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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... ?? ANID COMMERCE. CITY, TiiuRSDA.Y EVENING. The state of the monetary and commercial markets has been satisfactory since this day week. Continued arrivals of specie render discounts upon the best security easy of obtainment, and the steady consumption of all the leading staples causes prices to rule firm in the absence of all speculation, cotton only excepted, and even this, from the more ...


... LONDON MAREETS. I ?? EXCHLANGE, NARK.LANE. k HdirA Dec. 23. Tbe Jimanei tor wheel, bo~th lish and foreign, was inactive at Monday's rates, but fa,. tors were fizim. All other articles were taken slowly, ?? out altering previous currencies. Isona1eREI PRtGES OF GELArO, 0ON MOeenAY, Dzc. 24. Ww1sAT-lEssex, Kent s a OAT8e-jnc1n01rs~e& , , ?? new red 20to42 Yorkshirefe, . 1 4 16 Ojo. new white ...


... TUESDAY, AUG. 22. BANKRUPTS. A. PAINE and G. F. DAVIES, High-street, Southwark, woollesidrapers. Off. assig., Cannan, Birchin-lane, Corn- hill-H. F. HODsoN, Romford, Essex, ironmonger. Off assig., Pennell - J. BoWERS, Worcester, wine merchant. Off. assig., Valpy, Birmingham-W. H. RICHARDSON, Darlaston, Staffordshire, tube mnanufac- turer. Off. assig., Christie, Birmingham-J. SKINNIER, jun., ...


... LCNDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE, M.ARX-LANE. MONDAY, Julse I11.-There was a very limited quantity of wheat by land ccarriage samples from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, for this day's market, and a short supply of barley, beans, and peas from all the near counties, with very moderate fresh arrivals of English end Irish outs; but several vessels have made their passage with oats frsm Scotland. ...


... IROM THS LOW ON GOAETT.O TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ?? -~ - BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED. ?? D;H*RWOO& Liverpoo3; -ironmonger-4. BRtOG- D1KN,BWadferd, Yqrksbire, woolstapler. BANKRUPFS- - W. EDWARDs, Notting-hill, merchant. Off. assig., Cannan, Btrchin-lane, Cornbill-C. HAYLOCK, March, Idle of Ely; cabihet maker. Off. ascig., Stansfeld- ELIaAiETH RUST, Good Easter, Essex, brickrnaker. Ofl: assig., Graham, ...


... PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. TUESDAY, MARCH 6. BANKRUPTS. J. H. SCULPNER and D. C. H. LOMER, Mark-lane, City, general merchants. Off. assig., Whitmore, Basing- hall-street-J. H. WHITE, Shaftesbury, Dorsetshire, grocer and baker, Off assig., Cannan, Birchin-lane- G. H. BEADLE, Sydenbam, Kent, builder.. Off. assig., Turquand, Guildhall-chambers, Basinghall-street-J. LAWRIE, Newington-causeway, ...


... LONDON WARKMS. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.-SAvrntDy. MEAT.-Beef 2s 2d to as 4d; mutton 2s 8d to 4s Od; veal 3s ?? to 4s lOd; pork aS 2d to 4s 4d per 81bs. POULTRY.-TurkeyS4sto 10s, geese4s 6d to6s 6d,ducks 2s to 3s 6d, tame rabbits Is 2d to Is 9d, wilddo. l0dto is, pigeons ?? to Is Id, roasting pigs 5s to 8s each; Surrey towls 7s to lOs, do. chickens 4s to 6s 6d, barn-door fowls 3s 6d to 7s per ...


... ?? - . . \ C~~ITY, SAT61DAY EVENIN{G. The state of monetary and commercal affairs has variedbut littlesncethisday week. Thefundaare well supported, and discount5 in moderate demand. The Bank of England ppitbrs have had their eeting this week, but, as mighl be s.upposed, they receive no bonus in addition to :thelrdividend. The low valie of, money has acted as a bar to tlisir In Lancashire there ...


... GROCERY MARhKET.-FR!DAY, May 25. R5vrEW OF THE WEEK. SUGAR--The market again opened on Tuesday with a brisk demand for British plantation, but in prices no change took place. 152 hbds. 10 tierces at auction all sold; mid. yellow 39s to 39s 6d, good 40s to 41o 6d, fine 42s per cwt. Including this sale 552 hhds. were sold in the private market Of Mauritius only 3,338 bags were offered in public ...


... CORN EXCPIANI(O, IMARK-LANE. FRIDsAY, Dec. 14.-There was a moderate deinand fj English and foreign wheat to- day, and Monday'8 Or for all good qualities were well suppotd Flu ratre, off slowly at Previous terms. Barley, beans, end without change. Oats were taken freely bycon, Pea fully previous term,. lresa BURERSOT Yareas OFGRAmS, ON MNODAY, DEC.10, ~~Essex, Keat a BOAxs--Liolurosht~ sad ...


... LONDON MAIMTS. CO0N-EXAANGF, rAil-LNAN. FRIDAY, July 6.-The market was steady to-day for all articles, at Monday's quotations. CUaRRNT PRlCES eOF GRAIN, PER IMP. OR., ow jury 2. W arAT-Essex, Kent s a OATs-Lincolnshire & a and Suffolk new red 44to50 Yorkshire feed.. 16 18 Do. new white 49 57 Do Poland .- - 20 22 go. old red . 48 52 Scotch (Amgu) ?? 2S 22 Do. old white . 5 54 Do. potato . 24 25 ...


... FROM THIE LONDON GAZETTE. _. . TU1SODiv, TE-RUARY 20. DECLARATION OF INSOLVENCY. J. BAKER, Wollaston, Worcestershire, victualler. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. G. BRAUND, jUn., Exeter, land surveyor. BANKRUPTS. T. J. and W. M. COLSON, Upper Holloway, brick- makers. Off. assig., Whitmore, Basinghall-street7- C. SNEEZUM, Woodbridge, Suffolk, grocer and provision merchant. Off ?? -. G* RiNH , Brent- ford, ...