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... I iFASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE . ' . TheJ Earl and Countess! of ERnaiskillen arrived in London last week, fromsFlorencecoiirt, Ireland, and on Saturday left for Brighton to pass a few days there. Lord Crofton, who bas been to inspect his estates in Ireland, joined Lady Crofton and family at Cowes Castle, on Thursday last.. . The Marquis of ElY, Lord Henry Loftus, and the Hon. Captain Lindsay, ...


... I BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL ?? -- .. T'nU1SDAY EvENitN.-Tlle miscellaneous concert this evening was well and fashionably attended. Theprogramme contained a selection of popular pieces from the stores of Donicetti, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Cirnarosa, Auber. Beethoven, and Mozart. Beethoven's symphony in C minor was admi- :rably rendered, and so great . was the sensation effected by the overture of ...


... I THE ASSAULT IN TIlE THEATRE ROYAL. le COLLIEGE-STREET OFFICI --EsTErDAY. to Immediately on the magistrate, Mr. Stronge, taking his , seat on the bench, the complainant in this case appeared to re prefer his charge aWnst' Willism -UitiresJ- Esq., a subaltern ,r in the 48th foot ,Xienk ,'Th& W tbred was, that 14r. at Cairnei, orf the mlkit ?? ofi the Theatre 4 iL~oyal, violently asanlted th a ...


... _ . _ Last evening the eminent vocalists, Miss Birch, Miss E. Birch, Mr. Lockey, and Mr. H. Philips, made their appear- ance-two' of them for the first time-before our musical public. The audience, we were glad to perceive, was crowded and highly fashionable. The merits of Miss Birch as a soprano singer, have been, ere now, fully recognised, and since her last visit to Dublin, the most brilu ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? Doetrt. YOU ASK ME HOW I LIVE. LivitN friendly, feeling friendly, Acting fairly to all men, Seeking to do that to others They may do to me again; Hitting no nman, scorning no man, Wronging none by word or deed, But forbearing, soothing, serving, Thus I live-and this nry creed. Harsh condemning, fierce contemrning,. Is of little Christian use, One eoft word of kindly peace Is worth a torrent ...


... THEl- DOAGH FARMING SOCIETY'S CATTLE SHOW. Tnes society held their thirty-first annual meeting and cattle ?? in Doagh, on Monday, the 3rd inst. A large number of gentlemen and farmers attended to witness the exhibition. in the evening, above forty memehrs and friends of the so- ciety dined together in the Doagh Inn. The entertainment was provided in good style by Mr. Wlhiteside. JoHn OwENs, ...

Selected Poetry

... sclectev vactrg. WHAT IS N'OBLE? BY CHARLES SWAIN. WHEAT is noble? to inherit Wealth, estate, and proud degree ?- There must be some other merit Higher yet than these for me!- Something greater far must enter Into life's majestic span Fitted to create and centre True nobility in man! W.hat is noble? 'tis the finer Portion of our mind and heart; Linked to something still diviner Than mere ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? aiib Farictim TIlE- COUR-Ir. Ci WINDSOR, JA-N. 2.-The Queen and Isis Royal Highne11ss ot took ni Carls w~alk in ai I lc bm -park anIt( Slope's this morn- t 0 i 11. Tld r Roy yal II ighlilesses the Prince of Willes and Prinl- it cess ]loyal, and thle yoneger brancheas of thle Rovel failyl~, rc walked in thut, Homne-park. T'lie Prince, ati ended by A51ajori- gE' General Bolb es and .Captain t ...

Fashion an Varieties

... saebioll a.,lb varictio. TIlE COURT. Aecordinq to present arrangmeneitt, hor Majesty and the Prince Consort, accompaoied by the youtihful inombers of tho Royal family, will leave Oshon ne, foC 13- Bukinigmtan ['asae, on Monday or Tuesday next, in order to hlcl a levee as St. James's, on thc 21st instant. It is stated that her Majesty intonds to visit thc couuty of Sutherland during the ensuing ...


... THE QUEEN-S VISIT-THE VICEREGAL MUSICAL SOIREE. I TO THE EDITOR OF TilE FREEMAN. 16th August, 1849. Sip.-Your Idler has certainly been busy on this sub- ject. His account of the musical entertainment given to her Majesty at the Lodge is quite true. Irish airs and all per- formers, save those of the right sort, were virtually excluded on that occasion. It is only fair to confirm what Idler' ...


... T - THIEATRE RlOYAL, It must be said that our manager has contrived. during the season, to afford to his patrons an excceedingly ?? selected series of attractions. We propose going sornewhiat into the details of the several engagements which have filled up the season in our review of it at its close. We may noly observe, that next to the pleasure afforded an audience like ours, by the ...


... | THEATRE ROYAL-THE ITALIAN OPERA.' F. ?? , ~ - - - La Sonnrnamia -was repeated oh last evening to, if not a crowded, at least a tolerably well filled and highly respectable aud-ience. .. There is, after~all, something peculiarly distinc- tive in the character of g- outs, be it musical or literary, which gives the impress of its presence, and demands our ?? of its attributes, in an appeal ...