... EXHIBITION ?? r LIVERPOOL ACADEMY The n A ih;ns OLD AA T *OFF1C F L&aCE. I ULD FUCST.OFF1C0 PL&CE, o - es tton pre The annual exhibition of thia society opened to the pr;, On pablic on Wedaesday laset, anti from the hasty glance we r'n gri- took of it on the previous day, when we were invited Du t of to a private view, we are convinced it will prove as I the attractive as any former exhibition ...


... L-. T-1 ?? - It d Katanrik. a tale. hy H-eiryv WV.au.nrfh L '%qfeIIow. D. ,S igue, L Indon ; J. W * ker. Liverpo,.ol, 7e Olher clvmnI u11n our atten ian hntve her lto pre- ft vented uo Pxpresninv our admirraion of this ii !e work. Y Its talented autihor is well kooiren to ?? p ei c by the Ie excellenca oF srv, ril former crnirpo-itiotiiz Vrhc:u to have ,e from tino to t me had pleasure i!, ...


... ii at ich The Bankrupt Lazo Consolidation Act, 1849: (12 and T 1n- I3 Vict. cap. 106) with Introduction, Eplanatory toi ing Notes, Forms and a very Copious Index. By Edward 1 to Wise, Esq.,.iarrister-at-Law, 4.Crockford, Lon- omx don. P The advantages to the public Intended by the Tit Consolidation Act, including in one document so Ne: sed much scattered law on subjects daily litigated, are 5 ...


... our. Original Ballads, by Living Authorr, 1840. Elited by ing the Rev. 1iinry Tbhouipon, M.A., Caitab. Joi lu,,ort A seaiio of historical, rumantic, lecgndary, and lyrical wit zild billade, of varied degree3 of niert, but got up in excellent Ji te s-yle, tre typography being good,;sod the general appear- J°t has Vine ance of the book unexueptionable. SpI ThIke Tll'eirigtons. A new novel, by ...


... KLM !V inVV . IL The Dublin ruwiversity Magaxine.-Thia magazine I opens with an excellent article on Physical Geography, ba introducing various theories and phenomena, co))nected thi with the law of storms. Moorish Romance,and German du a Ballade, comprise some romantic poetry. lbere are no several other excellent articles, and the wearisome wire. ye: drawn essays on Ceylon and the ...


... iltteratUrc. The Autobiography of Gaorhe. Truth and Poothrfrom oryoloi Life, 4c., Tiansotated by the Rev. A. G. ITV. Morrison, M.A., Vol. IL.- l Bohn's Standard Library.-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. This forms the second volume of a ?? edition of tile whole of Guethe's works in an English dress, with which Mr.v Bohn intends to present the readers of the - Standard Library ...


... LARCH Sour-We chose a healthy young larch tree, peeled off the outer bark, and then out the soft inner bark into small pieces, which we boiled until the surface of the water in the ket- tlie became covered with a resinous scum, which was carefully removed. The broth was then seasoned with salt and pepper, and in spite of the remaining particles of turpentine, it tasted well, nnd filled the ...


... A GLOUCESTER C IEF.JusT1CE.-. He (Chief-Justice Saund-ii es) was at irst, says Roger North, no better than a poor beg- v gar-boy,i f not a parish foundling, without known relations or b parents. There can be no doubt that, when a boy, he was die- v covered wandering about the streets of London in the most de- b stitute condItion-penniless, friendless-without having learned s anytrado, without ...


... ttterature. 1ne History of Pendennis. By W. AIl. Thackeray. No. VIII. Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie-street, London. There is much good writingin this numsber. A great portion of it is devoted to an account of Miss Blanche Amory, lithe muse whose exquisitely fine feelings ooze away in her poetical effusions, leaving her a tyrant to her lady's maid, and hard and selfish in the concerns of ...


... THE SHARE MARKET (from Mr Allan's Vonth!y Circular.) Atthe Caledonian meeting on 27th ult. the deputy-chairman stated, that “ the contract they had entered into with the Scot- tish Central was a binding one, and therefore they (the Cale- would act upon it.” meeting of the Central Company on 12th inst. the chairman announced that “a mo- dification of this agreement, involving, it might be, an ...


... FINANCIAL SUMMARY THE WEEK. Nearly all kinds of securities have been less buoyant this week than fur some weeks previously. Still there has been a tendency advance, which, however, has been kept in check by constant sales. On the whole, prices must quoted nearly the same as this day week. The official reports from thu officers the States' Mint the quality of the gold found in California has ...


... The incessant rain which fell during the past week, caused a heavy flood the rivers on Sunday and Monday last. the neighbourhood of Derby the Derwent overflowed its banks, and inundated the adjacent lands and houses to a great extent. On the road to Little Eaton the water was high early on Monday morning, that horses and passengers could not get from one place to the other, excepting boats. ...