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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... _ . _ Last evening the eminent vocalists, Miss Birch, Miss E. Birch, Mr. Lockey, and Mr. H. Philips, made their appear- ance-two' of them for the first time-before our musical public. The audience, we were glad to perceive, was crowded and highly fashionable. The merits of Miss Birch as a soprano singer, have been, ere now, fully recognised, and since her last visit to Dublin, the most brilu ...


... INATIONAL;MUSiC. THE IRISH MELODIES OF THOMAS MOORE, HARMIONIZED BY SIn JOHiN STEPHENSON, er1s. DOC. A New Edition, in. Monthly Parts, edited by FRANCIS ROBiNSON. (1849: Robinson & Bussell, Dublin.) One of Ireland's most gifted patriots-now no more-once said:- No enemy speaks slightingly of Irish music, and no friend need fear to boast of it-it is without a rival. Yes, in the mind of Thomas ...


... I 1. I w -. a 1r .. - . . -, - The soccety's show of black cattle, sheep, swine, &c. &C., ;ofor 1849, was opened yestet day on the premises of the so- ciety, Kildare-street. Generally speaking, it may be stated Lthat the present exhibition far outrival~led any similar one that has preceded it, even under far more favourable circum- d stances. The exceedingly inclement state of the weather, ...


... FINE ARTS-ROY'AL IRISH ART UNION. The general committee of this useful and highly-valuabls society have lately held numerous and well attended meet- ings. The following gentlemen in succession generally occupied the ?? Tighe, EEq., Loftus H. Bland, Esq., Col. Pratt, Geo. Cash, Esq., Dr. Woodroffe, Sir James . Dombrain, &c.; and amongst the other attendants were the ?? Chamberlaine, Thos. Grubb ...


... On Saturday evening, Buliwer's play, 3oreey, was presented to an audience which we could have wished larger. The house, however, could not be called badly attended, and the box circle was graced with a fair and fashionable assemblage. Of this play, and its many beauties, we have before now spoken-of its truthful delineation of life, not as it was, but as it is-of the masterly, yet unsparing, ...


... FASIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. - - - q - q AmIavAL or Loni CLARENDON.-At half-past two oblock, on Saturday afternoon, Lord Clarendon, arrived at the Viceregal Lodge in the Phoenix Park, from England. His Excellency was accompanied by his mother, the Hon. Mrs. Vil- liers. ...


... THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIRTYS CATTLE This exhibition concluded yesterday with the t horses. There was some improvement in the state of the weather, and, although there was in general less attraction in the ex- hibition than on either of the two preceding days, there ap- peared to be rather ain increase in the amount of visitors to the yard. The entries on this occasion did not seem to have filled ...


... THE ANTIEI'NT CONCEaTS. In our notice of the final rehearsal of the Elijah on the day bWeoN last, preparatory to its public presentation, wc forelore to antiiilpate, or in the slightest pretend to bespeak opinion, as, to its actual performance, confining ourselves merely to scoie few commendatory observations wwhich we believed to be rell deserved, as to the equable and vell-sustanled exer- ...


... I I I THE WORKS OF PLATO. or A NEW AND LITERAL VERSION. By HENRiY CARY, M.A., Worcester College, Oxford. IC (Bohn, London.) B-We can easily understand with what delight the announce l ment of an English translation complete of Plato's works, will be received by a large majority of our reading public. It is a fact to be regretted, that there appears no genius of an- x tiquity at all ...


... I ' - Lh.L ER,'AiURk ' ' : THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ad (For April, 1849.) id This number of our Irish M Metropolitan breathes of vigour s and freshness, and contains a more than usual quantity of id at -attractive matter. The literaryselections are of considers- th blo merit, and the political papers are addressed to subjects ?? deep interest just now, and are able expositions, d- ...


... I I . Donizetti's (From tie Times.) Doie~ssemi-serious opera, in three acts, Linda di 'Ckamouni,, was. ?? on Tuesday night for the first time at this establishment. Besides the srentree of Tamburini and Salvi, two singers new to this country, a aoj'rano and a con- t tralto, made~their first appearance; the soprano Miss Cathe- b, rine Hayes, an rrisliwoman by birth, has for a considerable iw ...


... I , ~ His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, who leas.been suftering during the last three weeks from. a very vio- .lent attak of gout, is recovering from that troublesome com- plaint. The Duke of St. Albans is gradually regaining his health and strength. Thlle Marquis of Anglesea has been suffering from the effects of a slight accident during the last few days, at his mansion in Burlington ...