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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... 90AYE A'LA, DtrBLJN`. Eleventh N:gh9tof the grand new Ohristmsn Paftomime. T - HIS EVENING (S rdayr), Jfan. p6tb, 1849, w ill: be perfornned,; not actUd: 'these. ttwrentyjers 'ya 'ranld Rholnantic Dramra, in threb Acts, called.the: ' : ORPHAN OF TEIE GASTLE,, oii THE SECJRET AVENGERS. The Abbot of; Corbey, 'Mr;Caleraft; the Prince Palatine,. Mr. Ring; the Bthrou:avenbtlrgh;M- W. Barr; Ravens- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL TEATRE. rpHIS EVENING (Thursday), :16th Aug., 184g, 1 the Performances will commence with a Drama of singular construction, and most powerful effects, entitled THE LONELY MAN OF THE -OCEAN. Wyndham Bowyer, Mr. Carleton * Master Arnold Hilling- too, Mr. Redford; Lieutenant Adam Bashford, Mr. Rey- nolds; Jack Jolly, Mr. Garden Cyrus Bloom, Mr. S. Bed- ford; Mark Bell, Mir. Bellair; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE VECUNA PALETOT £1 I s. 6d. mODD, BURNS, & CO. beg to call the atten- 1 tion of the Gentlemen of Dublin to the abovq|Gar4nt, which will be found on inspection to be equa inqrty, style, and workmanship to any similar Coat sellfginb u at Two Guineas. I/ AJ The New Zephyr D'Ete ies. 6d,-weight t v V Mary-street, June 18. BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF IRISH W.i -UFAC- lllRE. THE SILK LAWN VEST. HAIVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Night but One of Mr. ANDERSON and Mrs. WARNER. HIS EVENING (Friday), Feb. 9th, 1849, Twill be performed (second time these fourteen years) Shakspeare's Historical Tragedy of CORIOLANUS; OR, THE RO1MAN NIATRON. Caius Marcius Coriolanus, Mr. Anderson ; Cominius, Mr. King; Brutus, Mr. W. Barry ; Memenius, Mr. Barrett; Tullus' Aufidiss, Mr. Cooke ; Lucius, Mr. Saker; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRR ROYA:L, DUBLIN. Last Week but Ohn of mR. AN!, MRS. KEAN whose en- pgaement cannot possibly ybe.i;enewed or prolonged. r~llS Present THURxSDAY, 2 6th April, 1849, S vill be performned, 'forthe Last Time; the New Play, , Five Acts, as acted with uhlpreced1eiited success in Loudon spiurols of G;0 atctcels4z'e nih~t,S csalecdR Sir 11'alter Amyot, Mr. Kean; Lady Eveline Anyot, Xca. 1iean ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE GENTRY OF IRELAND. T HE Cordial Irterest in the success of Irish effort Tevidenced by Prince Albert, in his acknowledgment to me, through Colonel Phipps, of some specimens of Irish made Woollens, which I forwarded to him, ought surely to act as a stimulus to others, now more especially, when it is widely felt that nothing but concentrated effort can raise the country from its low ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~ATRE ROYAL, tBLIM~. Thivd Week of the grand; nevw Christras Paritonime, for which is expressly engaged 4he celebrated Clown SIGNOR BOLENO. rfHIS EVFING (Saturday),, Jan ,13th, '1849, T will be performed the llomantic Drama of THE LADY OF THE LAKE. James Fitajames, Mr. H. Bland; Roderic Dbu, Mr~f. Ccoke; Doulglas, Mr. W- Barry; Brian,: Mr. Barrett; 3ilen, the Lady of Lake, lIrs. Ternian; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Eighth N9g1st of the grand new ChriatnstasPamtpmniane. .iIS EVENING (Wednesday)5 Jan. 3rd, 1849. itill be performed ?? of THE RIVALS.- Sir Anthony Absolute, Mr. Barrett ; Cajtain Absolute, Mr. 1l. Bland * Faulkland, Mr. H. Cooke,- Acres, Mr.' Ba~er Sir IucluS O'Trigger, Mr. Barry; Mrs. MshtprJiop,'W Mrs. trchbold; Julir, srs. Ternan; Lydia Languish, Miss jitzpaitrick. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Y1PORTANT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF CLOTHES. MOSES AND CO., Tailors, Drapers, Hatters, &c., Direct special attention to a VAST REDUCTION lkade This Day in the Prices of their extensive and superior Stock of every description of GENWTLEMEN'S A1ND BOYS' CLOTHES, &c., Cut ane made bonafitdl on the Premises. This sale will amnply repay the Econmist. The Gar- ments are new, fashionable, and well made, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NrOTICE. EDWARD'SERRY when la4 Ne , was jA St Knoxvile WQen County, or Marion owa 5611 -Unititle States JAMES SERRY was at Fairfield,; JeffersIoun Iowa 8tate, United Statesr. 'RICES OF litBE STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. , , ., 1AT-, ' lif. lI WfD. HO POull, 2 9rt~n `77 99* il3* 5 92f 2?per Ct St. 932I - -9W 921* 9521t 9921*1 92* lhak Stock - 193 193 193 193 - .- ;1ii SHRE, X4AAYEiTEmDAy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. THIS EVENING (Monday), 1st October, 1849, T the performances will commence with the Musical Drama of MASANIELLO; O,, THE IIUIVBR GIRL OF PORTICT. Alfonso, Mr. W. H. Eburne; Masaniello, Mr. Reynolds Guiseppe Aniello, Mr. H. Bedford; Feneila, the Dumb Girl, Mdllle. Katarine St. Louin; Elvira, Mrs. W. H. Eburne; Briella, Mrs. Raymond. To be followed by the popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS FOR EIGHT PERFORMANCES, ,Commencing oil Thursday, the 13th September, and termi- nating on Saturday, the 22d September. flRJR. CALCRAFT has much pleasure in intro- LYA.. ducing to the Dublin Public the unrivalled Cantatrice, Mademoiselle AlBcjNI, which arrangement has been effected at an enormous expense, and with very great difficulty, in consequence of ...