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Advertisements & Notices

... Lady Clementina Villiers, the Earl of Lincoln, Sir George and Lady Grey, Sir Charles and LadylMary Wood, and the Right lion. Thomas Pemberton Leigh, are also expected to arrive this evening at the Castle Lady Portman has arrived to take her duty as Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Driffield in the GEO.DUNNING, wsaid Riding. R Surveyors of the said ROBERT HARDY, Township of Emswell, RICHARD HOLTrBY, s with Kelleythorpe. RICH. BOTTERILL, I Surveyors of the said THOMAS WOOD, S Townshipof Eastburn. ~ahiteo, . TO PARENTS AN D GUARDIANS J E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an Interim Order for Protectionfrom Process having been given to the said Thomas Crossland, under the provisions of the Statutes in that case made _ and provided, the said Thomas Crossland is hereby required to appear in the said Court to be holden at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alttndor~ce doily at 1D, Bemners-streot, dkiord-street, London, IC-remLIiton2, and fromi5to 8; on Sundays from I I tol. Sold by Thomas. F'rehebdy, Packet Office, 22, Whitefriar.. gate; J. C. Reitihardt, (late Moxon and Sons,) Atkinson Plickering, (lasts Ressand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bank. t0, Crowle .Thomas Huttou. J. Driffieid ?? William Turner, Stationer. el- Gai sborough . ?? Saml. Wilkinson, BankAgent. Hedon . ?? Mrs.Matthews. Elowden ?? John Carter. 'he Hn nmanby ?? Francis Speck. Lhe Market.Weighton ?? ?? Thomas Ombler, Druggist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ciusryolvoul it ble, didi\tsh yoth lpbubiet 15 ;i~neanse rof masrlr l been liser wy mihet thene bed bniy a Inewaro .du the hardy, ASnoro as, spirits of tin tdne, ?? A I cansisder the Treatise a- Mineihoad ia ?? y tine best wtstin the French or English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bank. he Crowle .Thomas Hutton.' ad Driffield ?? William Turner; Stationer. Y, Gainsborough ?? Saml- Wilkinson,.BankAgent.; ed Hedon . ?? . Mrs.Matthews. in Howden. ?? . John Carter. ng ?? o - ,Francis Speck. en Mtarket.Weighton ?? Thomas Ombler, Druggist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thing ever befoie used, as it is placa iitetohi a solit state, 'without any pressure or pain and in a short time becomes as hardi as the enamel, -anti will remain firm in the toothn many years, renidering extraction usuwiceesary. It arrests all further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mall, London; or of the following Agents; where Prospectuses, &c., may be obtained. AGENTS. HULL ?? THOMAS FiRkEEBODY, Packet-Office Leeds .. ?? Thomas Briggs, Albion. Street Halif'ax ?? B . M. Wavell, Solicitor Huddersfield. C. S. Floyd, Solicitor Shelffeld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAYNES. HANNANN WALLER. Bs O the DEBTOitS and CREDITORS of Mr. re X JOSEPH HARDY, Deceased.-All Persons having any Claim or Demiand aga~inst the Estate end Effects of Mr. JOSEPH HARDY, late of Lepiton Edge, in the Parish of Kirkheaton, d in the County of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... becomes known the greater will be the amount of patronage you will experlince. I remain, Sir, di Your obedient Servant, in THOMA S GRAVESe Baltiff to J. Wvatsoll, Esq., Wasdby. To Mr. A. P icketing, LowgHueHull. Prepared by ATKINSON PICKERiNG, (late Ross- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... contain- 184f log Ace.~ Rod an U erchs, r tereabo~uts, situate att Bsr Clay~n V 55 lifrsoed. ntI n tie Ocupation of the said MIC Thoma Hal, Fo f~rller 'arlcillirs Pply to Wvit Mr. JAMESWHITFIAM olicitor. Waketield. Lot THEL, 1OYAL Hlk)t EL,. LEEDS. EXTENSIVE ...