Advertisements & Notices

... EADVJrMTI~t~Al U.N T GAs.-An extensive aisi rtr'ent of G.ts CII.rNDtasrna3, CANDLm L,;IIPs, &c., of tile riew 17i-onst elegant patterno, may be viewed ?? LL} PLNx SMITrtO General I4etal Warcho ,Brass Fuo idry, and Gas- fitting Mlla!nuIrce' ry-e and 2cl, Iirnuver-street, near Duke-street, Liverpool. [ADvRriSrF.ruersT,] To TIlET rx rYViS UP G t3 ItiA.T BarmrT. -Ta-rmorrow. (Satustdrn.) irc 3th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3)atm t4fcn LAIR's GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS. doeB Tils adcinowedthed mootpopar of ?? hao nd R inu~l co foai WtheelertReu, coserito of titotomonl wamica, havie beensetI bneiteii Iy -nbohr ?? r ru yeorspbiat, willen follyo cotnifornerlrtwnl 'I o yno thae nmvortie pocclasion toe taksenddloir Piclls, but l me eimeltatlcally tell you In mercy to any friend who may, ofler fronm gou t, rh eumaticl goat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOI ' sl~llITPE S..-.For CALCUFTA fi ie Sc--la illy MeIXI.NIN', fot ionl,, JOtIIN - hr I ,aiulit in thel IstLndi Dhick. lize, very aIn, eii,~i, and it ill ea~r ri anl uierieliced I ipt-icapply tu 11. 11. LENDSAY, EastI cbl.Strcct. Pil 1'IllU ll hLL? D]r iet (at rogllar tradcr, icar lgo r-n11gagod, :and will meet NVuth haitem- -Iilnowno firot claistn mt saailit ?? qle 11iiCILondon I lck,,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL NAVAL CLUB OF 1765; T EDINNER of the ROYAL NAVAL se T LUEX , in celebration of her Majesty's Birth-day, a will take Place at the Piazza Hotel, Covent Garden, on Satur'day, the 19th instant, INSTEAD Of Wednesday, Si ,he 26th instart. a ___JOSEPHALLEN, Secretary. I ROYAL NAVAL FEMVALE SCHOOL, t RICHMezOND, SURRE E,,It Under the patronage of her Mlost Gracious Majesty, , ?? M~ajesty the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IU tM iJERSTY~S THEATRE.- The I , tr if te (~eti, ?? public are respect- folly informtedl that a, Granid ixtra Night wil take place ont Thuirs- day extN~op'II ouc ?? be reViles1, A'it)' inew 4uenery, dlresees, andi dece~ratijlls, Mozat' celebratedl Opera, IL DON GIOVANNI. Dciia ilia Mll % Paoli ie irst appearsiiiw lii that character); Donna Elm a, M(ine. Paclitahier ?? ile Albotil (licer first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULAS, ?? ABERNVETHY'S PILE OINTMENT. What a painful and noxious disease Is the Piles! and, comparatively, how few of the afflicted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill! This, no doubt, arises from the use of powerful alerients too frequently administered by the profession- indeed, strong internal medicines should ahways be avoided in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULAS, &c. , ABERNE-THY'S PIL1b OINTMENT. it What a painful and noxious disease is the Piles ' and, comparatively, how few of the afflieted have been perniaiently y cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill ! This, no doubt, arises from the use of powerful aperients too freqiorntly ' administered by the profession; indeed, strong internal medicines should ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNSERS AND AGENTS OF PROPERTY TO BE LjET OR ON SAIE . In order fo give advantages to Advertisers wvho have Propertyt So Let or onI Sale, atnd also to Parties who are advertisinig for Situeationls, the Proprietors of thle Mganch1ester Exa- uminer and Timtes have opened a classified Reg,7ister of all tadvertisemtents of thle above descriptionas wh~ich may appear in their paper. Thlis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT.] NEWS ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN. MNr. TIBS1TTS (Correspondent of tL Ticmes) begs to inform his numerous friends and comnmunicants, that he will remove his Office and Residence on the 23rd of June next, to spacious premises adjoining the Platform- battery (formerly billiard-rooms), where he will estab- lish a NEaws Roses for Gentlemen. TaE Nsws' Roon will be opened on the 25th June, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Correspondents. I'll Subjoined notification did not reach this ?? in to be introduced in the regular advertisement, for t .eh see st ?? new and powerful Iron steamer ,1 will a ru regularif between Carnarvon:and ,te5;iS in conjunction With the' PRINCE OF WALES.' =Wuniar t . 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SH B sin of an ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR, I o ayyears carried on by the late Mr.F W. A TUACH, deceased, together With the occupation of the House and offices,. situate in Winckley street, Preston; and also the Household Furniture and Fixtures. For particulars apply to Messrs. 11IcKsERSTAFF and MYRcas, Solicitors, Preston. I Preston, 23rd May, 1849. the HEAP TRIP TO TilE LAKES. no WVH I T-M ND AY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. MR. ELIOT WARRIURTON'S ~UP ER T anid the CAVALIERS IS NOW RE ADli, And wmay be hodit', every Btouksiclir thnirghomit the Itichard Henitley, pubhlisher iii ordinary to liwr Majaosy. Ini 2 ?? pist Syo., E V E L Y N; EO1R, A JOURNEY FROM STOCKHOLM TO ROME; A Novel, 1y MISS' IUNIIURY, IS 1'CIALSIIKI THIS DAY, And maey be ollainoda or aill booksellers and C'irculating Libraries throlu ...