Advertisements & Notices

... I [182 BANK OF ENGLAND. UNCLAIMED STO CK. A t PPLTC &TION having been made to the GOVERNORS of A the BA:NK OF ENGLAND to direct the re-transfer from the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt of the . sun of £1448 Consols. heretofore standing in the names of William Hussey, jan.. Esq., Alexander Morrison. writer, both of Glasgow, and Somers Clarke of Brighton, Gent., and which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toINDIA and CHINA viii, EGYPT.- 1lill~ MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for Is a~'_nd t,,,ht gods t,, CEYLON, MADRAS'. CALCU'1TIA, I ,' OliIG and HONG KONG. - Thle Peninsular Nayigation Conipany book pit.%engors Lind rce- Llinl and parcels urli te above ports by their steutiners, start- 0 ot1 .ait1, 2tho ee oth, and froin Suen f ~slee. or Bombay coni proceed by this Corn- .10fies ?? of the nmonth to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE COMMI ITEE of SPANISH AMERICAN lION litlitLItEltS ecijoot a MEETING of Ili hiilitern ?f l'oWO t4ati Bond'.. at liii, tend' a Tai'orn, eli Till ItO hAY nevi, diii 4th danit-iri'. at 1 lorfneiii'k i? el'ol? , to receive the I ro itnalo of' Ills Exeelliney the Pernojan Minister. IALFiIED GUtil'ItE7t', h'ee ii.Ad tin rate,, lice. I J{OYAL CYCLORAMA &rd MUSIC HALL, &lii.uti-''treet A new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Illustrated by 26 Anatoluical coloured Fagrovites o i .tLl. Physical Disqualiflmatioul, and ?? to Marri O.i ?? edition, llitrgced to IN pag-,ls.- t ptlihulLed, pri-e. ol post, direct fromn the establislineint, 3W. 'l inu potug r IHE SILENT FRIEND, a M*edical Work C1e T the infirmities and decay of tlhe ?? CS 4,1t11iO.t cssiive indulgeoce, ilnfection, a1nd the inordiliate lic f with remnrks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . .LVyr-' 'SSEXDILY IGPT SI Oreq SALE AT IDvEW R1LUTH-ER G A rp BUCllAV STREET; 119BUCHANANS OfB(OKS in every 0 -slSTING of an extensase a055rti- °Bit din, ,but more -~Q , d enitt' of Litefrature and lrilty t' rs~~t to the! ?? .00a and .R sabot to relinvtl th REAI BOSlZINGf TRADE -e has redlnced the prie of every . than the USUAL W VoLESALE PRICES. USUAL~~~^ sarsple-- The following may be ...


... WINDSOR CASTLE, DEC. 26. His Royal Highness the Prince Albert has been pleased appoint the Kev. Thomas Brotheroe, Chaplain to his Royal Highness Osborne. WHITEHALL, DEC. 29. The Queen has been pleased to constitute and appoint Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Oarr Alderson, R.E.. to be Secretary and Registrar to the Commissiouers for the Government of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, in room of Richard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ri ou ALGOA BAY I)irect (to sail from Graves- ? ivd tan. 1? loot ?? log ,Iity tho 11th). the remarkably fast.ealllng arli Cl0o ship &I 11. ? r tos tool. j. GIBSON, corornaodvr. Thir eel has toot excellent ?ecemmodatlono for passengers, to whole I I ani a? onicooc every atlv'tttilit. will be paId. A moot liberal diotllry -eulo' Cl ro?i0ed for eteernoc tnoesnoee?. nod the fittuten for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L Il~l)Ii~LIE1~ rcqcst MI:'rIG of the holders, of i~lt..'IAN 'ONIS, t te Lodot Tavrnonl Thiursday tiext, t~m th ansryat ne fr To oclok peciely, to receive thle ALRDtlDrRE-Y, Secretary. 13, Austitl-friars, Dec. itO9, 184R. I ru1hEATRE ROYAL, ADELPilL-Glorious En- Tl~ ?? Ilouses,-THISEVN G on thle inew Chriottuas hokby C. Dickens, Eseq., and prodcletd at tlii theatre only by ersspenniiw-onl of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Sixth Nigbt of the grand new Christmas Pantomime. T HIS EVENING ,(Monday), Ja. 1st, 1 49. Twill be performed the Historibal and tational edy written by the Rev. Edward Groves, called the WARDEN OF GALWAY. ?? Walter Lynch, Mr. Calcraft; Rodetick Lync, his son, Mr. H. Cooke; Connor, Mr. Kib; Anastasia, Mrs. Ternan; Norah, Miss Fitzgerald. After which will be produced a ...


... _ . ecember 14. E. T. railway contractors at Bridge meet ,U Ip > ,nn ' Aucbter ard«. j£ and 3d February, twelve oclock !Wber27 Michael J Comber. tarmer and cattle dealer Dunicnd of Carnousie—Creditor meet in the Banff Hotel Banff, and 29th January, one oclock. 9 December 27. Jfrs Helen Robertson or Lamb, merchant and trader in Old Meldrum—Creditors meet in the Lemon Tree Ta▼em, Aberdeen, Bth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..¶All faotti and 'allegttfons muit'lbe alithenticated A sd by namse and addres frorwn information. Letters ac, a- on business, oinndd for the editors, should be m-is be addressed to the firm or to 1the editors, and not to I any individual. Letters and statements intended for htar n: publication should be written on one side of the paper jB )r. onl. We ca notudeulake to return rej..cied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %aleo bp MtCtiton. SALE TO-MORROW BAG FLOUR, YAUCTION, at No. 1, TALBO0T-STREET, on 1ED- IIJN13SDAY (To-morrow), the 3rd Jan., 1849, at ONE o'clock precisely, 100 Blags S. F. FLOUR, Irish manufacture, (chiefly from Foreign Wlheat), in dispute between the buyer and sellers. 21 JOSLPH LOWRY & CO., Brokers. SALE TO-MORROW. * a~~~l AUCTION SALE. I 1TMiramich!i Bright Pline Deals and Battcif J & I. ...