Icli at Windsor Castle was brought to a close. 'Pr littie season, if we may so call it, has been, ill 'Welv poillt of view, a most successful olle. No hitell\ whatever has occurred in any department. rlri liuval piartr have, on each occasion, expressed jilaikalilied satistaction with the entertainments VLhil ...

Literary Notices

... Itsitertirt) -ficatiro? TllEF ADMIRlAL. ANi)TH'i3 MIDDY. lie was of Borenn school, rilde noisy, and swore naR nntiqunted trooper ased to swear.. A slash of a etetlasa across the cheotk does not *ndd much to per- sonal bemity, and although It wooden leg is a very honnirable substitute for a flesh one, still among the 1monrding-Scbool girls, the prejudice is atrong in lfavoir of the latter ...

The Theatres

... olte ETeatrzo. ledl HAYMARKET. ere; ' Hamlet' was revived at this theatre ot Monday Fie evening. T he part of Hamlet is one to which Mr and Charles Kean has devoted long and deep etudy, and terY one on which he lavishes a great amount of artistic on, skill. The character is, indeed, identified with the I most brilliant triumphs of his professional eaer.r. diti Hamlet was the first character in ...


... I l I. I M1J11IT T(O .S LE)ITIO.)\' r/ REID.* I +1. T ?? portelit uols vl l1le has laill upoll . h Jol( for sonic tillic iiperatively calling - ti* ' . BIut, paradloxical as it Ilay appeal, it is ?? rea~d this gigalitic volilme thail to revicw 1 hI il ea of dFoill, Sil' Avilliuill l liliiltoll jus- 111 ile brief space our coluillus v ill openl for himil I Lv a spasin of critical audacity mot ...


... WHAT I SAW IN CALIFORNIA, IN 1846-7. Bentley, Burlington-street.-This work will form a portion of Bentley's Cabinet Library, and from its title, at a time wheR so much interestis attachingitself to California,aud when so many longing eyes are turned to that American El Dorado, it will, no doubt, be read with avidity. We premise, however, that the first volume only of the work s as yet issued, ...


... . WHAT, my dear Lord Slap, what is that collection of curious caps, and- ' lia ! Plucky, there isn't such another col- lection as that in the possession of any other nobleman in the world. NVshat do you think they arc ? They are the hats, capis, bonnets, or call them what you will, of all the watch- mncn of Europe, answered his lo rdship. ' You don't mean it, Siap? cried Plucky. 'Talsen ...

Selected Poetry

... ?Zrlrctc.V Vactrv. STANZAS. 0cc ! tell me not-I cannot bear To think this world a world of care So bright, so beautiful, and fair- Some sunny spots are surely there! Let others speak with bitterness, And call it but a wilderness, A desert's lone sad dreariness, And all within it weariness; Be mine to cull the fairest flowers That blossom in this land of ours- When weary, rest in fragrant ...


... MAGGIONI v. DELAFIELD.-This was a writ of inquiry brought last Thursday, in the Sheriff's Court, Red Lion- square, to assess damages in an action to recover the sum of 195 is., the defendant having suffered judgment by default. Mr. Edwin James appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. Kennedy for the defendant. In opening the plaintiff's case, Mr. James said the action was brought to recover the sum of ...

Published: Sunday 21 January 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1881 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... _= =otr . pl~eap o BEAUTIES OF BYRON SECON~D SERIES.s We commence our second series of sele ctions from the writings of Byaox, by reprinting the following extracts fronm the beautiful '0DE TO NAPOLEON BUONAPARTHD'(1) (Recommended to the serious considereitioa of hero. worshippers, alory-naouffers, and would-be imitators of the 'bAstard CIReAS,' Particularly Monsieur, the Prince. President of ...