... CASE OF THiEI REV. MI. SHORE. I MEETING AT WNHITECHAPEL. P List ever~ilg a public mectitig, consisting of abouto 5OJI)0 pers$ons, took Place at Sion chapci, NvhiteeltapelI, for a the purpose. of receiving the report of the ileputition alt- cu pointed to Visit the Rev. Tames Stire., a prisoner in the gaol tli of Exeter. Sir W. CLAY, Bart., ?? in the chair. Let- cit tees from, Lcrd Dudley Stuart ...


... SUPPOSED MUR1DER AT ISLINGTON. MY~~~ . s . . . . fI .I.. eel- Yestrdaymoringshorly atersix o'clock, the i atbod of getlemnlyattied an, etwen fifty and sixty an yarsot gwsdsovrdligwt i throat cut and an cr-anpd io lod tteetenet il called Denotis's Brice il, nteClsoinoaIlnton, within a S.don. and North Western Railway.nofteLu the The discovery was first made by a man named Eli Deaver, ign who ...


... IYSTERIOUS MURDER IN LIVERPOOL. A Liverpool correspondent, -writing last night, says :-A murder has just been discovered in this town, or rather, I might soa, murders have just been committed, for little or no hopes are entertained for any of the victims. The deed was perpetrated at mid-day, in one of the most respectable and thickly- populated districts of the town, and for atrocity is not ex ...


... POLICE INTELLIGBNCE-MONDAT. GUILDITAL.-Charles Smiliorc and (!amfieUi Jaue W0oi-$ ley, of 22, Addington-strect, York-read, Lanmbethi, wereI placed ait thle bar before Mr. Alderman Latwrenlce, the~ former charged with using threatening language, and ?? p air of double-barrelled pistols at iMr. MuJses Itri, ad th e ltewihading and abetting him, and also Nwith eacustug the comiplainianitof ...


... LA IF hVY''LIGEiA'CE,- To:u1ItsD.Vy. -4 Roush OF LORDS-APPEALS. TI is ws a'iitappenal aginst a detric oi tilie Lord Ch - ccliii' of Iirelitd, illit ?? nStitIttCLI by' tim pplanst colupe.1 paymvient of a suil of 1.i,tt0W. out, of the( vslactit,'i tie latle Sir .1 tint Pier's, hart. lt tptlat cliu ti be tihe law fil ?? oif Sit, John Piers. Thle respondent was tle, hei t~o 2il atit ad the ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE.-FRipAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. EVANS V. PIIOTIIIFROH. This was a motion fosr a new trial of an issue to determine tile right of three brothers to a small leasehold property in Wales. One of the!n had been in possession for seventeen years, without dispute. In 1841 the question of title was raised, and the brother in possession alleged all agreement between himself and the family ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGBNCE. NORTHERN CIRCUIT-DURnTAM, FIB. 23. t Mr. Baron Alderson and Mr. Justice Coleridge arrived in k, this city yesterday, and after opening the commission at- f tended divine service at the cathedral. The calendar contains 33 prisoners, but the offences are not of a very serious description, 2 being committod for d forgery, 2 rape, 3 manslaughter, 2 cutting and wounding, 1 a ...


... INSOL VENT DEBTORS CO UPRT-MARcn 7. [Before Mr. Commissioner Law.] N INIU EIWVAISD PELLEW MA.INWARING. The ihitol;ent, known as Caiptain Mainwaring, again camc up for his discharge on an adjournment. It will be reeld- lected, from the report in The Morning Chrouicle of thc °tth nlt., that he had accounted for the loss of 3,0001. in bank-notes, and the restoration of 1,5001., by mseans of com- ...


... POLICE INTELLIGZNCL GUiLDEALL. , AssAULT ON THfl POLICE -On Tuesday, Ann Elliott was charged with violently assaulting several ?? 131 said that about a quarter to six o'clock on the previous evening, he saw the pri- soner and a gentleman getting out of a cab in Finabury- place, South, when there arose a dispute as to the fare, used they refused to pay the cabosan. The gentleman was intoxicated ...

Assize Intelligence

... : ?? - - aopqe . wellioence. hve SWANSEA, MARCH, 1. the lad ing CHARGE or MuRJDE.-John Conners, an Irishman, meanwl {en aged 25, described in the calendar as a railway la- theJur: at bourer, was indicted for the murder of one Thomas calLed, i ich Lewis, at Cardiff, on the 11th November last. Wm. minatib the Williams examined *-I waS in Bridge-street, Cardiff, of finisi on the night of the Ilth ...


... * JUDGE'S CHiAMBERS.-MONDAY. ye ge THE QUEEN ON THE PROSECUTION Or THE GUArA- ap P DIANs oF THE HOLBORN AND CHELSEA UNION v. hu he DROUBT.P she IN this case an order nisi had been obtained by Mr. all 'esBallantine, on the part of the defendant, to remove hbl the indictment found herein, the coroner's inquisi- bI - tions, as also the depositions and all proceedings he in- had thereon, by writ ...


... SURREY SESSIONS.-MAoCni 24. CRIM. PON.. AND ROIBo1sr.-R. lWardley, a smart- tt looking young man, was indicted for stealing at w Kiingston-upon-ThIames, a bedstead, six silver tea- ci . spoons,.a.ctal teapot, and other property, belong- oi lung to John Bevap, a market gardener.-Mr. Char- ci , neck defended the ?? prosecutor, an th elderly, man of rather curious appearance, stated fo that he ...