Advertisements & Notices

... hey ~ the Al~l facts and aliegationis Must be authenticated a1 to by name ansi adidreso, for our own information. Letters on-et business, or intended for the editors, should be adidresood to the term or to 1the editors, and not to ats, anY individual. Letters rind statements intended for -ing, publication ehould be written on one Shia~ of the paper Iof on..W cannot undertake to return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. Iy ANTED, a TEACHER, without incumbranefulco- W:~O I nl U~iOiii~ihl ofill tho Offlyceofn .he in the Wirral Union,.,Salary £E20 aye ,with Rations, and sic~h nd privileges as her Maesy' Inpeto allsool, on examination. 4 should be aboi ,esu.Aro 2d, Write from inoomoryI than abstract from a 'mAft~3 rtefo itto assums in the first ?? i ai cthe 1 and wyork them cor-I ltrectly; 4th. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E. ten )re SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED. Just published, price One Shilling, Irat CHOLERA: Its true pathological nature, and a hu nflibl method of treeting It. with on Introduction Ind By GEORGE STUART I*AW.TIIORNS, Yf.D. ?? Senior Physician ?? HOspital &O 'he and now (Ii Liverpool. kosheor find original discoverer ofjth 'nesv motde of Ventilqalajg iiospitsls. Shis.s Priseons, and Pubioa an- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . - 1[Ntrn ?? * !SSJ FO] TO-MORROW. t~ - b__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ r Tomorrow, (Wednesday.) tho 17th instant. at Twelvo o'clock, Th t ?? at tbo Brokers' Ofiioo, Chripel-6treet, Mor _ About 75 Tons Solid } NICARAGUA WOOD, attl in ,, Small S ,, ~~~9 .. UtTIC, . he Now landing, per West Loatheo'n eouth-west side George's t DDOck. foru' e Apply to MCesrs. BHRNARD HAi l Lnd Co., Mlerchnnts. or Cc e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. BIOROUGH! OF WARIt~NGTON. I WT ANTED), a PPRISIIN who has been accustomed to the VTchar~ge and WVorking of Fire Enerines. and wholi,)sclipaldle Iof k..-ping thon in i efficient order. Helvilwl also have ?? as a I oiea, when no thr soenpo l; and in both copa. cities wvill be under the cnuthority ?? Chief Constaible W- 11 = t.prWeek, for the fiat 21ndIs. per Week aifterwarls, g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIIEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- .l. JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES OF CONCERTS F01 ONE MONTHt ONLY. THIRD Nlt(T OF THE ROW POLKA. NINTH NIGHT OF JETTY TREFFZ. g,. JULLIEN begs respectfully to announce that the Theatre bing Let at Christmas next for English Dramatic Perfor- roces, his Concerts can continue but for One Month Only. The novelties of the season will, therefore, be produced in ,spid ...

Published: Sunday 11 November 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4989 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... pHILANTHROPY or the LOVE Ofi .1. MANKINDis an emanation fromn the great model o al MANKIND. its auence has pervaded the actions of T allmoral wi fecti. Its i ll and it unites in itself the pare d elements of character which constitute genuine . worth ands pt tsefulness, for no man can be a trae philantude, as Well as a u inibed itha fne ense of truth and rectittdo el s~ nicbued witutbafitnyeto ...

Published: Sunday 15 April 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4482 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... EPSOM AUTUMN MEETING, 1849. f As the time of Meetin and Conditions of the Stakes have been altered sincethese Races ere first proposed, it isrequested that particular attention be paid to the Conditions as now pub- ON TUESDAY. EIGHTEENTH OF SEPTEMBER. Being in the week after Doneaster. Trainers and Jockeys are required to take Notice that this Meeting will be conducted under the same Rules ...

Published: Sunday 15 July 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6151 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Under Pattronage of Rctylty audI the Authority of the Farulty. tEXTING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- ?? Upwar Forty Yeors' expertience h:s fully conirmned the superior oeputatio of ti,-- LozelneS ill the eure of Asthma, Winter Cough, iloarsesess, Shortness of Breath, anid other -Pulmonary Muati5diesn fox3s, is I )d, and Tins, *2s 9d, 4s Sd, and 1Pr6 epaeihatdy T29HOtAS [E;ATiNG, Chemist, &rc., No. 79, Si ...

Published: Sunday 09 December 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3295 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. OUR SPORTING CORR.ESPONDEN1TS WILL FIND THEIR QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN OUR SPORTING GAZETTE. ANTI-HYPOCRITF.-It is u~seleoO lo trouble us with Your complaints against the clericat delinquent of the tork- road, iatarlooabridgcs We adgised you, in our publi- cani th ?? the 4th, to communicate with his b Peterborough superior. Perhaps it ?? have the de- sired efioc if you ...

Published: Sunday 10 June 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1054 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... L(OCOCK'S FEMALE PILLS are justlY ?? acknowledged to be the best ?? ast Mes who take L uses. An eminent physician Says, nd twenty and No. 2, No. l,between the ages of fourteen l, Life comparatively free between twenty and fity, pass shToP gL the painfil diseases of from complaint, and never suffer from a Oford- advanced life. Sold (directiosS enclosed)e byengerO Fle s rest Baircla treet ...

Published: Sunday 11 February 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6399 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... `THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN; EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION AT REDUCED PRICES. THE LASTS WEEK. THIS EVENING (Friday), March 16, 18 49 and every evenng during the week, the unparalleled performances of M. HERRMAN', { and the original ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS. In Four Palls. For full particulars se1 Hamidbills, Dress Boxes, 2s. Gd.; Second. Circle, Is. Od.; Pit, Is.; Gallery, 6d. The Doors will open at Seven ...