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... Rcbicwz, No. 1. DIRECTIONS FORt THE MANAGEMrNT OF CeOLrtUA IN THs ABSENCE OF MEDICAL ADvics. By Henry MICorruac, M.D., Memberof the Belfast Sanitary Com- mittee. -Belfast: Sold by all Booksellers. We have no hesitation in saying that every householder in the province should, without delay, possess himself of this little pamphlet. It contains, in short space, and in the most intelligible ...

Original Poetry

... origillal Voctrv. A HAPPY NEW YEAR. YOUNG friends, young friends, we grect you once more, Unchanged in our feelings of love; MIay lleav'n o'er your path rich blessings pour, From tile founts of goodness above; May guardian angels surround your way, And make it brighit, joyous, and clear; 0, now, in our hearts, we fontdly say, We wish you a bappy new year. Fair friends, fair friends, wvo around ...

Fashion and Varieties

... JoaIjirnt allb varictiem. TILE COURT. Tir. Queen remains at Windsor with the Court. The princi- pal event of the last week was the first performance in the Royal Theatre erected in the Rubens-room. The Royal children retired at the end of the second act. HIer Majesty was plcased to express her complete satisfaction with the whole of the arrangements. Her Majesty and the Royal family have gone ...


... I W 9IDSOR, SATURDAY.-Lord John Russell, who had been stayiug at the Castle since Thursday last, took leave this morning of her MDajesty and. her Rbyal Consort. The noble premier proceeded to joir Lady John Russell, it Pembroke Lodge, Iichmond Park. The Earl of Liverpool t6ok his departure from the Castle this forenoon. The royal ) iitors having- quitted the Castle, the royal dinner circle ...


... P.OTUNDO-MONSIE-UR JULLIEN'SCONCERTS,. Pursuant to announcement, the first-ofthe six concerts an- nouuced by Monsieur Jullien, came off on last evening. Not- v.ithstanding the very attrptroe ;cafa14er 'of; the bill of fare, presenting as it. did,wa great Wnany featires of noveltyto musical amateurs, the :;sudience; 'particularly in the dress circle, was not so nusneros asi ' s' sha ...


... I iFASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE . ' . TheJ Earl and Countess! of ERnaiskillen arrived in London last week, fromsFlorencecoiirt, Ireland, and on Saturday left for Brighton to pass a few days there. Lord Crofton, who bas been to inspect his estates in Ireland, joined Lady Crofton and family at Cowes Castle, on Thursday last.. . The Marquis of ElY, Lord Henry Loftus, and the Hon. Captain Lindsay, ...


... . PAmHOS FOR rJAUARY. * r,_- .. - H ._ r,_ ?? -s7 .It: ?? (.i-o . r;e Ncaw Monthly Belte Asenblee.) CARRIAGE DiESs.-Fawn-coloured, moire robe; the corsage made quitehigh, and tight to the shape. Sleeves rather more than allalf length, tight at the top, moderately wideat the turn of the elbow, and finished by a fall of black, Jace. Muslin under- sleeves, terminated by a manchette buillonnee. A ...


... FASIION'ABBL INTELLIGEXNCE. The Enrl of' Aberdeen and a distingnmisted circle ere visiting sir Robert and Lady Peel at Drayton Manor. Vis.otunt Melbourne has been again attacked by *evere indisposdtiof; his lordship continues In a very unsettled state of health. Drs. Ferguson and Holland are in attendance on the noble viscount. Earl ?? esteemed Lord Lieutenant. Of this county, haS had,`serious ...


... | ?? I ITHE STATE -PRISONERS. . ; , W e find the following tribute to the character and motives ,o the state prisoners'in:the Deula UniversityaifaIydde'ne for the presetnm6nt:-; We had hopes that rose as proudly As each sculptured marble shrine;:- i And our prophets spake as loudly As their oraelesdivine. Grand resolves bf giant daring, :Suc as Titans breathed of old; Brilliant aims their ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? aiib Farictim TIlE- COUR-Ir. Ci WINDSOR, JA-N. 2.-The Queen and Isis Royal Highne11ss ot took ni Carls w~alk in ai I lc bm -park anIt( Slope's this morn- t 0 i 11. Tld r Roy yal II ighlilesses the Prince of Willes and Prinl- it cess ]loyal, and thle yoneger brancheas of thle Rovel failyl~, rc walked in thut, Homne-park. T'lie Prince, ati ended by A51ajori- gE' General Bolb es and .Captain t ...


... MR. FORREST 'AD AMERICAN DRAMATIC -. ~~LITERATURE. he It-will be recollected that in June, 1847, Mr. Edwin For- n- rest, the great American tragedian, offered a premium of 3,000 dollars'for the first,' and of. 1,000 do'lars for the second best Qa original drama that might be furnished him by American [le dramatickwriters. It seems by a card which has just been cs published in a Philadelphia ...


... I ' LITERATURE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE-JAiUiART. a The number of this periodical for this month is enriched by one poetical gem of the highest order. In yesterday's FnEE- dc XAX we printed a few lines extracted from stanzas appearing r under the title of Ruins. The stanzas from which they p were taken are entitled to rank among those gifted offusions of t song which the language would ...