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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... 90AYE A'LA, DtrBLJN`. Eleventh N:gh9tof the grand new Ohristmsn Paftomime. T - HIS EVENING (S rdayr), Jfan. p6tb, 1849, w ill: be perfornned,; not actUd: 'these. ttwrentyjers 'ya 'ranld Rholnantic Dramra, in threb Acts, called.the: ' : ORPHAN OF TEIE GASTLE,, oii THE SECJRET AVENGERS. The Abbot of; Corbey, 'Mr;Caleraft; the Prince Palatine,. Mr. Ring; the Bthrou:avenbtlrgh;M- W. Barr; Ravens- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~ATRE ROYAL, tBLIM~. Thivd Week of the grand; nevw Christras Paritonime, for which is expressly engaged 4he celebrated Clown SIGNOR BOLENO. rfHIS EVFING (Saturday),, Jan ,13th, '1849, T will be performed the llomantic Drama of THE LADY OF THE LAKE. James Fitajames, Mr. H. Bland; Roderic Dbu, Mr~f. Ccoke; Doulglas, Mr. W- Barry; Brian,: Mr. Barrett; 3ilen, the Lady of Lake, lIrs. Ternian; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Eighth N9g1st of the grand new ChriatnstasPamtpmniane. .iIS EVENING (Wednesday)5 Jan. 3rd, 1849. itill be performed ?? of THE RIVALS.- Sir Anthony Absolute, Mr. Barrett ; Cajtain Absolute, Mr. 1l. Bland * Faulkland, Mr. H. Cooke,- Acres, Mr.' Ba~er Sir IucluS O'Trigger, Mr. Barry; Mrs. MshtprJiop,'W Mrs. trchbold; Julir, srs. Ternan; Lydia Languish, Miss jitzpaitrick. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Y1PORTANT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF CLOTHES. MOSES AND CO., Tailors, Drapers, Hatters, &c., Direct special attention to a VAST REDUCTION lkade This Day in the Prices of their extensive and superior Stock of every description of GENWTLEMEN'S A1ND BOYS' CLOTHES, &c., Cut ane made bonafitdl on the Premises. This sale will amnply repay the Econmist. The Gar- ments are new, fashionable, and well made, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHERS OF 211818 Dublin Castle, December , JIIS Excellency the Lord Letnn ilhl -H LEVEE, -at Dublin-Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of Jarni4ry 4.849', at One o'clock. It is requested that each Gentleman at tending the Levee WIl bring Two 'Cards, with his .aneCI and Place of Residence weyiill written or printed t)hereon, one to be delivered to the Prso appointed to receive them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN lJSHER'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, December 21, 1848. TTIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a L1 LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of January, 1849, at One o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will brin- Two Cards, with his Name and Place of Residence eibly written or printed thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYALI DUBLIN. Last Appearance but One of Miss CUSHMAN, T HIS EVENING (Friday), January 26tb, vilt be performed, in compliance with repeated applica- tions, Sbakspeares Plvay, in Four Acts, of KING HENRY THE EIGHTH, Terminating with the Death of Queen Katharine. Cardinal Wolsey, Mr. Calcraft ; Katharine of Arragon, Queen of England, Miss Cushman ; Anne Boleyn, liss Sin- gleton; Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTABLE HOT AIR. THE NEW PATENT PORTABLE: SAFETY T STOVES-NO FLUES, For Burnieg on Office Desks, ;Shop Counters, Dressing Tables, in Carriages, or on Ladies' Work Tables, or any 1pac sohere, Heat is ?? wanted. This invaluable little Stove produces a large amount of heat at the small expense of one penny for twelre urs. It re- quires no attention when once lit. It furuisbe t in places so much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHEI'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, December 21, 1848. TTIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a J-1. LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of January, '1849, at One o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Nalne and Place of Residence legibly trwiaee or printed thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WV-L OPEN THIS .DAY, THE NEW WOOLMEN WP0RTING and TGENERAL 'IAILbRING ESTABLISFRMENT, 28, LOWER SACKVILLEwSTRE ET (Opposite the Post Office), RICHARD ALLEN, Proprietor. In announcing the opening of my new Establishment in Sackville-street, which I hate spared no pains to make war- thy in every way of public support, I wish in the first place to state that my Establishment, No. 52, High-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. gr.ANDERSON and Mrs. WARNER, of the Theatres ?? Drury-lane and Covent Garden, are engaged for a 1e;v lNights, and will make their Third Appearance these five years. rHlIIS EVENING (Wednesday), January 31st, Twill be performed Sbakspeare's Tragedy of IIAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. tamlet, Prince of Denmark, Mr. Anderson; Claudius, Mr. . BarrY; Polonius, Mr. Barrett; Horatio, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItdA'rlP' lRAl; 1DUBLINc Mr. ANDERSON and MIrs-. WVARNER, :of the Theatres royal Drury-lane and Covent Gardeb, are engaged for a Iew Xights, and will make their First Appearance these five vears. HIS EVENTNG (Mtonday), January. 29th, J' wil be performed, Shakspt are Historical Tragedy of MAC' El-I. ?? betl,, KIilg of Scotla;d, ;tr. Anle'rson; Lady Macbeth, WIIai. Werner; King Dunvan, Mr. Wr, ...