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Daily News (London)

Law Intelligence

... Raw litttl1fanxte. NOTICES.-THIS DAY. C1IAscm1Y, LIaCOLo'S.INI, 10.-For Judgment: Breoke v. Earl of 'Warwick, ?? motions: Ex partc Glaholm re Joint Stock Winding.up Act, and North of England Banking Company; Steele v. rlomer-Appeal: Davs v. CManter (9). |VYC-CiANCEsL.Lonoa, LxurCOLN'S.mIN, lO.-(SITAMVELL.)-Afotion-.- Coase: Coleman v. AMellersh, parlheard-(BaooL)--Mosn: Billett v. Howard, by ...


... POLICE.-YESTERDAY. Ite MANSION-HOUSE.-F >OLONIOUSLY SHOOTING.-A boy er named Csheay was charged with having fired a pistol at a ke girl named Emma Tyler.-Inspector Fosbury stated that on st. Wednesday night he was informed that a female had been is- shot in Angel-alley, Hsoundsditch. Upon going thither he . .found that the girl had been Frried to the hospital and the ly delinquent had fled. ...

Law Intelligence

... Jr'Ir kab) Intelligence. NOTICES-THIS DAY. ? The Lord Chancellor will hear appeals in the HIousc of Loeds. Vrc..CUcctcEt.LOttS, LiNCOLN'S-Ie'N, 1O.-(Siu1sDaELc.)-By order: C-ncrrall v. Halt, petition. Causes, Lc.: Farl Ba'carrea v. Johnson, part heard; Attorney-General v. Marsh; Grisewood v. Justice (3); Shelton v. Watson; Worthington v. Morgan; Coleman v. Fielder; Brigg v. Devereux; Bttrker v ...

Law Intelligence

... zalo EntOltiance. NOTICES.-Tncrs DAY. Critetiesno, LIcei' ''s10 etition: Wario v. Warde, by order. Appeals: llr~ehe v, Earijof Warwick, pisrc rieted; Ritaser shall a-. Bishop of Whitleheoter, pane heard; Henderson v. Loomr, restored. Vten.-Cni~csasr.i/no, Lixcoaa's-i.zc, l0.-(SHANoownr. (-To be spoken to : Simltins v. v,ohbb. Caaees, &-e. : Dotson v. LyAll, port heitri ; Coleoton v. Mellecs; ...


... INQUBST. Before Mr. IY. Payne, at the Grapes Tavern, Great Suffolk-street, Southwark, to inquire into the circumstaners connected with the explosion which occurred on Monday evening list upon the promises belonging to Mr. J. Tilleard, oilman and drrsalter, No. 28, in the same street. C. Kenaplay'said that on the evening in question he heard a noise, which he at first thought was caused by the ...


... CASE OF THiEI REV. MI. SHORE. I MEETING AT WNHITECHAPEL. P List ever~ilg a public mectitig, consisting of abouto 5OJI)0 pers$ons, took Place at Sion chapci, NvhiteeltapelI, for a the purpose. of receiving the report of the ileputition alt- cu pointed to Visit the Rev. Tames Stire., a prisoner in the gaol tli of Exeter. Sir W. CLAY, Bart., ?? in the chair. Let- cit tees from, Lcrd Dudley Stuart ...


... SUPPOSED MUR1DER AT ISLINGTON. MY~~~ . s . . . . fI .I.. eel- Yestrdaymoringshorly atersix o'clock, the i atbod of getlemnlyattied an, etwen fifty and sixty an yarsot gwsdsovrdligwt i throat cut and an cr-anpd io lod tteetenet il called Denotis's Brice il, nteClsoinoaIlnton, within a S.don. and North Western Railway.nofteLu the The discovery was first made by a man named Eli Deaver, ign who ...


... POLICE.-YESTERDAY. BOW.STREET.-ROBBERY BY A GOVERNMENTOFFIOER. -R, Loder, late overseer of convicts at Woolwich, was charged on his own confession with having stolen 7351. in gold, one N01. Bank of England note, and one 51. Bank of England note, the property of her Majesty, with which he absconded from the Justitia ?? prisoner seemed very much affected, and being, by order ol the magistrate, ...


... I MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-YESTERDAY. 1sEI Oh Milt. VITHAM AND A Sk EWci Od1 3ACSTRAT1S Yesterday was the usual day for the trial of the bail cases, but several which were down for hearing were postponed. RunBBEnRY By TirtR WcF or A TRADESMArN. 3fary Anne Darben, 3t, the wife of a respectable trades. man, wvasindicted for having stolen two sovereigns under the following somewhat ?? circumstances. ...


... CORONERS' INQU F.STS.-YEST'ERDAY. OMNnIuS ACCIDENT.-Before Mr. Higge, at the King's Head, L iwer Edmonton, on the body of Mr. Richard Wneder, ag ed 62 years, an omnrbus proprieter, who was killed under the following circumstances It appeared that en Tuesday morning last, at ii o'clock, the omnibus which wea then due ?? London was about to start from Lower Edmon'on, when the deceased said he ...


... THEH POLIChJ, COUflTS. GUILDLIALL. CeiARmf; OF IxNUMANITY AGAINST A IRLtacVIetO Miller, Iis rl;ic ins AliEcer at the We5t LorlIon Union, wasee cunmon !d cI to s0.V cus ?? he refused to give relief to an oppdauent uiidir the irlloassng circum- Va estes ilead Potts, a geod lookingtirl, about 1S years of age, stavted thit on Tuesday night she applied to Mr. Miller te be admit- i ...


... CENTRAL CRIMtINAL CO MST. OLD) COURT.-YESTEIRDAY. The flecorler sat in this court to-day and disposed of sever4l cases of felony, but the details of none of them were of any interest to the public. NEW COUITr.-YESTERDAY. IFEeOEF: 'iTiE COiMONIr StRsJEAN. ,Talnes ll aisopt, 53, a licensset victualler, Jonathans ltichtird ll attse, 25, labourer, and Robert Hfawltey, 29, a labcurer, were indited ...