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... I Considerable sensation was created yesterday in legal cir- cles in consequence of a discovery which took place in the early part of the morning. From what has transpired it appears that a native of England, who has been a resident of this city for years, and who belonged to a branch of the legal profession, in which he enjoyed both reputation and business, got married some time since to a ...


... INSOLVEFiNT DEBTORS' CO1iT-LOINDON, MAY 28. I Wdre 1S70ioln Jones. The insolvent, a shave dealer, and previously a wholesale tea dealer, came up for his discharge. His debts are a few pounds only short of 53,0001., including a sumn of 24,0001. owing to the Bank of Liverpool. There are no assets. Mr. Sargood supported, and Mr. Cooke opposed under the following circumstances. The inquiry ...


... I t COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-SATURDAY. e South Eastern Railway Company v. Tickey and Vegors. 1 Mr. Coffey stated that in this' case, in which a certiorari e had been attained, the defendants had filed their return; and t his application now was that the matter might be set down for argument in the present term. Court-Take the order. e Norris v. Brosrman. In this case an action was brought to ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YEsTruDAY. (Before the Chief Justice and a common jury.) Evans v. Major. This was an action brought by the plaintiff, who is an apo- thecary,, to recover the amount of his bill, which was origi- nally £3 G 7s. 2d., but which was subsequently reduced by a payment of £10. The defendant, it appeared, was wnife of the late Mr. Major, an attorney, residing in Molesworth ...


... BELFAST POLICE OFFICE.-FRIDAY. [Before the MAYOR.] TaE POST-OFwICE AFFAeit.-The prisoner Corbett was, this day, brought up for re.examination, and the evidence of Ross, one of the other prisoners, was taken against him, which, in the opinion of the bench, was so conclusive and satisfactory that Corbett was committed for trial at sessions. It will be recollected that, when Miss Barclay was ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. 11SAD OFFICE. Mr. Magee made an order for 31. lO. fine at this office against a person named Thomas Callaghan, of Roundtown, for refusing to cleanse certain premises situate in the above town. T1ENRY-STREET OFFICE. A man named John Downey, was charged by a person named Caroline Massey, who stated that she resided at G, Off-lane, and about seven o'clock in the morning ...


... - | A meeting of the County Grand Jury was held yesterday at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of presenting a sam of money sufficient for the construetion' of'a new road fron! Sutton to Howth. The chair was occupied by the foreman of the grand jury, JAMES HANS HAMILTON, Esq., M.P. Alderman Egau (one of the memorialists in favour of the road) represented that it was one which the jury ought to ...


... BELFAST POLICE OFFICE.-FRIDAY. [Before the MAYOR, and S. G. FRNTON, Esq.] ALI.EOED FRAUDS IN THU PoBT.OFticHt.-Mr. 0'Roitgm stated to the Qench that three parties were in custody-viz., Ilenry Ross, William Houston, and John Brown Doherty- on a chargeof having in their possession two half £e1 ante on the Northern Banik, which had been abstracted out of a letter posted-in Belfast on the 18th ...


... ILA W INTELLIGENCE. I COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTERDAY. AdniaistOra ia7 BelaY v. She. This case having been called, Mr. Brewster, Q.C., said he was about to make an appli- cation in the case of Kennedy v. the Dublin and Dundrum Railway, which was first on the list. , The Chief Justice-We have taken the liberty of post- poning it until this demurrer is disposed of. You can there- fore wait. Mr. ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTERDAY. go( Mr. Justice Perrin sat at half-past ten o'clock, and pro- ceeded to dispose of short motions.- THir D)EFRY CORPOBATION. : Tie Queen v. Coscaden. Mr. J. D. Fitzgerald, on the part of the defendant, applied sol to the court for an order to extend the time for showing cause off against the conditional order for a mandamus in the nature of pei a quo oar-recee ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YEsThnDAT. The Irish ,South Easteien Comepany v. T. ViYe9rs ued ,. H. Takey, Esqrs., Justicesafor 'k0 county of' Carlow.. Mr. Coffey applied on behalf of tline South Eastern Railway CPTompliy for a writ of certiorari, directed to tine Carlow ma- gistrates, for the removal of certain proceedings had against the company before the petty sessionus. Counsel moved on ths ...

Law Intelligence

... lay fIntellfigence. OPENING OF TRINITY TERM. TUESDAY beingthe firstt day of Trinity Term, the courts were opened with the usual formalities observed on such occasions -the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and the Judges of the Courts of Queen's Bench, Exchequer, and Common Pleas, all appearing in full dress. The following gentlemen have applied to be admitted to the bar at Trinity ...