Advertisements & Notices

... STATE PROSECUTIONS-FUND FOR THE DEFENCE OF MR. PATRICK O'DONOHOE. A LL Persons to whom Letters have been for- A warded, bearing my Signature, as Secretary to the Committee, will please make such communication as they may think advisable to the Treasurer, Mr. J. P. O'NEILL, No. 2, UPPER ORMOND-QUAi, as I have relinquished my position as Secretary. A. FITZPATRICK. 8, Pleasantstreet, 15th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, January 30, 1849. IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold 1l a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day of February, 1849, at One o'Clock- It is requested-that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Namie and Place of Residence legibly written or prnoted thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH'F{ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Fifth appearance of the popular Irish Comedian, MR. HUDSON, ()f t'e Theatses Royal, Drury-lane, and Haymarket. j~li Preent FRIDAY, I3th April, 1849, T illU hbe repeated the Ncw PlayN, which was received with na~undd apli~sclast evet_`iIg9, called TI'lE, KNIGHT OF ARVA. 'lie Ii--, ht of Arva, Mr. Iliudson; Don Diego Volpone, c res [litie de Chabannes, MI. King; Count ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE1HEATRE ROYAL,. DUBLIN.; gr. CALCRAFT begs to announce that in ''onsej'uence of Mr. RISLEY having failed to fulfil an Engagementwhich he hsd concluded with him for the appearance of the Equestrian pIenonrienon, YOUNG HERNANDEZ,,'This Evening hisl klind friend, MR. and. MRS. KEAN have offered to'pe'forrn ONE NIGHT MORE. EVENING (Tuesday), 4th 'December, will' ha performed, for the LAST TIME, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRKEY SPONWGES HOLESALE AND RETAIL. S., WEINGARTEN, IMPOIITER OF SPO GES, 7, WIcKLOWSTBREET ' (Within seven doors of (.rafton-street), £ Has a large, tock of prime Toilt, Carriage, andt e Sppnges alwaysq n hand, and ready for immediate dtli at very moderate and reduced pric~s. ' ?? WV.!has a~to o~n taa'd a large quantity! ,eyv NHonej,corah Sponges, w~hich are, suitable for either qarriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEArR OTS , ,) N.W THIS EVEXING eFriday), there b iul,4ie 'no perform 7her, ' }tB MAINF0RT, .,begs xeisp4ctfi -,.y to.elsllonssce tb ht c i BENEFIT, snnd last 'appoSE5Bce~ji .l'o55SvWil tahe j., rlO.MOR1ROW' (Sthtudtsy)f .8d'Mareh- ;89 TL in- w. HARRISON, Mr.. H.t ORRI; mnd; Mr., !~o_ RAN'l will also make tbeirlast'aspp ! be but ole.' Last appearance-of the celebrated' origtelhlETF qPIAXI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . RO ROYAL, ':DUBLIN. . Tbird Appearance these five years of that e rinent Peh'former, Ir. JAMES WALLAC LAC, of the ThAeat r Royal, Drury- Insn and Covent-Garden. T is EVEtNING (Saturday) 4th August, 1849, will be performred Sheridan's Comedy of THESSCIOOL FOR SCANDAL. Charles Surface, Mr. James Wallack; Joseph S urrfce, .. Cslcarft; Sir Peter Teazle, Mr;. Ba Si Oliru Muc, ir. Barrett; Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I F MA.NKIND are more liable to one Disease I than another, or if there are any particular Affections of of the Human'.Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it ia certainly that class of Disorders treated of, In the New and Improved Edition of the SILENT FsErND. The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MANKIND 2i1 are -iable; toone. Iisease 5..>j thiusaino.~he'r, or if there are any particular Aff~ectons of .lpf tpse :'umuiIody we require to have a -knowledge of over l is inly''thdt' el ?? treated of, in tie Ntewv ?? tmoved Edition of.the' SILENOTFRLND. .The Auth~ors, in thus sending forth to the ;world another Edition of ' i~e~r'edhietjWork, caiunot refrain from expressing their grati- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0V181 *\NA $'1'A'IEi =OIS~~'h I)I IIN) WA UJvA IM N IS, I ?? 1 c the I It f It imumi irc tight, 0)0 ?? t Sto I I to ti; i ?? i Ii Y t I IoIc liti Bit II jic i' llc Lf Nl- Ic ItI ili Yk on tho kin L-e 1'.o11 c v ti~ficl out fhoite v I-ccri - tl: hliltQ * i ac . Cl li~ ie h 11.%11) on ciI ?? the icfccic ii Ooc cLI.I'toClt lvcur, of 11 ol f 2: . :it ocr iC 0 itiocK-icIrII.0 Ic ?? wil, o. for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... slit Dailp jlcwz+ L1AYMARKElT. Tutu Evmxoes, 11AMLEt. 1les1r . C. Kean, Rogers, Tilbury, HIowe, Keeley, and Creswick; Mrs C. lNean, and Miss L. Addison.- CAMAR.ALXAMAN AND LADOUR.S; er, tbe Peri who TArved the Prince. Mesrrs. Bland ard lKeel''; Mrs. Keeley, Miss Reynold, Miss P. ost ?? open t rij4. t'ItNCvIlS. Tits EvFeNio, ROBIN DOOD)PFELLOW. Messrs. Charlts Braham, Weiss, riid Hvnry, Ms!s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v LoNG-KO G (osail from Grave~ond1th J2 t baer, last shippn dythe 7th *. the fint faet~saiiln.vr new I -W vi. t ojop lbte at u Doebis. This ship has excelett eeit -'ai for pasengera.-ror freiolit or passaige apply to GI WILLIAM LOATE Co Ca 4, Cleaitt'Ole-ime, Lombeard-street. WI ~~ i)E!.AIDE, F ~OWL' PHILLIP, o'nd SYD- PI I~Nh. -Vs dm A ship SAUIITEL BODDINGTOX, 3. ?? ?? mender, wI leave the ...