Advertisements & Notices

... FASHIONABLE F UR EST ABL IS HMENT, ]6, MARKET-PLACE, HULL. TO LADIES, RBISSINGTON has the honour to announce, that his STOCK is replete. With all the R 0 Novelties of the Season in R I DI NG BO0A S, C APE S, MU F FS. & C., In REAL SABLE, CHINCHILLA, KOLIJNSKI, anid alt the Fashionable FURS of the Day, Which he is determined to Offer at very moderate Prices. R. B. begsto invite attention also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hi~ik~o EffERVESCENT MCAG,- ?? NE:SIAN APERIENT, For' Oilious,Affecoions, Indigestion,,Gont, &c., &c., and s as.a Family Purgipe. This elegant prearation possesses all the efficacy of.. d the best Saline Purgatives,. vihoato their disagreeable I taste and unpleasan operation. It 'acts, ,opoi the a Bovels mildly, effeequally,.withont pain, or ,iconveni- ence, aid does not induce-any Liability ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rnOrUaZ BoD1 d 6 utifully Printed ILeDes5CITVE yFK r HUNT, With, This Volme combnes, on new Pln, the re 'sl-5E. -of a Vlume brthe Torist, a~ Bookfor the Drawing l~ London: D3. Boursu, Fleet Street; and of all Booksellers has ?? 4ow ready, 3s. 6d., with six Engravings. pi 'I U-AVEN's ANTIDOTrE to the GURSE ar JJof LABOUR. By J. A. QUINTON, Printer, Pil -Ipswich; being the Essay which obtained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..ONEY.-T( THE SPECULATIVE.- ?? present undertaking, which is strictly :a t aaid will bear every investigation, offers, most desrble porunities fur, the inv~estment Of, sums of from El to £5, with very large contingent'advantages. lipfr inuses, cantahliug full partifblars, may be had of Mr. HENRY Sasasanw, 43, Loiver Bland-street, Dover-road, London--All letters to contain postage stamps. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR THE H ULL PACKET. Alford-J. Difountain, book- Knaresbro'-Wm. Langdale. seller. London-Barker and White, ldbro'.- Mr. Thompson, post- Fleet street; Newton and master. Co., Warwick square; M. Birminghan.-Taylor, Glover, Hammond, 27, Lombard and Co., 31, Union street. street; C. Mitchell, 8, Ited Beerley-Mi.chael Ellis, post- Lion Court, Fleet street; master; J. Kemp, W. B. Barker, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADVJrMTI~t~Al U.N T GAs.-An extensive aisi rtr'ent of G.ts CII.rNDtasrna3, CANDLm L,;IIPs, &c., of tile riew 17i-onst elegant patterno, may be viewed ?? LL} PLNx SMITrtO General I4etal Warcho ,Brass Fuo idry, and Gas- fitting Mlla!nuIrce' ry-e and 2cl, Iirnuver-street, near Duke-street, Liverpool. [ADvRriSrF.ruersT,] To TIlET rx rYViS UP G t3 ItiA.T BarmrT. -Ta-rmorrow. (Satustdrn.) irc 3th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4pu]lit' fintud~itnuttdg. T E A T It E - A O Y A L. The lana e'nent reepentftdiy annofnreobelgngiagemmt O Mir. and Mrs9. SHARLUsi 323.AN, fohr SI2X NlOHTd only, when wili be presented a Serles i! the Plays eiected for re=rseata. ?? at the Private Theatriclsl, Which took place by co. mand. and In the preseno. of her 'lMajesty, his Royal Elighness Plinen Albert, the Royal Family. and the Court ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 C LANCASTER CASTLH.-We have bad an interview with Thomas Rtodicic, E-q., one of the county magiatrates, who promsecs to lay befoer the visiting juitices at Lancaiter Castle, to morrow, the important o0mmusai~ation of 11Veritas. WORKiING ON SUNDAY - Biootle Church asks, '-Whether there can be indicted for C~ujiog the fouadation of the north walj to be proceeded with en Eunday last?' The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CADVERTISS4MENT.1 I FOR T9R PUBLIC GOOD-Dr. ROBEaTSs' CULEu3lA7,1 OINTI.-a', called the PWIPWMAN'S FRISND, confidently B recomrmanded to the public as an unfailing remedy for of b wounds-of every descriptien.a certain cure bryulcerated in e: sore logs, (if of twentgyears' standing,) outs, burns, theii acalda,.bruises, chilblains,,soobutic eruptior.*pimples iu Cxci n- the fase, sore and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 1~~LIST~. (FIRSTTP ICTONArN AT.R5 CODAD pTBIAS17ID BY ANCR. STER SNC O NO, ISURV.EYOX~ OF TAXES, a' Sit SWfHo HAVE OBTAINED GAME' CERTIFICATES WKT1 ER14.~ * ?? c.-GEINERAL CERTIFICAT Ml AT £& Or. 10d. EACR, 81 r Sieslecon Doillbon ?? Pteeeaii Rerbbaw John ?? pd ' ?? i or DobsflD Richard .. Clau~lhron Keciy L. 0'.Ben6to 0 o,~ ,hbleAtier Dobsern lifiteiord E::Verton Ki'dd Thonx.; i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VBENVI1. CFRAAN, undi other FOREIGN GOOtDS will be adlbitted luto the WMNTED STATES. in ISRIT13I! SHIPS. un and after 1st 4IANUAR1V neXt; thereIore, the 13BITlItH AND Vona's Ammtsrc~sr RbYALMSAILS-TWeIM Hattis ILL REUI2VEt FORKIGN GWOOS in ?? with BittrIS11 GOODi. 80. ,oordfing to rriority o at rrival at the WH4ARF, on Mre.- M&Ay. Tucnt~xv, antl WEDO',P.ODAV of each wecek, commencing with tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public gruditmuttd. co-CERT.BALLe1 LORD NELSON-STREET. ATURDAY E:VENING CONCERTS, WivTSti LITBri~aY *t D SCIKTiPC rrATTON11. fo.AyORROIV ZEPEPIX)(. (SAttftD ^Y, IThC 7th instant. hi~ FB. GRANffT, . a ;815v RE~EVE*S, Bignor PALTONI, Body 3d.; Side Gallery. 6d.; Reserved Sats, I.; Platform. ?? oco3mence atEighto'clock. Nolite-adisiesion Tiekets ARTIZANS' WEEKLY LECTURES, on THURSDA Y E VERING ...