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Advertisements & Notices

... CATHERINE JLULIANGSTON (Widow of the late WM. LILLINGSTON) BOOTMAKER, 40, CORN MARKET STREET, OXFORD, ESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and Gentry of the County, the Members of the Un iversit, Inhabitants of Oxford, her intention of carrying on the above business, and most earnestly solicits for herself ana a ontinu ance of the liberal patronage bestowed on her husband so many years; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Slserijff' Sale T'HIIS DA Y at the Star As'semblyloorn TIHE SUPERIOR of HOUSEHOLD FURINITURE, Fine-toned Chamber Organ, 8-day and American Clocks, &c. i also 7 capital Lithographic, Anastatie, Screw, and Copper Plate P ]resses; two Registering Machines ; excellent Turnings Lathe, l and numerous other Effects, the property of Mr. P. H. Dela- d matte, of Broad-street, Oxford, Wood Engraver, d t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N AICOS tTERED PALETOT, 'noonc wr= nu , Agen~ts, 3, CORN MARK , OXFORD. AS GOY RNESS. Lady of long e Deln, cc' in tuition wishes for a A Bituation in a priv e f mily or farm house. Little boys rint an objection. Unex p onablo references can be given.- Address to A. Al., 36, S ton-s>!; Mecklenburgh-square, GRAMMAR SC)6OL. 'AY9HOE. rjtHE duties of th S~i QOCL will be resumed on: Monday the l6th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TR;ATH WAR I NI N~tt week wift be puiblishec in on , ?? EAVES FROM RNAL OF A Wiilissn Black-wood and Sons Edirib rgh and London. ~iqI)oWv GOLASS WHIY'E LEAD, and W.COOURS, -supplied c'heaper.t'an at any other house in'the kingdom. TADLSS P-5ed.I ~ER soo-r. ACRATE of CCC 12 1'dO Cv Squaresi cat to ?? Os. 234d. Smnall'Glass, fro Id. pi' ?? . Os. 2%d. Stained GlassfoIspedit. iton Casesi-as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVAL. XR. NORMAN SPENCER, Suirgeon-Dentist, M desires to announce that he has REMOVED from 11, Corn Market-street, to 63, HIGH-STREET. OW AT HOME FROM TEN TILL FOUR. SAINT GILES'S FAIR, OXFORD. THE CIVET CAT, 7, CORN MARKET STREET. p ROSE is nowin possession of his usual supply of FI GOODS for the FAIR, and begs to call the attention of visitors and those wishing to make presents to his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING FASHIONS. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING ROOMS, 14, CORN MARKET STREET, OXFORD. Rs1. SPARROW begs respectfully to announce to the Ladies of( Oxford and itsevicinity that her SEiO' ROOMS (i SpRlING FASHIONS will be opened for theseeaan on WEDNESI)AY NFXT., Ap'il 18, replete ?? ell iost no'w and fashionable qtyles of MILLINERY, MANTLES. RIBBONS. LACE. FLOWERS, FATHERS. BABYA lAN and a variety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EY STOKES, Suzgeon-Dentist, to the West London lnalitutionfor Diseases (Ldt of the eethe.) d3, HIGH STREET, OXFORD, AT HOME FROM TEN TILL FOaR. j-7rEMEMBERS OF TIlE UNIVERSITY AND THE 0 PUBLIC IN GENERAL. N Appeal is humbly made to the charitable and A benevOlent, on behalf of the Widow and Six Orphans of j l RusSELL, late marker at the Tennis Court. Oriel-street, ,~o. while apparently in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING FASAXONS. \iW.RS. BOWEN, in returning thanks to the Gentry Ova. and Ladies of Chipping-Norton and its vicinity, begs to- inform them she is tow in London, selecting MILLINERY. DRESSES, &c. &c. suitable for the present season, which she purposes submiting for their inspection on Wednesday the 16th instant. Ch/upping-Norton, MoAt 11,1849. H' Is E Misses RAY respectfully inform thle Ladies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8- robe LET, and-entered upon at Midsummer next; ?? very desirable FAMWILY- RESIDENCE, situated at . 6, St. Giles's-street, fitted up with every convenience; with coach-house and stabling adjoining, no0w in the occupation of the Rev. R. Michsll.-FO- terms, &c. application to be made to Mr. I 1I..J. Underwvood, architect, Beaumont-street, Oxford. 'OXFORD ,,LOTHING ESTABLISHaMENT, 31 and 32, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STORES, Surgeon-Dentist, ?? to 1/so W7estLontonl lnstitstionj'br Disecses G3, IIGE STREET, OXFORD, AT HOME FEOMI TEN T1LL YOUR. 'To the Govenlors of t e Radclife Infirmary. Lonrs, LADIRS, AND GENTLEMEN, ti' is lith the deepest sense of respe6t and gratitude that I thank you for placing me in the position of Surgeon to the Infirmary-an office which it has been my constant desire to iloldnd to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXODHR ADORE SESO. OXFORDSHIRE ADJUND SSIOS XTOTICE is hereby given, that an Adjournment of the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Oxford will be holden on Saturday the Fourth day of August next, at the County Hall, Oxford, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; when the Business (if any) relating to the ap- plication or management of the County Rate will commence, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. RYAN'S AZOTic MANURES, Prepared under hi8 immediate suzperintendence. HE attention of Ag~riculturists is earnestly directed those well-known fertilisers, the preparation of which is based upon a careful examination of the requirements of the crop, and thlecondition of the soil. The Manufacturers of these Manures, which are made entirely of rich animal matters, have received numeroius ...