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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... iltteratUrc. The Autobiography of Gaorhe. Truth and Poothrfrom oryoloi Life, 4c., Tiansotated by the Rev. A. G. ITV. Morrison, M.A., Vol. IL.- l Bohn's Standard Library.-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. This forms the second volume of a ?? edition of tile whole of Guethe's works in an English dress, with which Mr.v Bohn intends to present the readers of the - Standard Library ...


... Poetrz.e SUPPLICATION.-BY EML CARLISLE. Ws 10%seily thoutghts Orjarrhsg nierveslilivade, Mjmsnhisltlil'lle or my evening eltado- damrnigk mod careors without Chultrs], And fear pad ?? gather on my soul, ae Bid my spoilt thootn'e. Is and temyests cease- Bld thy ?? s walh a stormti r sea Than ever chafed the essure Galilaneo ig-a Or, if too sooa my stigit craves for ease, HailowY the sufbfrign ...


... The leather fair commenced on the 6th instant, with aboat the usual supply of'resh leather. The attendance of buyers was not largc, and t IC busilcs; transacted consguently limited. The present state of the leather trade appear healt er than for many years Pio but there Is nothing to warrant the expectattoss of any decid advance in prices beyond the present currency. Butts: Prime beasy aced ...


... ?oett? E I LOVE NfOTz NOWY.- tsh rnree henad ttehar~s-thy ?? vow- c it'vrind thtele onrce~o- tovO not now I 'Tolin betrfrom mlevmrocry everY trecs-i Earhdhlidmem~otilis 'oad era~se ic irplefnkatsprtecniirrzbdosle to mef That wi'll thy sitikingt hops surround, Bome long-forgottstI titeU ht may more, Thy flutterlttg heart vwlh grieY profound II LINE's UNCERTAINTIES. 30v comes and toes; Hlope ...


... A NEW ANTIDOTE AGAINST THE OCOLERA.-There has been 'discovered on Mount Olympus in Asia Minor, a plant, of which the botanical name is unknown, Theatol alid leaves resemnble thyme, the ilo,vver6 those Df lavender. Alter a numlier of exe- rimbeitait hexs bten f'ornq that adscoctlon'of tbis plntbas .tuct powvecfof pro'dting reaction ain Lie stage ofo ollapse in cholera- ito arrest the disybose ...


... LITERARY VARtIET'EiS. POINT DE GAILE, CEYL.ON,-On our arrival at the hotel In t he centre of the city we were besieged by a host of natives some of1 whom offered precious stones and 4ewellery for sale, -others had ornaments made from the tusks of the elephant, and Ianother set were money-changers and must anxious for English :1sover'eigns. This coin Is of more value here than in England; 1and, ...


... Ijloctru?. LINES WRITTEN AT A WIFE's GRAVE. [BY D. B. DUGGAN.) Sie Is not dead, but sleepeth. Tnoruu here no ?? inaolour swells, its proud ?? titles to unfold, Benleat thIsl. grassy mTounld, in silence, dwells The yaritmest heart that ever yet grew cold. If cstly pilies should mark where virtue ties, Antf sorth by nuinbinr to its grave be borne, Oil thee the Proullest pyraul3ds hou(ld rise, ...


... ILt tu'ature. Memoirs of Cislt-eeshs'iaesd. 9V,-sten bly himself. Paint fig.- Henry Colbarn, Great Mulrlborough-stree~t. London. Theee memoirs read like a romance,. Tihe biography of any man of genius like Chateaubriand eeuld not fail to be attrac- tive, In whatever circumstances he might ?? been placed: bat connected as he was with the events and personages of a mast remarilable era, it ...


... Our annual March fair was held on Thursday and yesterday, at the New Cattle-Market, and wae well attended by dealers.. The supply of fat horned stock was moderately large, and tbere was likewise a goodly number of lean beasts for the grazier. The better class of stores In fresh order sold readily and at high prices, but animals of less promising character were lees sale.- able. Good fat ox ...


... NuAe1enus Or LONDoiD STREETS WITH TiE SAME NAMES.-- With builders and their employers, or whoever take the office of sponsors to new streets, we must, however, on behalt of our country cousins, do a email battle. To find the varioue localities would be difficult eriough-from the prodigious naumberof streets equares, creecente, lanes, courts, alleys, roads, terraces, and place-if allthefirst ...


... ToctrA)4 VIIE BUIUIED FLO WER. [1From ZLays of tfe Seottlig C0vaeier. By Professor Aytoufl.] o, Tf(E garden T reinemiber. In tite gay atit ?? S1pringt, Iwieti our laughter inatle thle thickets AMd ?? arclhitig alleys ringi o the merry burst of giadness ! 0, the soft ?? tender toucI 0, tue vilolper nevcer utter'd Save to one foud car alone! o thle light of life that sparkledl it l those ...


... A y,%.NKEE's ARMaORIAL BEARINGS.- Neow, I alen't n-gin' I6 to degrade myself to the level of them aristocratic prejudices, PI' and have a whiole bilm' of gi-ifilne. and hands with diaggerS, and al lions-ratnpaut, aind thema sort of things, which belong to tile old country, put onl MY carriage, I calculate. NO; I aien't a-going di to have them, I guess; but then I silen't a-going to let down ...