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[The above correspondent, in assailing the conclusions of a former, appears to forget that there is a material ..

... sovereigns which become depreciated by losing weight through tear and wear and sovereigus which, although fresh from the mint, will no longer pass at their original standard, or for 20s. So long as a gold sovereign is declared by law to be worth 20s. a creditor has no option but to receive the same at that rate, whatever depreciation gold bullion may have undergone an excess in the supply of ...


... EXECUTION AT JEDBURG (From the Border On Thursday John Wilson, one of the two railway la- bourers convicted at the recent Justiciary Court at Jedburgh for the murder of William Lauder at St Boswell’s Fair, un- derwent the utmost penalty of the law in front of the County Jail. The other man, Brady, who was also found guilty of the same crime, having obtained a respite for three weeks, but ...


... RIGHT WAT THROUGH TILT. Yesterday (Wednesday) Mr Burton, for the pursuers, Torrie and others, in the case of application for suspension of the Duke of Atbol's right to shut up this glen during the dependence of the declaratory action, applied to Lord Ivory for an order for the pursuers lodge their revised reasons of suspension next day (this day), and also for an order for the respondent to ...

ON THE USE OF CHLOROFORM IN SURGERY. — (From the London Medical Gazette.) Sm— Under your favourable review of my

... Practical Sur- gery, for 25th May lest, you mention that I have forgotten to take notice of the effects produced by air entering into the veins, “ although it is obvious,” you say, “ that from this cause slight operations in the neck may be easily rendered fatal.” Permit me to direct your attention again to my work, in which you will find, at page 34, under phlebotomy, that [ caution the ...


... (From Mr Allan's Yonthly Circular.) There is still a steady demand for bank stocks, which have again risen this month 3 to 5 per cent., and continue particu- larly scarce. The year’s business of the Clydesdale shows— banking profits, L.61,080; dividend, surplus, L.9,950. The amount of rest is L.150,497. The Old Aberdeen Bank has joined with, or rather merged into, the Union, but retains its ...

Naval Intelligence

... pal intelltaence Cuatnam, Jan. 29.—An accident occurred yesterday on board the President, 50. While the crew were working the capstan, a portion of it broke, the result of it was, that seven men were wounded. Two of the crew, whose hurts were of a dangerous character, were brought up to Melville Hospital ; the remainder are on board. DistrisuTioN oF THE MeprrerRANRAN Jan. 22.—In Malta ...


... INBUR ZETTE. James Scorr, cattle dealer and grain merchant at Scatterty, in the parish of King Edward, and county of Aberdeen—Cre- ditors meet in Mrs Chisholm’s Inn, Turriff, 9th and 30th Octo- ber, twelve o'clock. EXAMINATIONS. Davin sometime coach builder in Glasgow, now ta- vern or innkeeper, Trongate Street there—to be examine! in the Sheriff 's Office there, 17th October, one o'clock. ...


... MOLDAVIA AND W. ‘The Russian general, Mouravieff, has arrived in the princi- Palities with an army of 24,000 men, and another general has advanced upon Ibraila, and has commenced build- ing barracks for his troops in the environs of that city. Far- ther, the Russians have towed into the Danube, by ene of their vernment steamers, five gunboats. This being done n di- rect contravention ot the ...


... MURDER AT HAMILTON, AND A ENSION OF THE MURDERER. SE Early on Thitrsday morning, Sheriff Veitch, end Mr Dykes procurator-fiscal of Hamilton, arrived in Glasgow, bringing infor mation that a gamekeeper had been shot by poachers near that town. The following, we believe, are flte particulars of the shocking affair :— “ About seven o’clock on Wednesday evening, a young far- mer, named Dick, while ...


... FALL OF ANCONA. June 19. The town of Ancona has at last come to terms, having now been undergoing a siege ever since the 24th of May, during nearly the whole of which time has occasional firing or shell- ing been going on. This evening (the 19th), at four p.m. a part of the Austrian forces march into and take possession of the citadel, the na- tional guards and troops of Ancona to lay down ...


... B ELECTRIC ' TELEGRAPH. LATES AMERICAN MAIL. The American mail steamer from New York was off Holyhead yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, at half-past three o'clock. — THE QUEEN DOWAGER. London, Saturday, 7.15 p.m. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager is no better. SERIOUS EXPLOSION. Liverpool, Saturday Evening. An of a boiler took place to-day in the brew- ery of Messrs Halsal, Sigar, & Co. the ...


... HE STANFIELD WALL MULE Dp From orfolk Chronicle of Saturday.) THE CONVICT RUSH. Soon after Rash’s condemnation, the chaplain of the Castle visited him, and offered his services, which Rush declined. un- der the plea of his own sufficiency to conduct his devotions privately, at the same time civilly assuring the rev. gentleman, that his determination was made out of no disrespect to him. He had ...