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... spoctra. THE 13AIRNS O' THE MILL. Air-Cahn Dewy Mornin'. Have you heard on a cauld wintry mornin', When snaw mantled muirland and hill, Tbi horn or the bell loudly warnin' The barefooted bairns to the mill? Sae di.some it rings through ilk dwellin' That sleep flees the puir bairnies' c'en While, waefu', the mother is callin' To rise, her wee Johnio and Jean. Wi' puir tremblin' forms and wan ...


... Bmeviews. HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. By J. MICHELET.- Translated by C. Cocxs, B.L. London: HI. G. Boln, York-street, Covent-garden. THE title of this work is well-chosen. His- torical View is more fitting than History -would have been. MICHELET is not the man to write the History of his nations internal and external struggles. He is too discursive, too obscure, too full of ...


... rubirwo THE HISTORY OF IRELAND. By T. i WRIGHT, Es q. Part XVII. London: J. and F. Tallis, 100, St. John-street. T TIS Part narrates the history of events during the last year of the reign of CHARLES I. The intrigues and double-deainlgs of the Royal Mtr, in pursuance of his wretched policy of cheating all p arties -English and Iris h,, Fu i- tans and Catholics, &e., &c., unfolded in this I ...

The Theatres

... olte ETeatrzo. ledl HAYMARKET. ere; ' Hamlet' was revived at this theatre ot Monday Fie evening. T he part of Hamlet is one to which Mr and Charles Kean has devoted long and deep etudy, and terY one on which he lavishes a great amount of artistic on, skill. The character is, indeed, identified with the I most brilliant triumphs of his professional eaer.r. diti Hamlet was the first character in ...


... BY THOMAS MARTIN WHxRELMR, toi Late Secretary to the National Charter Associatio o aun National Land Company. th te CnAFT.. XXVII. tcea Slaves, toil no more! Why delve, and moil, and tic pine, an To glut the tyrant forgers of your chain? wI Slaves, toil no more, Up from the midnight th mineU Summon your swarthy thousands to the plain; Beneath the bright sun marshalled, swell the strain Of ...


... T'is concert took place onl Wednesday last, and was in every respect successful. The room was fuller their Oi tie lost occa. e, 'JOn, and the performance, especially the inostrunienhil portion, was o excellent. De IKontuki plaeed very beautifully. We might toy much of the great hkill with lhilch he conqurra technical diticulliea, :0 Bud by which lie amnuz-s and ccptivatet a portion of the ...


... .- j j ir)i . ROBERT BLUM'S FAREWELL TO 111H WIFE, AN HOUR PREVIOUS TO HIS EXECUTION, Farewell, farewell, my dear good wife, to thee! My eyes are flowing, and my heart is sore, Nor that I must die; but, Oh ! love, that we Must meet no more. Death had no terror, and my heart forgot, Warmed with its truth-zeal-thou dost live in me- Eager to be just, it moved, And reckoned not The loss of thee. ...


... Urbiewo. THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN POLI- TICS, HISTORY, AND LITERATURE. Edited by G. JULIAN HARNEY. No. 2, July. London: 5, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street. THE articles in this number of the Democratic Review are numerous and varied; all, however, breathe one tone, that of stern hatred of op- pression, and an enthusiastic devotion to the holy cause of JUSTICE. Following the ...


... mebtrwo. UISTORICAL VIEW OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. By J. MICHELET.- Translated by C. Cocks, B.L. London: H. G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden. THE title of this work is well-chosen. His- torical View is more fitting than History would have been. MICiiELET is not the man to write the History of his nation's internal and external struggles. He is too discursive, too obscure, too full of ...


... Apartp. THE OLD HANDLOOM WEAVER. 3Y DB. P. M'DOUALL. In the days of my father I lived by my loom, My song with my shuttle kept pace. I knew not starvation nor poverty's gloom, Strong was my arm, and ruddy my face. Oh . for the days of the rattling loom, Oh ! for the paynights so merry; Courage! boys, yet we will banish the gloom, And sing liberty ho ! be merry. I worked with good will, and ...


... BY THOMAS MARTIN WHERLER, other, t Late Secretary to the National Charter Associatiou tion oft and National Land Company. tions. - ?? er CHAPrrn XVVL the bard Nature imprints upon whate'er we see, times as That has a life or heart in it-be free. holding I The beasts are chartered-neither age nor force Connaul Can quell the love of freedom in the horse. Annals ( Cans t thou, then, honoured with ...


... _= =otr . pl~eap o BEAUTIES OF BYRON SECON~D SERIES.s We commence our second series of sele ctions from the writings of Byaox, by reprinting the following extracts fronm the beautiful '0DE TO NAPOLEON BUONAPARTHD'(1) (Recommended to the serious considereitioa of hero. worshippers, alory-naouffers, and would-be imitators of the 'bAstard CIReAS,' Particularly Monsieur, the Prince. President of ...