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... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That an AD- JOLRNMENT of the Epiphany General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the said County, for the Trial of Prisoners committed and held to bail on charge of Felony and Misdemeanour, will be holden at the Tows. HALL, in the Town of CARDIFF, in and for the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-first day of FEBRU- ARY next, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, when and ...

[No title]

... LONDON MARKETS. CO It N K XC HANGE, MONDAY. Last week the total receipts of grain froui all quarter* were very much smaller than for some time past. Of foreign wh-at there were quarters, and rather over 2.00,) quarters of gnglish; of barlfy about 2,000 quarters Kn^lish and f.ireign and llietoial of oats was 4,97 I quarters. Altogether iltirioj the wtek the trade ruled stratly, ith a small ...


... AND LIST OF TAIIiS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THE COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MOXMOUfM, AND 1SRECON, FOR THE EN- SLTINO WKEK. Fun. Jo. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. Morning, 1st lesson, li);!i ch. Gen.; 2nd do., Sth ch. Luke. Evening, 1st lesson, 22nd ch. Gen.; 2nd do., 'Jud ch. Ephes. -6. Mercury rises Oh. 17m. ——- 27. Length of day lOh. 40,n. 28. Moon souths 52v> hiirh. MAR. 1. St. David. Ember Week, ——— 2. Si. ...

[No title]

... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. Tin: CASTLE BALL. — This ball-the second of the .,eason-came off on Thursùay week, and ifs promoters had the satisfaction of finding it prove eminently suc- cessful in every respect,-the company being numerous, and comprising most of the leading families of the place; the room was in exquisite order the lights admirable, only surpassed in brilliancy hy the eyes of ...


... K III DAY, JULY G, IS 19. HEALTII of Tow:o;s ACT.-The commissioner ap- pointed by the Board of Health has commenced his en- quiry into the sanatory condition of this town, as will be seen on reference to our other columns. The first day (Wednesdaj) was devoted to dis ussion and on Thurs- day evidence was taken. We have 111 room for length- ened comment ou the proceedings; but we think it is ...


... Li the Su-an, -Mcl'ie, (rom Nint.s, y 1 SJciis of flour I i the LiLO jiuais, Ii. uuseati, from Nwtes. 01 4 sacks 0; Hour In lhc VV lis III, DUI,k;lk, C?d u, li JII the Iutreprid, Le Bris, from Au rierue, 97 qri. of wheat; 77 of oais 7 qrs. of beans in the Union, Fookcs, from liuukirk, 690 sacks of flour ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS THURSDAY. Earl Wicklow moved for a retum of all under schedule D to ihe properly tdX. for property drawn frolll Ire- land in the three years Ih filII April, return of all money paid into the Bank of Inland hi credit of persuns residlug in ICngland ou account of Ihc pro- perty tax, Thc Marquess of I.ausdowr.e ha.1 110 objection to grant lhe rctllrns as lar as Ihey could be made. ...

THE T fARWIFP AJU MEltTMYIl GUARUIIlN. -----'..................-..........-......-...''''''''''''''''''.\1-../ ..

... THE fARWIFP AJU MEltTMYIl GUARUIIlN. FRIDAY, MARCH 2 3, 1 84 9. THE BREADTH OF MENDACITY ADDED TO THE HEIGHT OF IMPUDENCE AND THE DEPTH OY MEANNESS. IF the real sentiments of the Protestant Dissenters of ancient Cambria were to be collected from the tone adopted by their soi-disant organ, the Principality newspaper, which assumes to represent the principles and objects of Nonconformists in ...


... The Hungarian General Bern annouDcpd bis victory over the Ban Jellacliich to K08sntb iD these words, Bem Ban boumthat is, Bern's beat Ban I-a proclamation superior in brevity, and scarcely inferior in otber respects, to tbe Veni, vidi, viei, of Julius Csosar. ...


... On Friday afternoon week the neighbourhood of Ber- moudscy was thrown into considerable excitement in enll- sequence of the remains of Nlr. Patrick O'Connor, a ganger in the Customs, being discovered at No.j, Miuerxa-place, occupied by a person named Manning, who was dismissed by the Directors of the Great Western Railway com- pany, souae time itgo, for being concerned, with Ts'i^ht- ingale ...