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Strathclyde, Scotland


Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... I [182 BANK OF ENGLAND. UNCLAIMED STO CK. A t PPLTC &TION having been made to the GOVERNORS of A the BA:NK OF ENGLAND to direct the re-transfer from the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt of the . sun of £1448 Consols. heretofore standing in the names of William Hussey, jan.. Esq., Alexander Morrison. writer, both of Glasgow, and Somers Clarke of Brighton, Gent., and which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP. tice fitol: F-Xcchanoe Sale I'oons. Glasgow, upon Wednes- A as tie isth duay ot July, at Two o'clock Afternoon, (Urstrr Pracw REDUCED,) lAT cOTFtT'- formingNoS 33 AMrYLL STREET, Glasnow, 11T 1gi to the Seqitestrated Estate of the deceased Win. - ?? 31narchnci~lt in iltasgow¢, pr esenltly occulpied by Wi Iliant 9ruhi'. xi-uenR 1,)vtper. The ilental of this Shop is Xi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B NOTICEJ TO EMIGIIANTS. ' A SCAX}A F.LOUS and Unfounded Stat-ement having appeared r in the Exaianer of last Saturday, relative to the Emi- Y gration Ships from the Clyde, which may tend to damage th-at important traffic. and also cruelly create unnecessary alarm e amongst the relatives of Emigrants, if left uncontradictede , To relieve the minds of those parties, Notice is Hereby Given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lrw TEITHIRD WEEK. gt IMPORTANT AND INTERESTINGy S ALE, BlUEY EXTSEDING To Fou t WacESs, .rr 5oOR AYs. MARCH 12, TO, SATURDAY, APR-IL 9.. : kT 298 B13 CC H A7N -A N S T R E E T, corner of the Arcade, Glasgow. wooLFIELD begs to inform the Inhabitants of Glasgow s aji ?? that he has determined to commence In sent Tw.uable and Extensivre Stock. at an Ex- 3 ° ctlhdsn iD. Price The health of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;BIODICA AND AGENCY OEFICE. a, oAZIN£~0 0 pO FEBRUARY, AG N o E rS.FE AB cot, ¢ntains Three splendid Steel Engravings, and jfl owicirs.part 4, E~arnaby ?? Maene M radeo 1 10 vewIst,,uctor, pr d a , fendennis H ?? n bCa-shel, arid Mlan in the Moon. C. an a eyappear.Sb-th j lbS may have - delivered at their House or place of aw o -Lf rho bbotsford Edition of the ofteIISvo,. Cloth Boards, for otf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AYD COMMERCI Z, AL flEZE A.UURACE\ ADC SOCIETY. C-apyrAr, £1001100 Tt 0trrcs-No. 78 CREAPSIDE, LONDON. -Nlznitty le elffintr'd w.ith thiis Society at 'towrnq E For [TAiLE RATE~S than those chairged Ely any b e traxn,.erred co thtis Ofice free of charac. ?? 2127 eqnritnnaof this Soeieq, is to) rel'ax trees,,p imime,ped en ?? urarl otliurs ip. i'MtTLY A ND tiLMERAr.TLy SETTLED. I :tIl x;.~ ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qS T-1)ARD LIIFEF A SSUl'RANCE; COMIPANY SPEfCAL ?? pIVISION O F PROFITS, r7iTPi)YN lS PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO A;l TiellI BENSFITS TO B33 DIEIlVEl) BY WITTI THE COMPANY BEFORE ' i5TH NOVEMTBER. 1849. . POTC[WW S operred with the Company before 15th r ;A,1nJgKLj participate in the Division of Profits to be made 'ear1 l vio) when the Surplis Funds wiicl havearisen since I ,eaSb&. I45. will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' gEI; ?? BE SOLD. BY PUBLIC RHOUr, '.2--.Itta E trhZOlO Sale Rooms, Glnsgowv, on Wednesday Vll0 e ,t0 clirrect. (instead of Wednesday the 15th, as >;'!t'jfe.;isod.) at One o'clock Afternoon, E~bt'lf * j;;-ll.vE tat -TEnAsD1NeGr of GROItUNtl. lsinoe t l.~ ,tSide of. anti forrninzr Nos- 187 r.lnd iS i tr- Ii, 1n vpesite the Cavalvr Barraeks, conlaining -- ca t ire foot or thereby; with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I CITY IALL. ' LI)' GRAND CONCEs O3TtS, j 5r Il timl,, & WEDNESDAY, 15Tm AUGUST., JUTjLIl ,J LEN has t he oanour to announce to his . C1 the>b itv,. Gentryv and Inhabitants of Gias.. tv pgrO z ; in TW° TWO G6RAIND CONCERTS, on of thtgT l, h A g rst, accompanied by the elite of his un- m will be 4 elected from the works of the clasaisi ' the First Time in Glasgow, wiill include r : . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COtotnED PHOTOGRAPEIC PORTRAITS, 1 BEr'NARD'S XNEW PROCESS, j ?? It s, 6W BUCHAiAN STREET. -BEr NAD'S return from abroad, be is nabe to cINCE d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -NOTICE.. lTS H r.EBY GIVEV, that ARCHIBALD fo aMA. * I ;0NT, Esqmire, Heir of Entail in possession of J\ ' ?? oler LAMONiT. in the Parish of Kilfinan, and ,,gla'3.i-es n>re'entesl a Petition to the Coortrtof Session t 3 0Ikers, Clerk),. in terms of the Act 11th ~t: Vilrtstt -L ep.So intituled An Act for the Amendment -. V ?? nail iii scotlasd, prayring ftr authority to the . e * h ,; eir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CrITY ETALL, GLASGOW. q. JELLIEN'S ANMAL TOUR S -I L IF C It N- D Co(NCERTS ql J t-l.I.I on 250L Lrd h°l°, lt°mC ilStZnItI}| ¶iT 3. [EolENits, bar ithe l-lcnnr to announc r to his Patrons, jbe Nul 1 ent', ?? Pf Glasgow, tha~t hie intenS .Ivtw 3caeei ...