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Morning Chronicle


... LORD JI[ELBO URAE. [inoMN TH, rIDI 3NuRair UEVIEW, No. 1791.] As a minister-though llot endowed with that dC- ternmined will asld spirit, which gave tile two Pitts almost unlimited control over their colleagnes and the country-he had still many qualities of a first- rate kind, and which are very rarely seen combincd a temperament cool and courageous ; a mind dis- passionate and 1niqlejndiced ; ...

Published: Tuesday 02 January 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2063 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... SPANISHI AMEPtIC N BONDS. -4- Yesterday afternoont, a numerously attended meeting of Peruvian bondholders was held at thle London Tavern, lllehopsgate-street, to considera piroposal fromt his Excelloncy thle P'eruvian Miniiter, respecting the adjustinelet of tile claimis of the British holders of Peruvian Bonds. Thle Re. llon G. Roubinson, M.P. (chairinan of tile committee of bondholders), ...

Published: Friday 05 January 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5832 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... I T A L Y. I :o~NAl'lES, 1 en. 4. W e haveatil arily of observatin in tlI tie tltltl frlitier, alid out senii-ollicial papers statc that 11(s- itilitis Nvill sit COInIIellCe. T1l ItIellls attacked ione of out friotier villages a fcv days since, hut IVwC Ip ?? IJV the National Guard. |Tlee of our deptities ?? ht ad 1eeii ?? tavillg (self-clected) golne to represeilt this counltry it tile ...

Published: Thursday 15 March 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2438 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IRE EL AND. DUJBLIN', FRIDAY MOPMING. it [FROMt OUR CORRESPOxNDENT.] DIScMAItl1I OF TilE JURtY IX DUFFY'S CASE. The discharge of the jury without at verdieA, ewhich I l)iriefly anlnouniced Iyesterday, had been anti- Cipiated fromn thle secoind day of the trial, when oned Lthejurors, M~r. Buirke,rnade so unequivocal a demoni- C stration inl the box. The EengHerald has the following account of ...

Published: Saturday 24 February 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1918 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... NE' I' ZEA LA.1N', Eel, Mnjc-ety's ship Dido, 20 gmne. Captaiin ',aaix well arriel a Po'tstt~:th e!cterdlay, frucm thle ,above ciolony, it Ill diavs, th!in ucst extraordinarv passage on r'e'ot-d, bruigitig aiuvicus to the 4th1 of IN10oniber. The colony was in a ?? condition, and civilization was widely spreadinge i:to the interone,, w'it cht is evi idinced by Itinty of' tlie chiefs. wishinig ...

Published: Wednesday 24 January 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1285 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... EXPRESS FROM PARIS. F a[FnOM OUR CORRESPOND)ENT.J PARIS, TiHInzSD.Ai EV}ENIymNG The Governmlent has published no official account of the plot which is said to have been the cause of the military demonstration onl AMonday; but its ipartisalis in tile press have got up a vast number of stories in justification of that measure. The upshot of all these stories is, that a vast plot was discovered ...

Published: Friday 02 February 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1809 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... | EXPRESS FROM PARIS. [FROM 0V31 CORREPOINDENT.j I PARIS, FRIDAY EVENING. The rumours of a modification of the Ministry are rencved to-day. It is said, that on the advice 1 of MM. Mol6 and Thiers, the President of the Re- public intends that M. Dufaure should be taken into the Cabinet as Minister of the Interior, and that M. L6on Faucher should once more r resume the office of Minister of ...

Published: Saturday 03 February 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 686 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... I' A L Y. f1tME, SUN'DAY, JUNE 3. fFROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] SiX ?? slumbers have been disturbed byhy the beat of the yra('nale, and the dread note of inili- I tary preparation. A sniart firc of musketry undet' Monte Mario, and in tile icighllolu- hood of Ponte Molle, and the boom (if heavy guns directed against tite Trasteverc face of theI city, have been heard for two hours past. The un- ...

Published: Friday 15 June 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1561 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... E It 31 A N Y N 0 It T I E R N X N D) STAT ?? I E E s -4- FRANK FORT. Astanticipated, th itl ?? of thle Sit ti Ic Oft tII 4 zh tist. of' the _Ntui!;td Asu. v was the ftd' pt ion of thle propositionls of the majori ty of thue Committee of thirty, and the rejection of all the amendments of the mitiority. The majority attainied, hiwm- ver, was only oif two vontas-litO against 188. A great crowd ...

Published: Wednesday 09 May 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1175 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... 6 rFROM OUR CoREssPoNDENT.: PARIS, SATURDAY. The sitting of the Frcnch National Assembly to- day was an important one. General Cavaignac wished to say a few words rcspecting the line of po- licy lie had followed whilst at the head of the Go- vernuient. lie stated that he had adhered without deviation to the wvish expressed by the National Assembly, by fostering the maintenance of an ho- ...

Published: Monday 02 April 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1247 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.] i PARIS, MwONDY MORNINn. The M'ouitcuir of last night publishes the follow-! Ing According to telegraphic despatches which have reached the Government, Gener al Oudisot had set out oin his march for Rome, where, accord- ing to every information, lie was called by the wishes of the people. But having met I on the part of foreigners who occupy Rome more serious ...

Published: Tuesday 08 May 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1770 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... FlEINTClI RE1PUBLIC. The ?? I'rp~t PARIS, Tiiun>;DAY EVENINS. T11e I`9aeamphije fit iMlli. tedlv p)ablishes a despatch frora the Prefect If the Drolle, atinueuicitig thatt tihe Court of Assizes had just prol-ounced ?? ot the pi'rson imnplicated in the riots at Marseilles. (Jut of about l J who had heett broughit to trial, i7 have beenl found guilty, auil conidenined to different ?? ntS, fromn ...

Published: Saturday 18 August 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 938 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News