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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... similarly afflicted as a most iuv.,1,table anU you arf at petfect liberty 10 make my ease 11 think proper^ JOHN JOHNS, Cahiuei-.uaker. The above arm communicated to the Proprietors by Mr. O. E. Davies, Chemist. High-street, Hivcriord CUnHS IN TUB DBG t R ...


... afflicted in a most invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make my case public if you thluk proper. 1 am, &c., JOHN JOHNS, Cabinet-maker. The above are communicated to the 1 roprietors by Mr. O. E. Davies, Chemist. High-street, Haverfordwest ...


... Esq., M.D., Kiiiktl- College Charles John Longridge, gsq.. S.Walbrook, and Bedlington Iron Works, Newcastle-ou Tyne Henry Marshall. Queen Street, May Fair John Sirutt, Esq., Is. Buckingham Street, Strand Rev, John W. Watson, M. A., Lanntou Place, Brixton ...


... Sold by THOMAS A. ltoutRTS, Chemist, COllway; JOHN BROWN, Chronicle Office, Bangor; ItoBERT GKIFFITH, Chemist, High Street, Carnarvon; WlLLt.AM EDWARDS, Chemist, Denbigh; 11 G. IlUGIlr3, Chemist, Holyhead; JOHN BEALU, Chemist, High Street, Wrexham E. WAltD ...


... Thomas Hodgson, Esq. Thomas Wilson, Esq. AUDITORS. John Davis, Esq. John Hodgson. Esq. James Alexander Gordon, M D. Thomas Richter, Esq., Secretary. Wilmer Harris, Esq., Secretary for the Town Department. John Shaw, Esq., Architect and Surveyor, Insurances ...


... ease, and comfort,—and can fully recommend it to the notice of the public. Thy friend, JOHN MOSS, To J. Willis. Superintendent. London Manufactured only by JOHN WILLIS, 24, hast Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, Fleet-street, removed from 4, Bell's Buildings ...


... -ilTchairs do. do. carved back Ottoman Bedstead,forming Easy Chair, Couch, Ottoman, \rV„v Umbrella Stands, extending arms and Bedstead 1) do no arms • Portable Easy Chairs Feather-beds, Mi'puff do.; Hair, Wool, and Milpuff r.u- P,.»nt Fisv Chair Mattresses Chinnoc ...


... afflicted, as a most invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make inv case public if you thiuk proper. I am, JOHN JOHNS, Cabinet-maker. The above was communicated to the Proprietors by Mr. O. E. Davis, Chemist, Iligh-stteet, Haverfordwest, ...


... ease, and comfort,—and can fully rccommcnd it to the notice of the public. Thy friend, JOHN MOSS, To J. Willis. Superintendent. Loudon: Manufactured only by JOHN WILLIS,24, kast Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, Fleet-street, removed 4. 8el\ B iddings,Salisbury ...


... 0 Mrs. Rickaids 10 0 0 10 0 The Venerable Archdeacon Williams 5 0 0 Lewis Morgan, Esq., Hafod 5 0 0 Mr. John Griffiths, Newbridge 5 0 0 Rev. John 10 0 0 Subscriptions for this purpose will be received at the National Provincial Bank, Cardiff; or Messrs ...


... by I houias Ilobc-rts, Cto ■mist, Conway; John Urowii, Chronicle-oihce, lJangor; Kobeit urilUth, Chemist, H igti-sueet. Cam »rvon Willi mi Eiwaids, Chemist, !)en- high II. li. llughcs. Chemist, Holyhead John Itea.'e, C-iKinist, II igh-sti eet, Wrexham ...


... Grocer; Bridgeud, John Llewellyn, Grocer; Neath, Peudrili Charles, Grocer Swansea, Griffiths and Co. Oxford-street ditto, Edith Walters, High-street Tenby, J. 1. Thomas. Grocer Pembroke, Jane Herd, Post-office Milford. Druggist; Carmarthen, John Jones, Lamas-street; ...