... LITER-Al UIRE. JAAJJ.kfl. U tarc. Die Betwegung des Socialisrmuss, Ilumanismuxs, maid Demo- Lvoatismuts unlserer Tags. BATITZ 5N. 1845. Thle I~ovemcuts of Socriiseni, Deiae~rrncy, and B1uynaniSmw inl our '1'iames. Whatever the ordinary reader may think of the in trinsic worth of the above awful trinity of sciences, he cannot but see that they have acquired a terrible in- terest from the fact ...

PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. (From our Correspondent.) London, Saturday Evening. The almost iacredible success of ..

... to arrest much attention in the monied circles here, an opinion gains ground that the influx bullion from that distant region, which must find its way into Europe, will eventually reduce the standard price of that article in this country. Hints have already been thrown out, that th» large stock of bullion flowing so rapidly into the coffers of the Bank of England, has been influenced by some ...


... THE PRINCE ORANGE. 'mm ifttrauLn/'s History of I'Miland.*) Nature had largely endowed William with the qualities of a great ruler, and education hud developed those qualities in no common degree. With strong natural sense, and rare force of will, he found himself, when first his mind began to open, a fatherless and motherless child, the chief of a great but depressed and disheartened party, ...


... WORKING MEN'S ESSAYS THE SABBATH. Wednesday a public for the announcement of the adjudication and the distribution of the prizes offered working men for essavs written by them on the temporal advantages of the Sabbath to the labouring classes, took place at Exeter llall—Lord Ashley in the chair. The adjudicators' report was read Mr Oakey ; stat'*d that theie were three prizes of L.25. L. 15, ...


... I ' MA R AYRKET THEA TR E. On Saturday night, the 3ieflsnst of 1enice was acted at this theatre, a ,s performed before hier Majesty at W~incdsor. Tise identity was, we believe, comp~lete as regards, tile teaxt, the excisiolso made in the Windsor version having beess preserved in that played at the Hasymarket. The cast was, however, similar Only in so far ats Mr. WEBSTER'S companly was ...


... ,l 'IF1,11A T UA _I. 3Io'rpoIv the Cate of AIll Eci. By AUTHIuOR CONDotcET O'(;)Nastit, (generaI of Thrrsi-fl. 3 Vols.1 We have stldom met with a work in which the design indicated upon its title-page was more con- scientiously fulfilled. Mlonopfly the cause of sill evil -moral and physical, individual and social, political and religious-such is the comprehensive conclusion which the authcr ...


... Rcbicwz, No. 1. DIRECTIONS FORt THE MANAGEMrNT OF CeOLrtUA IN THs ABSENCE OF MEDICAL ADvics. By Henry MICorruac, M.D., Memberof the Belfast Sanitary Com- mittee. -Belfast: Sold by all Booksellers. We have no hesitation in saying that every householder in the province should, without delay, possess himself of this little pamphlet. It contains, in short space, and in the most intelligible ...


... &etertily1w, 110 ah re- TO THE OLD YEAR. he Farewell, 013 Year! with nill thy faultineessi rl And. fame-if thou host numbered any es'- In thy great balance 'count with Him i he 'Who doff'd thy circle from the dread unknown jo0 Of Infinite duration I_'mergc, thou speck, 01 ?? Ton t' abysm of burled tines gone by, itd T milglo with the yearn before the Flood I *~ -Thounrt hurried past-ande ...

Original Poetry

... origillal Voctrv. A HAPPY NEW YEAR. YOUNG friends, young friends, we grect you once more, Unchanged in our feelings of love; MIay lleav'n o'er your path rich blessings pour, From tile founts of goodness above; May guardian angels surround your way, And make it brighit, joyous, and clear; 0, now, in our hearts, we fontdly say, We wish you a bappy new year. Fair friends, fair friends, wvo around ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JoaIjirnt allb varictiem. TILE COURT. Tir. Queen remains at Windsor with the Court. The princi- pal event of the last week was the first performance in the Royal Theatre erected in the Rubens-room. The Royal children retired at the end of the second act. HIer Majesty was plcased to express her complete satisfaction with the whole of the arrangements. Her Majesty and the Royal family have gone ...

Literary Notices

... ¶tteivarn .Iflltiee. NEW YEAR'S EVE; 'A T4\L,. ' From TIhe Family .Frieund4 '11te -last day of. the departing ybar had seldoat daitwed at Grunfeld 3s beautiful asnbow.- The sun- light became so wvarn,:and the air 8s mild, that tihe ilnhabitants of this little town allow edthemnselves almost to believe that spring had ?? dy commeneed- Under the le-ficss trees of the many' pleasant eve- Su es ...


... QUEEN'S THEA'TRE1.-A.jSS OUSHMAN. THE SCORNFUiL LADY. If tile legitimate dramal be dead, it revives again upon u occasion. Beaumiont atnd Fletcher's play of tihe coritfid eS of Lady, which, as the playbills tell its, ha:,s ,iot been acted sub- for a hundred years, has woke up like tile sleeping beauty, at i and opened its eyes oln a very Changed order of things. ire it Whether it will ...